Author Topic: What is your worst pickup?  (Read 8194 times)


Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2012, 11:08:15 am »
That's mold. We've discussed that before.

*Dumb question alert*

How does a cart grow mold?  Especially if taken care of.  I have never seen this and am very curious.   ???
Someone probably dropped it in something or spilled something on it at some point.
Or it might've come from a very humid place. Or, maybe it was for sale at an outside flea market for a long time. Maybe it was thrown in with other things that are moldy, that thing spreads fast.

I've seen a lot of moldy games in my time but I didn't know it was mold until recently. I just thought it was dirt or soda.


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Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #31 on: September 09, 2012, 11:42:43 am »
I've got another dumb question.  How hard is it to get rid of?  I've never had a problem out of it spreading after I've cleaned my games.  I just clean the outside of each cart before I put it with the others.


Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #32 on: September 09, 2012, 02:45:23 pm »
That's mold. We've discussed that before.

*Dumb question alert*

How does a cart grow mold?  Especially if taken care of.  I have never seen this and am very curious.   ???
Someone probably dropped it in something or spilled something on it at some point.
Or it might've come from a very humid place. Or, maybe it was for sale at an outside flea market for a long time. Maybe it was thrown in with other things that are moldy, that thing spreads fast.

I've seen a lot of moldy games in my time but I didn't know it was mold until recently. I just thought it was dirt or soda.
that would explain the weird brown stuff on my copy of NHL 94


Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2012, 02:05:30 am »
Those reasons make sense, I'll keep my eyes open in the future, and be mindful of it.


Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2012, 03:23:54 pm »
I've got another dumb question.  How hard is it to get rid of?  I've never had a problem out of it spreading after I've cleaned my games.  I just clean the outside of each cart before I put it with the others.
It might have spread to the inside. I dunno how to get rid of it once it's done that.


Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #35 on: October 15, 2012, 09:54:24 am »
My worst pickup in recent memory would have to be StarCraft II on release day. I played it for about a week. The campaign is boring. Multiplayer is boring. The game is far more enjoyable to spectate than to actually play.


Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #36 on: October 16, 2012, 12:14:03 am »
The Three Stooges on PSX, the NES version is a million times better!


Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #37 on: October 16, 2012, 12:35:45 am »
The Three Stooges on PSX, the NES version is a million times better!
I didn't know there was one on the PSX, I'll have to look into this.


Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #38 on: October 16, 2012, 12:39:47 am »
Did anybody see the new movie?  I thought it was pretty good!  I'm saving up for the Ultimate Three Stooges collection right now...
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)

Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #39 on: October 16, 2012, 10:47:23 am »
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City was a disappointment for me. I really loved the Resident Evil series growing up. My favorite was Resident Evil 2 for PS1. I hadn't played RE for years and decided to pick up Operation Raccoon City for my PS3. It wasn't what I was expecting--I ended up playing for a couple hours than returning it. I guess I just miss the old RE; wandering around an abandoned mansion with creatures and zombies lurking around every corner, solving puzzles, etc.


Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2012, 09:00:31 pm »
The Three Stooges on PSX, the NES version is a million times better!
I didn't know there was one on the PSX, I'll have to look into this.

It's garbage, it's a port of the GBA version. The NES version is superior in EVERY way. Just get that one.

Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #41 on: October 20, 2012, 03:55:43 am »
Through reading this topic I noticed that I have the biggest losses of you! I am a Libra (well, happy birthday to me tomorrow!) so I get excited easily and often do things without deeper thinking or on a whim. :-[ Here are the bigger ones I can think of currently.

Recently I've paid 50 $ for Maximo because I was dying to play it and I thought it's the only piece in Czech based on the fact the site was advertising it as an uber rare game and through my finds I have not seen it anywhere else. Then I was so surprised when I found another shop selling it for like 13 $ .

Luckily for PS2 I've found the right sources finally so hopefully a loss like this won't happen again.

For PC it's at the moment every game which I did not manage to play but the worst is probably Battleforge. I pre-ordered this one for 50 euros in hope to play it's beta but in fact I have never played the game and soon after release it became completely free to play.

Another but even bigger waste of money for me was buying the Vita.

Well I have to be more careful with my future purchases!


Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #42 on: October 20, 2012, 09:23:00 am »
Mine was the Coleco Vision Expansion Modual #3 (the Adam) I thought I was getting the stand alone one but I ended up with the one that you needed to hook up with the Coleco to run the system. This would be totally fine if I had a working Coleco at the time and since the reason why I got it was to play Coleco games I was very sad. >_> That was two years ago though so now I have a working Coleco Vision and the Modual #3 is kinda cool. It took a year and a half of neglect from me though as I kinda hated it.


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Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #43 on: October 20, 2012, 09:32:18 am »
More & more "October babies" surfacing up-in-here...





I seem to remember you saying that you enjoy chess/chess video-games.

I don't have a Vita yet (waiting to see if the upcoming library for it sways me to or not), but, I've heard that it has "the best" chess game ever made for a handheld - may be worth checking out for you...I'm *pretty* sue that it's simply called:

Pure Chess.

Happy B-Day...mine's on the 25th!

Happy B-Day shoryuken4u, too!!!
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: What is your worst pickup?
« Reply #44 on: November 05, 2012, 10:49:11 pm »
Star wars the force unleashed 2 collector's edition- day 1
thoughts in my head at the time. I really loved the first one and I had the ultimate Sith edition with the steelbox, so I figured that I would get the collector's edition of 2 so both would be steelbook and the extra missions seemed like a good Idea. beat the story in 2 4-hour sittings. bad story, and the "missions" bored me... still have it though...