Yay, E3!
Sucks that I'm at work, the only conference I'll see live is Sony's (I'll be checking out liveblogs for the rest, and recordings when I get back home).
Not expecting much out of MS this year, beyond more Kinect games that will fail, a couple exclusives and that new rumored TV service thing on Live. Probably won't be very interesting, but you never know.
Sony... there's gonna be info about the NGP (name, price, probably lulz), a bunch of exclusive stuff, new Move stuff and maybe something new on the PSN. Oh, and Kevin Butler because people LOVE that guy for some reason... Nothing overly exciting, unless they have some really interesting exclusives to announce, but probably won't be a bad conference.
I think all eyes are on Nintendo this year, because of the new console, which will be fully detailed here probably. And I'm hoping for some really cool games being announced too (for 3DS and, depending on the new console's release date, also Wii)... Personally I'm hoping for a Star Tropics reboot... but I know that's never happening. Anyways, it should be interesting to watch.
I don't think Sony and MS should be announcing new consoles this year, I still think the 360 and PS3 have a lot of life left, especially considering nothing has come close to showing their full power yet (that and they're waiting to see what Nintendo is gonna do so they can copy it next generation). I feel Nintendo is the only console manufacturer right now with the proper timing to reveal a new console.