Author Topic: The Comic Book Thread  (Read 47137 times)


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #120 on: November 28, 2014, 11:49:27 pm »

This was complete reprinting of the original comic for Marvel's 70th Anniversary; on modern-glossy paper along with that gorgeous redone cover. Read it today along with a few other comics.

What I found to be surprising, especially considering the original printing was in 1939, was the amount of violence. Human Torch and The Angel both killed their foes. And Sub-Mariner was a straight villain in his first appearance here, spurred on by his mother. By the end of the story he vowed vengeance against the human race.

Regardless both the Human Torch and Sub-Mariner stories I found to be enjoyable, even if the dialogue was a bit dated. The Angel story was pretty run-of-mill gangster-crime story stuff, though.

There was also the first appearance of Ka-Zar, another uninspired jungle-adventure type story, a masked-cowboy story, and a text-only story about racing that I didn't bother to read. None of those really stood out to me, though.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 11:54:47 pm by burningdoom »


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #121 on: December 03, 2014, 02:31:41 pm »
I won this Comic

Its a long time ago that ive read a Batman.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #122 on: December 04, 2014, 10:11:41 pm »
My wife bought me some comics. I'm sitting here reading a Jurassic Park book. Damn, this could turn into a bad habit. This book is fun. Devils in the Desert is the name. If you see it cheap, I'd say check it out.


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #123 on: December 04, 2014, 10:59:35 pm »


Don't get me wrong, he's a good actor, but why not get someone who ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE DOCTOR STRANGE.


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #124 on: December 14, 2014, 04:47:48 pm »
I mainly tend to collect TPBs since they're easier to display and store, but occasionally my local game store has a few interesting 1-issue comics there and they're 99p each so I do now have a relatively sizeable collection of Star Wars Droids comics :P
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 04:19:16 pm by thekosmickollector »


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #125 on: April 16, 2015, 06:44:21 pm »
So, has anyone checked out the latest DC Comics event, Convergence, yet?

I'm really liking it. If you were a fan of DC in the 80s and 90s, you'll get a kick out of this storyline. A villain has taken different cities from different periods in DC's history and alternate-realities and they are "converging" together on one giant world.

DC hasn't said for sure if it's another universe-changing event or not. But we do know from future solicits that many tent-pole books from DC like Superman and others are starting over at #1 again. So there's a strong possibility.

You can just follow the main series, or you can explore your past favorites in spin-off series. Here's what I've gotten so far:

And then next month, Marvel is doing something almost shamefully similar, that I will also be following. Secret Wars, where their alternate realities and histories are converging together into one gigantic "Battleworld". Afterwards, it's rumored that the Marvel Universe as we knew it will be over and new Marvel Universe will begin.

As excited as I am for these events, and as much fun as they look, I'm also sad that two such universes with such long, and rich histories will be gone.

Anyone else checking these out?


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #126 on: April 20, 2015, 05:25:16 pm »
I am reading the Convergence event because I want to see again some old universes like the one where Gen-13 and Azrael or even Parallax existed also the story is quite interesting, am more a Marvel fan but right now this company has nothing to offer so all my attention is right now with DC comics also want to see the results from the domes battles maybe it's because in part it reminds me the Marvel vs DC comics.

I can't afford to purchase more comics so all my reading right now are digital but as Master Stan Lee said I do prefer the real thing instead of this format : Stan Lee's thoughts about digital comics, which he compares to female breasts.  "They look great on a computer," Lee supposedly states.  "But I'd rather hold one in my hand."

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #127 on: May 03, 2015, 01:11:00 am »
How many people went to their local collectibles shop for Free Comic Book Day? How was yours?

I made out pretty good at my Free Comic Day. The shop only allows us to take 2 of the freebies. So I got the Secret War and DC Divergence ones. He gave me the Secet War Previews book on top of it. My shop also gave us out pick of 2 50-centers for free, so I got the two DC L.A.W. books you see below, which is focuses on their Charlton characters. The 3 Avengers books you see up top I paid for.

They did have some pretty good sales, too. And plenty of stuff in the sale, just not anything I was looking for.


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #128 on: May 04, 2015, 11:01:05 am »
The Convergence event is getting better as every comic is being released where of course have saw the latest ones these past days, have to be honest when I say that haven't read any Marvel comic since then and won't gonna do it until this one is finish, gotta love DC Comics for this brilliant idea anyway here is the list of the latest one that have read  8)

Convergence 03
Convergence 04
Convergence - Action Comics 01
Convergence - Adventures of Superman 01
Convergence - Batman and the Outsiders 01
Convergence - Blue Beetle 01
Convergence - Booster Gold 01
Convergence - Crime Syndicate 01
Convergence - Detective Comics 01
Convergence - Green Lantern Corps 01
Convergence - Hawkman 001
Convergence - Infinity, Inc. 01
Convergence - Justice League Of America 01
Convergence - Justice Society of America 01
Convergence - Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters 01
Convergence - Shazam! 01
Convergence - Superboy and The Legion of Superheroes 01
Convergence - Swamp Thing 001
Convergence - The Flash 001
Convergence - The New Tean Titans 001
Convergence - Wonder Woman 01
Convergence - World's Finest 01

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #129 on: May 07, 2015, 01:31:19 am »
Mark it on your calendars ladies & gentlemen, 5-6-2015: The day the original Marvel Universe died.

« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 01:33:14 am by burningdoom »


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #130 on: May 07, 2015, 09:36:05 am »
Oh come on please tell me that Marvel is not planning to do a reboot of their universes too or maybe the Punisher is going to destroy  the Marvel Universe again am guessing this last theory because of the logo at the top  ???

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #131 on: May 07, 2015, 12:21:55 pm »
Oh come on please tell me that Marvel is not planning to do a reboot of their universes too or maybe the Punisher is going to destroy  the Marvel Universe again am guessing this last theory because of the logo at the top  ???

No, just a cool way to say R.I.P. on the page. And yes, Marvel is planning on rebooting their universe to be more in-line with their cinematic universe. It's from Secret Wars #1, which released yesterday.

But speaking of the Punisher, OMG, this page was freaking awesome:

I know it's hard to read, so to translate:

"(Bunch of super-villain's email addresses)


Like all of you, I dreamed of a glorious end. Me, standing over the vanquished as the world looked up in envy. But it seems time, that fickle mistress, has robbed us all of such an opportunity.

So I say this, if the world is truly ending, let it end thusly...

With drink, and joy, at the sight of our enemies' greatest failure.

Please join me for a most raucous celebration at that place where we met that time for the thing. I'm buying.
Wilson Fisk.


Gentlemen. They say that when you die, you can't take it with you. Which begs the question:

Exactly what am I gonna do with all these bullets?" "

This is how Punisher spends his last moments before the world ends. So bad-ass!


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #132 on: May 07, 2015, 12:54:36 pm »
Thanks but I downloaded my digital copy after I wrote my last message and yes that page is so freaking awesome by the way here is the page in better quality in case somebody want it to read it too also have searched for some more information about this reboot and really love the opinion of this writer:

Make no mistake though, this HAS to happen.  Why?  Well look at where they are right now in the classic Universe:  Wolverine, Uatu The Watcher, Professor Xavier, Classic Nick Fury are all dead; Deadpool is supposedly about to be killed as well; Captain America is now a Super Soldier Serum-less old man; Thor is no longer the God of Thunder; Hulk is a super-smart and super-strong, egomaniac;  The original X-Men are time-displaced and can’t get back to their own time; Iron Man is a borderline super-villain; The Fantastic Four have fallen from grace.  It’s not really worth mentioning what’s happened in the Ultimate Universe as outside of Ultimate Peter Parker’s death at the hands of the Green Goblin and the subsequent introduction of Miles Morales, they have been mired in mediocrity since the end of Ultimatum caused that Universe to die a slow, agonizing death.

I'm pretty honest when I say that really don't have any clue about what is happening here so since you seem to know more about this event than I can you please tell me what the fuck is happening here and what numbers and in which order do I have to read to understand it, kinda immersed myself in the Convergence event these past days also WTF does the Titans from Attack on Titans doing in the Secret Wars 00 fighting against Spider-Man and the Avengers or that's a different story ?, as you can see am so damn confused  ???

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #133 on: May 07, 2015, 01:10:57 pm »
Okay, I'll try to sum things up for you (SPOILERS AHEAD PEOPLE!!!!):

Worlds have been converging from alternate universes. When they meet, the only way to survive is to destroy the other planet before it collides with your own. The heroes tried all other alternative available to them before destroying other worlds, but nothing worked. So they had no choice. They saved the world, but destroyed their own souls and morale in the process by doing what they had to do. And then had to continue doing it as more worlds collided in what they called "incursion events".

But now, when there was a multitude of alternate universes, there was only 2 left: The main Marvel Universe, and the Ultimate Universe. And those numbers dropped suddenly, so something drastic happened out there. What Secret Wars #1 was, was those last two universes collided, and getting destroyed.

The last issue of New Avengers also revealed that The Beyonders are behind the incursions. The race of beings where the original Beyonder, that made the original Secret Wars happen, came from.

Where Secret Wars goes from here, seems to be the survivors we saw. It looks like there will also be survivors from other universes, as well. And they are once again going to be pitted against each other on a Battleworld.

So basically, it's Marvel's Crisis on Infinite Earths.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #134 on: May 07, 2015, 01:16:48 pm »
This was freaking awesome, too. This was the final issue of New Avengers, which leads right into Secret Wars #1.

Doom has always been a complete bad-ass, and moments like this is why:

"For I will erase your name from history!" Such a Doom line.

Man, I'm enjoying the hell out of this. I hope the rest of the series can hold up to this stellar opening.