The last movie I watched was actually the new Evil Dead.
It's more serious than the first, with only a few less serious moments that still generally fit. As in all horror movies the characters do stupid things, but this one goes way overboard on that to the point where it just feels forced. Still, some really cool practical effects, with CG only when it's needed. It sticks to the theme of the original without being a complete rip-off, and it does have some pretty tense moments.
The movie was fairly decent until the very end, where it goes full stupid. I won't spoil anything, but the ending is insanely dumb, senseless, and changes who the lead character is for no reason. It's like they wrote that part first, then forgot they wrote it while they were writing the rest, so they just did really stupid stuff to get back to that finale that they wrote first, and that has a completely different feel from the rest of the movie. It's just odd and off-putting.
Overall, not bad, but that ending ruined it for me. That said, I'm not a huge horror fan other than the first Evil Dead, and to me it didn't live up to the original.