Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 290631 times)


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1050 on: October 19, 2016, 12:45:15 pm »

Heavy on the special effects and action, light on story. Good for a mindless action flick, as the effects and costumes are very impressive.

One thing that did bother me, though, is that they aren't even trying, in the slightest, to be similar to comic continuity. Things seem even more messed up, continuity-wise, than before Days of Future Past (which was supposed to fix continuity errors). Oh well, it was still enjoyable, if you can stop thinking about how it connects to the comics.

This was definitely the weakest entry since Xmen 3, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit.

Yeah, agreed. But it wasn't as bad as X3. It was a middle-of-the road X-Men movie. Like I said, good for a mindless action-flick.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1051 on: October 23, 2016, 10:32:47 am »

Watched this slasher classic (1981) last night, "The Burning".

Nice little early 80s slasher. It follows the early 80s formula of following a group of kids around, and killing off the promiscuous ones first. So don't expect anything new, but if your a fan of these films, you should enjoy it. I will say it took a little time to start getting to the killing, but once it did, it had some pretty enjoyable death scenes, with gore-master Tom Savini (Dawn of the Dead, Friday the 13th, and dozens more) behind the make-up effects. It also stars a young Jason Alexander, with a full head of hair. It even managed to make me jump a couple of times.

Quick Story Explaination:
The story starts off with a group of kids playing a prank on a camp's caretaker, who is a bit of a drunk and a-hole. The prank goes horrible wrong, and they end up lighting the caretaker's bed on fire by accident, while he's in it. Some gas cans ignite, and his whole cabin goes up in flames. He crashes through the front door, screaming in pain as he tumbles down a hill and into the lake below, vowing vengeance on his way down. He barely survives and spends 5 years in burn rehab. 5 years later he returns, with vengeful murder on his mind, and his signature, long blade clippers in hand, this time for some human clipping! He is also horribly disfigured from his burning, which isn't revealed until nearly the end of the film.

I have to imagine that Jason from the Friday the 13th series was inspired by this movie. There are just so many similarites. And while Friday the 13th was released beforehand (barely), remember that Jason wasn't in the first film.

I recommend this for slasher film fans, for others, I guess it depends on how familiar you already are with the genre.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1052 on: October 24, 2016, 06:44:44 pm »

Watched another Tom Savini (gore wizard from Dawn of the Dead & Friday the 13th) slasher classic last night. From 1981 comes "The Prowler."

I really liked this one. The killer had a cool costume. And unlike "The Burning" (which I recently reviewed), this movie didn't take long to get to the kills, and man were there some good ones. This one was bloody! One that stuck out in my mind was the shower kill. One of the girls is getting ready for the big graduation dance and is taking a show. In comes The Prowler, fully-suited up, wielding a pitchfork. She opens the curtain, and he's standing there, coiled for attack, and pins her against the tile-wall in the shower. Oh, and there's a head getting blown-off that just looks awesome!

Anyways, the story is that a WWII vet crazed from PTSD takes revenge on his hometown during a Graduation Dance in 1951. This is because he feels cheated because his girlfriend wrote him a letter explaining she could no longer wait for him to come home from the war. Several people are brutally murdered. The killer is never captured.

30 years later, the town tries to have a Graduation Dance again, for the first time since the grisly murders. The town sheriff leaves town for his vacation, and the one and only deputy is the only cop left. And just like 30 years ago, the murders begin again. It's up to the inexperienced deputy, and his on-and-off-again girlfriend to stop the killer, and try to figure out who is behind the mask.

Just like the last one, I totally recommend this one to slasher film fans. Not bad for the casual horror fan, either, unless you're already familiar with and tired of the slasher formula, because this one does use a lot of the same old tropes that us fans have grown to love.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1053 on: October 24, 2016, 11:15:31 pm »

Love me some 80's and 90's Jackie Chan.  On the level of Godzilla films for me in terms of feel good watching. 

It's kind of a nothing and weird story that ends in an awkward way (Not a cliffhanger, but like it just stops out of nowhere, though they pick it up from practically that point in Police Story 2), the humor is abit all over, sometimes funny, sometimes not, and Chan plays a pretty big asshole, but the action is incredible.  From that amazing scene of them tearing down through the shacks on the hillside, to the bus chase, all the way to the mall scene with all the action in between, it shows what good choreography with incredible professionals can do for a movie.  Movies today struggle to be even close sometimes other than maybe like The Raid movies and a few others here and there, though to be fair, these people put their god damn bodies on the line for these stunts, especially Jackie Chan that you see in the outtakes.  It's no wonder he's broken so many bones over the years. 

I'm still going through Police Story 2, so that'll be up next.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 11:17:31 pm by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1054 on: October 27, 2016, 02:03:31 pm »

So who else has checked this show out? It's on SyFy on their free app, and On Demand if you have cable/satellite.

It's based on the CreepyPasta story that went viral a few years back called "Candle Cove".

I've only watched the first episode, but I'm hooked. I already enjoyed the original short story.

The story goes that 20 years ago, in small town, a strange local puppet show called Candle Cove aired. It was very creepy, and had a character called "The Skin Taker" that gave the children nightmares. At the same time, a few murders took place, as soon as the murders ended, so did the show. 20 years later, a brother of one of the victims returns to his hometown. When he does, the show starts appearing to the children in town, and children begin to go missing. In the meantime, the man asks his mother about the show, who tells him, "Son, you had quite the imagination with your little pirate show. You used to sit in front of that TV and just stare at static at the same time everyday." Thing is, the other children from his childhood also remember the show.

What is everyone's thoughts on it?


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1055 on: October 28, 2016, 10:35:39 am »

Has anyone else been watching this new sci-fi show on NBC this season?

I'm REALLY enjoying it. Especially since it feels like it's been a while since we've gotten a good sci-fi show that's straight sci-fi; and not horror, superhero, or fantasy.

The premise is that the government has successfully created a time-travel device. That device is sabotaged by a terrorist who aims to go back into the U.S.'s history and destroy it through it's past. The government puts together a team and recreates the machine to go after him. They also recruit a civilian history expert to accompany them. Along the way, they discover that the whole truth wasn't given to them and that this terrorist might have another agenda all together. They also discover that the creator of the time machine is on the "terrorists" side. And on every mission they go on, when they come back, there are slight changes to the timeline.

We're only on the 4th episode, but so far I'm loving it. Sci-fi fans NEED to check this one out.

Anyone else seen it? Thoughts?


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1056 on: October 29, 2016, 04:33:39 pm »
This past Wednesday I took a day free and went to the movies with my wife and daughter to see Nine Lives, this movie was only scheduled one time per day at 4:00 PM and really don't know why because we really liked and we were laughing a lot, dunno why but got the idea that is from the same producers of Click with Adam Sanders anyway at night we saw Lights Out at home, about this one I only have to say that there still are some good horror/terror movies being released these days, yesterday saw with my daughter Finding Dory but it wasn't the big deal, neither my daughter and I were paying that much attention, guess that's because she didn't saw the first one and that am not big fan of this character also that same day at night saw with my wife Que culpa tiene el niƱo ? a Mexican movie were you have to be Mexican to understand all those insane jokes and sex references, pretty good won't gonna deny that  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1057 on: October 29, 2016, 09:13:34 pm »

This is not good. Like the only plus I can say about it is that the special effects weren't bad. That's it.

The characters have no character, and the actors seem to know that because it's as if they don't even care about what they're doing. The story is so freaking generic, like 1950s flying saucer movie predictable...they actually kill the aliens with nukes.

I'm REALLY glad I waited until this came out on DVD to rent it.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1058 on: November 02, 2016, 02:46:32 pm »
I'm REALLY glad I waited until this came out on DVD to rent it.

Am glad that I didn't rent it because I managed to get a "security copy" of the movie, it wasn't that bad Independence Day: Resurgence its THE WORST movie that have seen this year, definitely they could did something much better even Sausage Party was in some way acceptable but being honest not even when I had the pleasure to ear Salma's voice in a lesbian Taco managed to leave a good impression, trust me when I say that if you watch the trailer of this movie you already have seen the best part of it, in fact I was expecting The Swallows to be the worst one but I really enjoyed this survival thriller film even when I had to hear it in the language Spanish from Spain and the last one was the WWE PPV Hell in a Cell but for this one I'll leave my comments at the Wrestling thread when I have a chance  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1059 on: November 03, 2016, 10:07:21 pm »

Doctor Strange turned out to be a lot better than I was expecting.  Delving into the realm of the mystical, utilizing reality warping and other ideas makes for a very fresh Marvel movie.  Up there as one of the better ones I'd say for sure overall.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1060 on: November 07, 2016, 01:18:12 pm »
This past Saturday went to the movies with my wife and my daughter because the little one wanted to watch Trolls from DreamWorks, have to admit that didn't expect to see some Walt Disney references at the film neither to hear a song from the band Gorillaz, for me it wasn't the big deal but I totally believe that it's because am fucking old but my daughter was singing the whole movie, she really enjoyed the movie now am expecting to see when McDonalds is going to release the toys at their Happy Meals cause am pretty sure that they will do and I'll have to take my daughter for them  ;D

PS: I have reached Satan's number at my posts account xD

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1061 on: November 07, 2016, 03:14:51 pm »

This movie was amazing. I had been anticipating it for over a year now. Been a Strange fan since the early 90s.

Also watched Apocalypse the other night. Enjoyed it from start to finish as well. Marvel movies for life.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1062 on: November 11, 2016, 12:43:04 am »

Finally got around to watching Kingsglaive, the prequel to Final Fantasy XV and it was great.  Incredible animation and awesome action.  The writing is a tad iffy at times, but overall, probably the best movie related thing they've done and it's got me pumped for the game.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1063 on: November 15, 2016, 03:02:01 pm »

This was a fun little movie, if you're a horror fan, and especially if you're also a fan of 80s movies.

A group of teens visit a local wax museum. They soon discover that it's more than just a museum, though, when they find themselves as unwilling participants in the scenes depicted by the wax sculptures. The film goes through many horror tropes such as a backwoods killer, a mummy, vampires, werewolves. And it does each little "mini-story" in a very cool, stylized way (though there's nothing really new here). The main character is played by the same guy that played the main character in Gremlins. It also has David Werner playing the main villain. The villain is trying to steal the kids souls, in order to complete a spell for immortality (which really is just a back-story to get the movie to work). There was also this cool, creepy little midget butler with a helium-high voice that welcomed the teens inside the building.

I don't recommend it to everyone, but I do recommend it 80s horror fans that will get some fun out of this.

I have the 2nd one to watch, still, too. I plan on popping it in sometime soon.

Anyone else seen this? Your thoughts on it?

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1064 on: November 15, 2016, 04:41:44 pm »

This was a fun little movie, if you're a horror fan, and especially if you're also a fan of 80s movies.

A group of teens visit a local wax museum. They soon discover that it's more than just a museum, though, when they find themselves as unwilling participants in the scenes depicted by the wax sculptures. The film goes through many horror tropes such as a backwoods killer, a mummy, vampires, werewolves. And it does each little "mini-story" in a very cool, stylized way (though there's nothing really new here). The main character is played by the same guy that played the main character in Gremlins. It also has David Werner playing the main villain. The villain is trying to steal the kids souls, in order to complete a spell for immortality (which really is just a back-story to get the movie to work). There was also this cool, creepy little midget butler with a helium-high voice that welcomed the teens inside the building.

I don't recommend it to everyone, but I do recommend it 80s horror fans that will get some fun out of this.

I have the 2nd one to watch, still, too. I plan on popping it in sometime soon.

Anyone else seen this? Your thoughts on it?

I remember seeing this film a lot at a local rental store in the early 90s and just the cover looked creepy as hell. Sadly I have never seen it, but someday I'll have to give it a watch.