Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 290559 times)


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1185 on: July 19, 2017, 02:04:52 am »
I rewatched it some time ago and while I don't agree with the hate it gets, I think the first was still better.  As I sequel, from what I remember, it just didn't feel like the right direction to take a sequel, but I still think it's totally watchable.

Oh yeah, the first one is ten times better. No contention there.

The second definitely missed a few beats. Even back then when I saw it for the first time as a kid, I remember liking it, but feeling like there was something missing. Still my sentiment to this day, but like I said, still enjoy it the same.

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When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1186 on: July 19, 2017, 03:59:05 am »

Kong: Skull Island is finally out on video and I am definitely still on board with this movie being pretty good.  After I watched it in theater, I heard some of the complaints about it and to a degree I think it's pacing and tone at times is kinda off, but to me it still really worked.  The action is great, Kong is a badass while keeping some emotional element to him, I like the characters...I'm just happy it's not another remake of the original as I think Peter Jackson's King Kong did all one could with that pretty much.  It's one of the few times I've genuinely liked King Kong as there's been a number of mixed bag things related to him (Oh boy, that awful King Kong vs Godzilla movie from the 60's...phew...).

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1187 on: July 25, 2017, 03:01:36 am »

Resident Evil: Vendetta is about what you expect out of these movies...Both the good and bad.  Usually good CG animation and hype action, put alongside dumb and convoluted plots and awful dialogue.  Sooo...its pretty true to the games lol It's not a particularly great movie, I feel like the plot is kind of lame in its execution, but if you just want to watch Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy do absurd action moves that make Keanu Reeves in John Wick seem tame, you'll probably be fine with this.

The gunfight between Airies and Redfield is super stupid though.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 03:12:18 am by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1188 on: July 25, 2017, 01:01:26 pm »
^ Are we getting zombies and Umbrella monsters? Or the weird parasite things?

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1189 on: July 25, 2017, 06:44:36 pm »
^ Are we getting zombies and Umbrella monsters? Or the weird parasite things?

Basically zombies.  There's some talk of the virus having a Los Illuminados connection to be what it is, which doesn't go anywhere, but they are mostly just zombies.  No talking or head bursting parasites.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1190 on: July 25, 2017, 11:15:43 pm »
Thanks. I still would've watched it either way. Just waiting for RedBox or DVD Express to get it. Hopefully I don't have to wait for Netflix.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1191 on: July 25, 2017, 11:53:56 pm »
Thanks. I still would've watched it either way. Just waiting for RedBox or DVD Express to get it. Hopefully I don't have to wait for Netflix.

Yeah it's fine if you just want the usual Resident Evil stuff.  I'm kinda hoping they'll do a new movie soon and lean towards more of what Resident Evil 7 was doing, rather than continuing the usual RE4-6 style of hyper action.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1192 on: July 26, 2017, 05:11:35 am »

I'm still surprised this series continues to actually be watchable lol Like, these movies I don't think are anything super special, but they continue to be quality, big dumb nonsense, popcorn flicks.  When we get garbage like Transformers out there, pretending to be a good popcorn flicks, but it's just bad writing and awful characters, there's these movies that are still pretty fun.  Like they went from crime drama race films, to a heist series, to like Mission Impossible spy films lol

I also continue to wonder how they'll top the last one...and they do.  There are some super badass scenes and no matter how ridiculously bonkers the story gets, I'm still enjoying myself.  I feel like this is the only series to have ever done this, to constantly be changing what the movies are, but also continue to be good.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1193 on: July 30, 2017, 12:38:15 am »
Kong: Skull Island is finally out on video and I am definitely still on board with this movie being pretty good.  After I watched it in theater, I heard some of the complaints about it and to a degree I think it's pacing and tone at times is kinda off, but to me it still really worked.  The action is great, Kong is a badass while keeping some emotional element to him, I like the characters...I'm just happy it's not another remake of the original as I think Peter Jackson's King Kong did all one could with that pretty much.  It's one of the few times I've genuinely liked King Kong as there's been a number of mixed bag things related to him (Oh boy, that awful King Kong vs Godzilla movie from the 60's...phew...).

I watched this for the first time and I have to say it was pretty good. There were some fairly silly parts that I had to go wtf with, but they did little to distract from what was an entertaining giant monster movie. I loved how Kong and the other monsters (the things you actually care about and want to see in the movie) were prominently in the movie and felt like the main characters just as much as the human cast. The story was decent and definitely moved the film along so we could see another awesome monster fight, with the final one being particularly good.


For the most part I was not a big fan of the 2014 Godzilla movie by Legendary; I felt like it teased too much while making the story too much about a bunch of characters that no one gave a shit about. We all wanted to see Godzilla and the Mitos(sp???) destroy each other and everything around them, which we barely got until the final 10 minutes of the movie which was let down by some meh cinematography, dark setting, and it being frequently interrupted by the stupid characters again. However, the last part of Kong where we saw cave drawings of Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, and Ghidora definitely has me hyped for the Godzilla sequel as it may end up being a sort of reimagining of All Monsters Attack. Considering this was shown in a King Kong movie, I am hoping Kong gets in on the action as well somehow. If it weren't for this last post-credits scene I'd probably be seeing the next Godzilla movie done by Legendary when it comes to Redbox.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1194 on: July 30, 2017, 12:45:30 am »
I still like Godzilla 2014, it's not the best, but King Kong definitely did it all better for sure.  I understand what Gareth Edwards was trying to do, it was just misguided, which is a shame, because I love Godzilla in that when we do actually see it.

Godzilla 2 is basically one of my most anticipated films right now lol

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1195 on: August 01, 2017, 09:58:55 am »
Not a movie necessarily, but I started rewatching Game of Thrones from the very beginning again and in some ways it is a lot more enjoyable than the first time I did because I actually know who a lot of the people are they make reference to, or certain events that are mentioned, but not described until later on in the show. Sadly, I do know what is going to happen, which for those of you who have watched the show, is like watching a car accident about to happen, but there is nothing you can do to stop it. I am almost done with Season 1, which is arguably one of the best imo.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1196 on: August 01, 2017, 11:49:00 am »
Not a movie necessarily, but I started rewatching Game of Thrones from the very beginning again and in some ways it is a lot more enjoyable than the first time I did because I actually know who a lot of the people are they make reference to, or certain events that are mentioned, but not described until later on in the show. Sadly, I do know what is going to happen, which for those of you who have watched the show, is like watching a car accident about to happen, but there is nothing you can do to stop it. I am almost done with Season 1, which is arguably one of the best imo.

I just re-watched the the whole thing before this season started.  Damn it was good.  Season 5 slows down a lot, but I realized how much I dig some of the other characters.  Arya is one of my favorites now.  She has a cool story it just unfolds really slow.  If you binge it, it makes it better.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1197 on: August 01, 2017, 02:02:53 pm »

I don't know why everyone dogged on this so much.

I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Granted I haven't finished it yet, just watched episode 8.

But I heard everyone saying this is the weakest of the Marvel Netflix series. So far, for me, it's been the best. The only other one I haven't watched yet is Luke Cage. And that's because Luke Cage first appears in Jessica Jones.

There's a lot of story to sink your teeth into in this one. And I love the P.I. aspect of it. Makes you think a little more than your average punching and kicking superhero fare.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 02:06:32 pm by burningdoom »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1198 on: August 01, 2017, 02:27:10 pm »
Not a movie necessarily, but I started rewatching Game of Thrones from the very beginning again and in some ways it is a lot more enjoyable than the first time I did because I actually know who a lot of the people are they make reference to, or certain events that are mentioned, but not described until later on in the show. Sadly, I do know what is going to happen, which for those of you who have watched the show, is like watching a car accident about to happen, but there is nothing you can do to stop it. I am almost done with Season 1, which is arguably one of the best imo.

I just re-watched the the whole thing before this season started.  Damn it was good.  Season 5 slows down a lot, but I realized how much I dig some of the other characters.  Arya is one of my favorites now.  She has a cool story it just unfolds really slow.  If you binge it, it makes it better.

It is really cool watching the characters development, especially with characters that are still in it that were introduced back in season 1. Some of them seem like completely different people in Season 7 which is just awesome. And yeah, I remember Season 5 was a little slow, but I can't think of one season that I didn't really like. Some are just better than others naturally :p

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1199 on: August 01, 2017, 03:40:03 pm »

I don't know why everyone dogged on this so much.

I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Granted I haven't finished it yet, just watched episode 8.

But I heard everyone saying this is the weakest of the Marvel Netflix series. So far, for me, it's been the best. The only other one I haven't watched yet is Luke Cage. And that's because Luke Cage first appears in Jessica Jones.

There's a lot of story to sink your teeth into in this one. And I love the P.I. aspect of it. Makes you think a little more than your average punching and kicking superhero fare.

I thought Jessica Jones was the second best of the Marvel shows, with Daredevil at the top.  I thought Luke Cage was lesser than that and Iron Fist is the worst one.