Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 407017 times)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1605 on: April 19, 2019, 07:40:57 am »
Santa Clarita Diet S3 is pretty good.  Maybe a tad disjointed storyline-wise, but its probably better overall than S2.

The GF and I watched all of Justified which is one of my favorites, but something she's never seen before.

We followed that up with Star Trek: Discovery S2, which is way better and more consistent (thematically and consistency-wise) than S1.  It's still got its continuity issues, and has some moments of real dumbness, but I enjoyed it a lot.

Finally got around to low-budget superhero flick Chronicle.  Pretty much what I expected - great for what it is, but a little lacking overall.  Michael B. Jordan puts the rest of the cast to shame.

The Meg.  Not silly enough to be fun and not good enough to actually be good.  Pretty disappointed, as I can usually get behind these monster flicks provided the pure entertainment value is there.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1606 on: April 20, 2019, 10:55:23 pm »
Godzilla (2014) continues to be a movie I do like, despite issues both me and others have with it.  When the movie works, it's fantastic.  That opening scene is heart wrenching, numerous shots are visually stunning, and when the action actually happens, it's great.  The problems for the movie are two specific things...I think losing Bryan Cranston's character was a major failure that served no real purpose for the film (He could've just been incapacitated on the ship for the rest of the movie) and the constant cutaways from the monster action.  It's too much build, not enough substance.  Sure we get a fight towards the end, but its honestly not much of the movie and I think if they showed more of the city fight and had a proper Hawaii fight, this would've been a great film.

I still give this movie like an 8/10.  It's very watchable, it's still a good Godzilla film, but I think next months King of the Monsters will solve much of the issues and be such a better movie for it.  I might be more excited for KOTM, than I am Avengers Endgame lol

I do have one more movie to watch in my leadup, with Shin Godzilla, another film I do really enjoy.  I almost thought about rewatching the three Godzilla Netflix OVA's, don't think I can muster up the interest knowing where the first two films are leading too.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1607 on: April 21, 2019, 07:41:42 am »
Godzilla (2014) continues to be a movie I do like, despite issues both me and others have with it.  When the movie works, it's fantastic.  That opening scene is heart wrenching, numerous shots are visually stunning, and when the action actually happens, it's great.  The problems for the movie are two specific things...I think losing Bryan Cranston's character was a major failure that served no real purpose for the film (He could've just been incapacitated on the ship for the rest of the movie) and the constant cutaways from the monster action.  It's too much build, not enough substance.  Sure we get a fight towards the end, but its honestly not much of the movie and I think if they showed more of the city fight and had a proper Hawaii fight, this would've been a great film.

I still give this movie like an 8/10.  It's very watchable, it's still a good Godzilla film, but I think next months King of the Monsters will solve much of the issues and be such a better movie for it.

I actually just rewatched this one yesterday as well, as my girlfriend hadn't seen it yet and she is very interested in KotM.  You pretty much echo my thoughts exactly.  I think there are too many people that don't recognize there are almost sub-genres within the Godzilla franchise, and 2014 was meant to be much more in line with the original film than any of the sequels - a terrifying monster movie that really makes you think about the amount of destruction that would come from these creatures existing.  Most people remember Godzilla as a big, fun, sometimes even happy-go-lucky guy who hangs out and protects Earth.  That's not this movie.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1608 on: April 21, 2019, 11:45:12 am »
Godzilla (2014) continues to be a movie I do like, despite issues both me and others have with it.  When the movie works, it's fantastic.  That opening scene is heart wrenching, numerous shots are visually stunning, and when the action actually happens, it's great.  The problems for the movie are two specific things...I think losing Bryan Cranston's character was a major failure that served no real purpose for the film (He could've just been incapacitated on the ship for the rest of the movie) and the constant cutaways from the monster action.  It's too much build, not enough substance.  Sure we get a fight towards the end, but its honestly not much of the movie and I think if they showed more of the city fight and had a proper Hawaii fight, this would've been a great film.

I still give this movie like an 8/10.  It's very watchable, it's still a good Godzilla film, but I think next months King of the Monsters will solve much of the issues and be such a better movie for it.  I might be more excited for KOTM, than I am Avengers Endgame lol

I do have one more movie to watch in my leadup, with Shin Godzilla, another film I do really enjoy.  I almost thought about rewatching the three Godzilla Netflix OVA's, don't think I can muster up the interest knowing where the first two films are leading too.

My GF and I were actually talking about this movie yesterday, and also the 2017 Kong movie, and we both decided that both were incredibly unremarkable. They aren't necessarily bad movies, they are just movies you see once, feel moderately entertained when you leave the theater, and then promptly forget about them. I rewatched Godzilla a few years ago hoping I'd like it more after a rewatch, but actually the opposite happened. I really didn't like the subplot about the military dude and his family, and the parts with the monsters just didn't do it for me as they were very brief and the climax was so dark that it really took a lot of my enjoyment away.

I feel like when compared to Shin Godzilla, it was even less memorable. I LOVED Shin Godzilla, even the frequent political talks and committee meetings as they really demonstrated bow bureaucracy and red tape hinder Japanese society, providing commentary on actual issues facing Japan. And Godzilla is probably the most interesting yet, certainly being the most ridiculous, insane Godzilla ever conceived. I also got a huge Evangelion vibe from the whole movie which made it wa more enjoyable too.

Sadly, I have almost no hype for the King of Monsters movie coming out soon. I'll probably see it, but my expectations are fairly low.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1609 on: April 26, 2019, 02:55:00 am »

Went in with a lot of hype and no expectations (I only saw the first teaser and nothing else) and really just enjoyed the hell out of it.  Of course no spoilers, but this was a great finish to over a decade of buildup.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1610 on: May 01, 2019, 01:20:44 pm »
Went boffo last week watching stuff:

Avengers: Infinity War: I don’t love this one as much as some people do, but it’s still damn fun.
Ninja Assassin: Ok, but too melodramatic and too much CG in the fight scenes.
Zero Dark Thirty: Good, not great.
The Inventor: Fascinating look at the collapse of Theranos.
The Little Hours: Weird and funny as hell.  Not much plot though.
Bohemian Rhapsody: Aggressively OK.
Avengers: Endgame: Pretty incredible.  Maybe my favorite since The Winter Soldier.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1611 on: May 01, 2019, 03:01:04 pm »

Avengers: Endgame. Without spoiling anything all I can say is that this movie was incredible.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1612 on: May 14, 2019, 07:17:20 am »
Decided to go check out Detective Pikachu yesterday.  My Pokenom knowledge begins with Pokemon Snap and ends with about 3 hours of Pokemon Go, but I thought it was pretty delightful.  The plot is a bit simplistic, and the finale is almost too bonkers, but I enjoyed it well enough for what it is.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1613 on: May 16, 2019, 03:15:57 am »

Finished up my run of the Godzilla movies in my lead up to Godzilla: King of the Monsters and I still continue to be surprised how engaged I stay with this film.  People wanting an action fest won't like it much, but I think as a movie trying to get a message across in a way that doesn't feel ham-fisted or excessively preachy, while also showing some great film making and making Godzilla seem genuinely horrific for the first time, I think it does real well...

It's also the only recent Japanese Godzilla film that is good, because man I'm still salty as hell about the trash that is the third recent Godzilla anime trilogy film.  SO MUCH SALT!


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1614 on: May 16, 2019, 04:34:42 pm »

Long overdue watch of an old favourite, invasion of the willy-monsters :D Love the Arrow Video blu ray, lovely picture and nice extras.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1615 on: May 19, 2019, 03:43:06 am »

Catching up on the animated DC movies, so I started with the Batman and Harley Quinn movie.  Wanted to like this movie, having that classic 90's animated Batman show feel to it, but I thought it was kind of a mixed bag.  It's very much done in the old 90's animated Batman style, Kevin Conroy is always a treat as Batman, but they got someone other than Tara Strong to be Harley, who's been playing the character for nearly a decade now and not sure why.  The voice actor is fine, but guess I just got to use to Strong in the role.  It's a lot more adult too, which I don't mind, more cursing and sex jokes strewn about, but not obnoxiously so (most of the time), but then it's also has like an Adam West era type vibe in some points and I don't know why.  It feels out of place and the ending is real dumb. 

Like if this was an episode of the old show, it would be one of those random throwaway filler episodes between more important stuff and kind of a weaker one at that.  Can't super recommend it, but its alright.  Got the Gotham by Gaslight movie up next.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 03:45:20 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1616 on: May 19, 2019, 07:11:26 am »
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum.  I enjoyed this one way more that Chapter 2, which felt a little self important at times - Chapter 3 is way more fun.  It's still doesn't hold a candle to the first, but it's got the main villain from both The Raid and The Raid 2, so that alone gets at least a B in my book.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1617 on: May 19, 2019, 07:49:53 pm »
I'm glad to hear John Wick 3 is good, I probably won't go see it in theater, but I've liked the first two so far, the first being the best, so I'll be looking forward to it. 

Also forgot to add that I started watching Chernobyl last night since I have an HBO subscription due to Game of Thrones and it's really engaging.  I'm not entirely sure why I've had this interest in the event, I think a lot of it coming from the STALKER game series, but it's always been kind of this interesting crazy event that has happened within my lifetime (Technically, as I wasn't born till two months after it happened), and garnered attention from my interest in post-apocalyptic settings.  I'll probably stick with my HBO subscription till its over since it's a short mini-series, but I recommend if you have any interest in well done historical dramas (Kinda weird to say that about something that is only as old as I am lol)

And Game of Thrones ending with all the impact of a dull thud.  No spoilers for those that didn't watch, but I didn't hate this season as much as others did.  It's not good, it's definitely rushed, but I kept on waiting for something significant to end the show on and it just never came.  Really it just feels more like they did the ending to try and leave an opening for spinoff shows, something I'm not against, but nearly this whole finale just felt flat.  Barely moved the register.  I've seen worst endings for shows, but underwhelmed is probably the best I could say for the series by the end.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 10:54:47 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1618 on: May 20, 2019, 01:15:51 am »

And Game of Thrones ending with all the impact of a dull thud.  No spoilers for those that didn't watch, but I didn't hate this season as much as others did.  It's not good, it's definitely rushed, but I kept on waiting for something significant to end the show on and it just never came.  Really it just feels more like they did the ending to try and leave an opening for spinoff shows, something I'm not against, but nearly this whole finale just felt flat.  Barely moved the register.  I've seen worst endings for shows, but underwhelmed is probably the best I could say for the series by the end.

I think this show was gold from the first season until season 4, however the cracks started to show more and more after that as less of George RR Martin's material from the books was available and the show's creative staff had to fill in the blanks. I liked season 5 a lot still, season 6 was mostly good, season 7 was fairly bad, and season 8 was an absolute train wreck from a story telling and writing perspective. The only thing that softened the blow of how bad the show would end was that I potentially saw it coming all the way back in season 6, and certainly in season 7. It's a real shame it all went to hell the way it did, but it's over now, at least for me. I have zero interest in the GoT IP anymore, especially any future shows. Even if Martin actually finishes the series in his books, which I doubt he ever will, I have zero interest in reading them. I'm just done with GoT.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1619 on: May 20, 2019, 03:12:11 am »
I was pretty great with the series up till episode 3 of this season, (seeing some issues in the last season), where we had two episodes of good build in and interaction with all the main cast, and then I realized they were going to do everything from the Night King battle to the final wrap up in 4 episodes.  It just felt rushed and the final arcs for most everyone just fell flat (especially Bran, good lord is he the most useless character in this show).  I don't even have as big an issue with some of the decisions made for Arya and Daenerys, most of it makes sense, it just doesn't land like it should because the build wasn't properly there.

I'm still fine with whatever spinoffs are planned, because they can be written as an actual show and planned out properly, and the books are still exciting if they ever release, because they are significantly different from the show.  Not that I'm going to go out of my way to watch the shows like I did the original show, they'll have to prove they can do better than what they have. 

Game of Thrones wasn't a complete waste of time for me, it just tumbled through the finish line unfortunately.  I mean I'm not over here pissed about stuff like I was with Lost at the very least lol
« Last Edit: May 20, 2019, 05:16:52 am by kamikazekeeg »