Heh nice MK pic ... and a bit off topic but is that the Big Boss Man in your avatar? If so, thats epic.
I'm glad someone actually noticed!!! Yes, that is the Big Boss Man. 
I miss the time of the WWF (Screw the WWE, it will forever be the WWF) when it had people like this. You would get ready for a 2 hour show and watch 2 hours of wrestling. Stuff like Saturday nights main event and what not. Now, its 2 hour show with 30 minutes of wrestling and 90 minutes of bullshit drama and overly fake crap. All the fake junk is what caused me to start watching UFC over it.
Hehe, I was barely around for most of the WWF, but I was born in time for the Attitude Era.

Yes I agree with you WWF forever!!

I actually looked at a lot of stuff from the WWF and it looks SO much better then the WWE stuff I watched, and you are totally right about the drama pumped WWE, it sucks, almost no "real" wrestling.
Well thank you for knowing who the Big Boss Man is, that made my day.