Author Topic: microsoft......  (Read 2487 times)

« on: January 17, 2013, 04:32:19 am »
Microsoft is shit... i want to let everyone know that they are greedy assholes. A year back i had about 100 games or so on xbox 360.... well about 2 years ago my xbox disk drive went out so a local shop replaced it. It worked for about a year but then microsoft issued a update... i wasnt able to use my xbox.... so i call them up and they say its modded,i say no i had it repaired,they say thats wrong,it cant be repaired by know one but us... well microsoft thats pretty damn selfish.. when i buy a car from ford and have it repaired by a local mechanic do they shut it down and say i can't drive it anymore? Its sooo dumb... i just wanted to express my hate for microsoft... the only reason y i have one still is cuz my friends muilti chat on there.they fully made it where my xbox was not usable.


Re: microsoft......
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2013, 09:19:09 am »
Sony and Nintendo would treat it the same way.


Re: microsoft......
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2013, 09:22:33 am »
Personally, I would be more pissed off at the guy who "repaired" your 360.
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Re: microsoft......
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2013, 12:55:28 pm »
Personally, I would be more pissed off at the guy who "repaired" your 360.

It's not Microsoft's fault you didn't send it to an authorized repair shop. aka Them

Also your games should still work... MS doesn't disable 360's... Only access to Xbox Live.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 12:57:59 pm by pceslayer »

Re: microsoft......
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2013, 05:09:43 pm »
Also... Why did your repair guy flash the TSOP on the DVD drive? Thats only needed if you are doing a drive hack(play pirate games). You either swap the PCB into a working version of the same drive or do a laser swap.

It would be silly to assume he re-flashed your drive key into a different model drive (they are locked to hardware). There would be zero point as that method is far more difficult than a simple laser swap. And if the PCB was bad, he'd have a hell of a time dumping the key.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 05:15:52 pm by pceslayer »

Re: microsoft......
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2013, 06:27:27 pm »
Personally, I would be more pissed off at the guy who "repaired" your 360.

It's not Microsoft's fault you didn't send it to an authorized repair shop. aka Them

Also your games should still work... MS doesn't disable 360's... Only access to Xbox Live.

Its fully unusable. When i turn it on(disconnected from live) the error code comes up,and gives a stsues code and i can't do anything? And im pretty sure that when i pay 300$ for something and its mine! I can send it to whomever i want.... thats a little controlling and socialistic, if i buy car from a dealership they gonna shut it down if i dont have them fix it?

Re: microsoft......
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2013, 07:37:37 pm »
Personally, I would be more pissed off at the guy who "repaired" your 360.

It's not Microsoft's fault you didn't send it to an authorized repair shop. aka Them

Also your games should still work... MS doesn't disable 360's... Only access to Xbox Live.

Its fully unusable. When i turn it on(disconnected from live) the error code comes up,and gives a stsues code and i can't do anything? And im pretty sure that when i pay 300$ for something and its mine! I can send it to whomever i want.... thats a little controlling and socialistic, if i buy car from a dealership they gonna shut it down if i dont have them fix it?
well cars and gaming devices are different you can't play video games on cars.. The reason for them not wanting you to mod the device is because of the use of playing games you didn't pay for. Of course it isn't stopping the population as they are always finding ways around everything the gaming industry throws there way thus far.. But regardless I understand if I mod my case I wouldn't be able to take that in for them to repair.. but then again if I mod my TV or any other electronic devices.. I don't think those companies would touch it either. I.E. HP or Dell, alienware computers...

The best thing you can do is take it back to the shop you had it repaired an tell him of the situation... Don't be angry and accusitational an who knows that repair place may have a fix or be able to do something for you.. If not then be angry and accusitational and go to tell them that his skills sucks pretty bad and that you demand the service that you payed for.
Currently Playing - Plants Vs. Zombies: Warfare (PC) / Looking for Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II Manual

Re: microsoft......
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2013, 09:47:01 pm »
Personally, I would be more pissed off at the guy who "repaired" your 360.

It's not Microsoft's fault you didn't send it to an authorized repair shop. aka Them

Also your games should still work... MS doesn't disable 360's... Only access to Xbox Live.

Its fully unusable. When i turn it on(disconnected from live) the error code comes up,and gives a stsues code and i can't do anything? And im pretty sure that when i pay 300$ for something and its mine! I can send it to whomever i want.... thats a little controlling and socialistic, if i buy car from a dealership they gonna shut it down if i dont have them fix it?

So your DVD drive isnt giving the proper handshake and the 360 is stalling during boot? Is your error code E66?? 

Why not remove your drive hack so the 360 gets the proper handshake from the dvd and boots? Its not very hard...

Also, you should be able to boot the 360 if you open it up and disconnect the dvd drive.

This stuff has been built into the consoles security since day 1.

E64: DVD Drive Error.... DVD Timeout, Wrong firmware, dvd is without f/w chip, etc.

E65: DVD Drive Error.... DVD Timeout, Wrong firmware, dvd is without f/w chip, etc. This can also be caused by the tray not being fully closed on boot.

E66: DVD Drive Error: DVD model, or version does not match that of the version expected by the dashboard. OR the firmware version on the drive is older then the firmware version expected by the dashboard. Make sure the DVD drive is of the same version originally included with the console and that it is using either the original firmware included with the console or newer.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 09:49:18 pm by pceslayer »


Re: microsoft......
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2013, 10:18:24 pm »
You violated their terms and conditions I really don't understand why you hate MS so much, if you didn't want to run the risk you should have just sent it to MS.

Like libernullmal said you should take it back to the person who did it in the first place and see what he will do for you,

Re: microsoft......
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2013, 11:39:18 pm »
Personally, I would be more pissed off at the guy who "repaired" your 360.

It's not Microsoft's fault you didn't send it to an authorized repair shop. aka Them

Also your games should still work... MS doesn't disable 360's... Only access to Xbox Live.

Its fully unusable. When i turn it on(disconnected from live) the error code comes up,and gives a stsues code and i can't do anything? And im pretty sure that when i pay 300$ for something and its mine! I can send it to whomever i want.... thats a little controlling and socialistic, if i buy car from a dealership they gonna shut it down if i dont have them fix it?
well cars and gaming devices are different you can't play video games on cars.. The reason for them not wanting you to mod the device is because of the use of playing games you didn't pay for. Of course it isn't stopping the population as they are always finding ways around everything the gaming industry throws there way thus far.. But regardless I understand if I mod my case I wouldn't be able to take that in for them to repair.. but then again if I mod my TV or any other electronic devices.. I don't think those companies would touch it either. I.E. HP or Dell, alienware computers...

The best thing you can do is take it back to the shop you had it repaired an tell him of the situation... Don't be angry and accusitational an who knows that repair place may have a fix or be able to do something for you.. If not then be angry and accusitational and go to tell them that his skills sucks pretty bad and that you demand the service that you payed for.

well when i sent it in to get it fixed from the guy, when i got it back there was no problems,it worked great for a year and a half then xbox gave me a update then froze my xbox on a statues code...maybe i wouldn't hate xbox so much if they would have helped me through the when i asked if i could send it in to them to prove it wasn't modded they said no.there is nothing you can do....i have been through 4 xbox 360's. first one the intercooler melted to my xbox. well it may not be liseneced but maybe if they made the xbox right in the first place i wouldn't need a intercooler or someone to fix my xbox disk drive.. i was always told if i fix my own xbox it voids warranty recently like only a year ago when the stuff started happening i figured wow they can completly screw me out of 300$ becuase a update told them it's modded,(what if you never had anything fixed or had never even opened your xbox but the update misread your xbox, but they were not willing to have it checked out further) becuase at first i didn't know why they were even saying it was modded until like a week later i remembered that i sent it to a guy for him to fix, that's not right in my eyes...maybe if they made it where i could use it offline or if i could send it in but not now....also they were not gonna fix my disk trey for free, soo screw them

Re: microsoft......
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2013, 11:47:06 pm »
Personally, I would be more pissed off at the guy who "repaired" your 360.

It's not Microsoft's fault you didn't send it to an authorized repair shop. aka Them

Also your games should still work... MS doesn't disable 360's... Only access to Xbox Live.

Its fully unusable. When i turn it on(disconnected from live) the error code comes up,and gives a stsues code and i can't do anything? And im pretty sure that when i pay 300$ for something and its mine! I can send it to whomever i want.... thats a little controlling and socialistic, if i buy car from a dealership they gonna shut it down if i dont have them fix it?

So your DVD drive isnt giving the proper handshake and the 360 is stalling during boot? Is your error code E66?? 

Why not remove your drive hack so the 360 gets the proper handshake from the dvd and boots? Its not very hard...

Also, you should be able to boot the 360 if you open it up and disconnect the dvd drive.

This stuff has been built into the consoles security since day 1.

E64: DVD Drive Error.... DVD Timeout, Wrong firmware, dvd is without f/w chip, etc.

E65: DVD Drive Error.... DVD Timeout, Wrong firmware, dvd is without f/w chip, etc. This can also be caused by the tray not being fully closed on boot.

E66: DVD Drive Error: DVD model, or version does not match that of the version expected by the dashboard. OR the firmware version on the drive is older then the firmware version expected by the dashboard. Make sure the DVD drive is of the same version originally included with the console and that it is using either the original firmware included with the console or newer.

nah it wasn't right after i got it back from the was a year or two was working fine until the error code(which i don't remember what it was) but i remember looking it up and saying it was from it being modded.. i also remember i couldn't replace my own hardrive becuase it needed the proper software for the xbox to read the drive.i would have to get my xbox back to see exactly what it was..i sent it to a family member he wanted to see if he could fix it. i was so pissed at the time(a year ago) i didn't really care and just sold my games and bought a ps3, and gave the xbox to him.but thanks for the help on it.

Re: microsoft......
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2013, 08:59:41 am »
There were plenty of forums around that could help with the issue at the time of it happening. Xbox-scene for one... MS did update their dvd security check a few years back. That's probably when the issue arose. Your drive was not passing the proper security info, but can easily be fixed.

Ask the family member for it back and fix it yourself. It should never have been this big of a deal to begin with.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 09:02:07 am by pceslayer »

Re: microsoft......
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2013, 02:19:13 pm »
I'm going to agree with pceslayer on this one your best bet is to google how to fix (error code given) on xbox360. You will have to go to multiple websites and watch a few videos to understand it...but it is all there.
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Re: microsoft......
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2013, 06:29:02 pm »
I had something like this w/ my xbox 360 slim last year where the dvd drive kept messing up and would not read my disc. Probably is a security issue and recommend going to a repair shop and getting it replaced. The repair shop I went to locally was about 80 bucks to replace the drive.

Re: microsoft......
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2013, 08:04:23 pm »
I had something like this w/ my xbox 360 slim last year where the dvd drive kept messing up and would not read my disc. Probably is a security issue and recommend going to a repair shop and getting it replaced. The repair shop I went to locally was about 80 bucks to replace the drive.
an taking it to xbox for repair would have been about 100 dollars for the repair then whatever shipping is... I did the same with my fat xbox 360 2 years ago but I payed 60 an the place was hard to find because you had to look between a building and past the damaged TV's to their door.
Currently Playing - Plants Vs. Zombies: Warfare (PC) / Looking for Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II Manual