Author Topic: Wrestling Thread!  (Read 116504 times)


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2013, 09:53:03 pm »
I have no interest in it whatsoever, but I do remember my grandma (little old lady) lived for the stuff.  It's practically all she watched (aside from QVC), and she called it "wrasslin'".  LOL


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2013, 10:46:28 pm »
Who here has seen a pay-per-view in person?

The WWF had one in Vancouver BC that I tried to get tickets for but they were sold out by the time I got through :(

I was at WWF In Your House in September of 1995. Headlined by Shawn Michaels & Diesel vs Owen Hart & Yokozuna.
That would have been awesome!


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2013, 12:46:58 pm »
I HATE THE YES AND NO CHANTS!!! It's really hard to take Daniel Bryan (Bryan Daniels) seriously as a championship contender when nearly all of his interviews and promos end up with him yelling YES! and NO! over and over again!

BTW, how freaking hot is Miss Tessmacher?


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2013, 09:45:17 pm »
Yeah, I'm a connoisseur of professional wrestling. I watch WWE mostly. TNA can go to hell!
Anyway, I used to be a bigger fanatic back then but not so much now. I still enjoy it though.
Of course my user name is taken from a mixture of wrestler names like X-pac and Austin 3:16. I neither like nor dislike X-Pac but I really liked Stone Cold Steve Austin!

I have attended some live events all in Seattle, WA...
A house show in 2002
Some RAW and Smackdown Tapings through out the early 2000's
Wrestlemania 19
No way out 2009
I haven't been to anything after that though...

Some of my favorites are
The Undertaker
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Ric Flair
Hulk Hogan
Bret Hart
Rowdy Roddy Piper
Daniel Bryan(Bryan Danielson)
CM Punk
Mick Foley(Mankind, Cactus Jack, Dude Love)
Chris Jericho
Rey Mysterio
Sin Cara
The Big Show
AJ Styles
Shark Boy
Jushin Thunder Liger

That's most of my favorites, I do have more...
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 11:43:01 pm by spac316 »


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2013, 07:59:17 pm »
TNA can go to hell!

Some of my favorites are
...AJ Styles

But A.J. Styles is the face of TNA.  ???


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2013, 10:08:15 pm »

So has anyone seen this yet? Good? Worth getting?

I'm wondering, because it looks like Netflix isn't getting this one, so buying it looks to be the only choice. None of the Redboxes around here carry WWE DVDs ever.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2013, 03:34:22 am »
TNA can go to hell!

Some of my favorites are
...AJ Styles

But A.J. Styles is the face of TNA.  ???

I look at wrestlers in a broader sense and not just by the company they are signed for in general.
Aside from that, I USED to like TNA back in the FSN and internet stream days. But after Spike TV picked it up and the poor management running the show, I lost interest. It's to bad because there are some very talented young athletes in the organization. To bad they pay to much attention to the older ones that can't wrestle as good as they used to or can't at all!
But that's just me. WWE is not perfect either!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 03:36:21 am by spac316 »


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2013, 01:15:27 pm »
TNA can go to hell!

Some of my favorites are
...AJ Styles

But A.J. Styles is the face of TNA.  ???

I look at wrestlers in a broader sense and not just by the company they are signed for in general.
Aside from that, I USED to like TNA back in the FSN and internet stream days. But after Spike TV picked it up and the poor management running the show, I lost interest. It's to bad because there are some very talented young athletes in the organization. To bad they pay to much attention to the older ones that can't wrestle as good as they used to or can't at all!
But that's just me. WWE is not perfect either!

For the most part I agree with you. But in this particular case, not so much. You can't really seperate A.J. Styles from TNA because he's the face of TNA. Much like you can't really seperate John Cena from (PG) WWE.

And dear god, those old TNA shows were bad. I wasn't around, and ordering them weekly. But I relived it through the TNA Year One DVD and TNA Asylum Years DVD, and that stuff was so dull and dry. The ring-work I could see was good, unfortunately the bad production values, shoddy camera work, and fly-by-the-minute with no plan commentating killed any good it had.

I for one am very glad that someone like Dixie came along and put some money behind everything. Despite the popular opinion being that anything that goes big "sells-out", a little production value actually helps a lot, especially when we're talking about spectacle-type entertainment like pro-wrestling.

I'll admit that things took a nose-dive after Bischoff and Hogan signed on, though. The entire Immortal storyline was far too drawn out and felt like they were beating a dead-horse (nWo version 6.0 or whatever they were on).

After they got that crap out of the way, things have been looking up again. Guys like Austin Aries, A.J. Styles, Bobby Rhoode, and Bad Influence are shining as they should and giving us killer matches.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2013, 01:19:00 pm »

So has anyone seen this yet? Good? Worth getting?

I'm wondering, because it looks like Netflix isn't getting this one, so buying it looks to be the only choice. None of the Redboxes around here carry WWE DVDs ever.

Dang, now I want this one, as well! And again, not on Netflix. They don't even have a listing for it.

Did Netflix lose it's deal with WWE or something? Am I gonna have to switch to Blockbuster Online or Hulu?

Anyone seen this one, either?


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2013, 07:17:23 pm »
Damn, Damien Sandow got buried, like 6 feet under. That was tough to watch.

Super-Cena is back. Looks like we're going back to WWE mediocrity again.

Man, it was nice while it lasted, though, wasn't it?


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2014, 11:23:45 pm »
So apparently A.J. Styles is signing a deal with ROH.

That means when A.J. Styles left TNA, with the TNA Championship, and defended it around world in places like AAA in Mexico and New Japan; he did all that FOR REAL! That is so freaking bad-ass! Nobody has done that since Flair left to WWF with the WCW Title in the early 90s. A.J. Styles is officially the biggest bad-ass in wrestling! Yeah Punk did it already, but that was all a set-up for a storyline. If A.J. Styles is signing to ROH, it's not a storyline, and that's just crazy.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2014, 11:26:14 pm »
So apparently A.J. Styles is signing a deal with ROH.

That means when A.J. Styles left TNA, with the TNA Championship, and defended it around world in places like AAA in Mexico and New Japan; he did all that FOR REAL! That is so freaking bad-ass! Nobody has done that since Flair left to WWF with the WCW Title in the early 90s. A.J. Styles is officially the biggest bad-ass in wrestling! Yeah Punk did it already, but that was all a set-up for a storyline. If A.J. Styles is signing to ROH, it's not a storyline, and that's just crazy.

Meh, nevermind. The report has to be false. Styles is on Impact, tonight.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2014, 07:56:46 pm »
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 08:03:43 pm by burningdoom »


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2014, 10:49:55 pm »
My copy of the Raw 20th Anniversary Boxed-Set came yesterday.

Tonight I watched an episode from the Attitude Era. Damn what a difference.

What surprised me is that they actually showed the "WWF" logo all over the place and the wrestlers and announcers said "WWF" and "World Wrestling Federation" without being bleeped or silenced. And the production value was a bit lower. You don't notice it, really, because it was upped in such a small amount for such a long period of time. But the Raw looked almost cheaply made, compared to today's WWE productions.

That said, it didn't diminish the entertainment value whatsoever. The promos were better. The feuds were better. The matches were better. The announcers were better. And the over-all-feel had this explosive feeling to it like anything could happen and whatever that anything was, it was going to kick ass.

You see this, of course, in the many DVD documentaries and hand-picked matches from here and there. But when you watch an entire episode of Raw from then, it really evokes and entirely different feel than the WWE of today.

And the audience, oh man, the audience was a riot in itself. They chanted during nearly every match. Like every 3 people in the audience had a sign or logo or something. And the entire time they were charged and on their feet.

I know people think a lot of us jaded wrestling fans are just waxing nostalgic about wrestling in the past. But tonight just solidified it for me, it's not just nostalgia, wrestling truly was something to behold back then. Owen Hart & The Legion of Doom vs. D-X, The Rock vs. Farooq, Stone Cold vs. Vince McMahon, Undertaker vs. Kane, and Sunny! Great stuff on this particular episode.

I'm very happy with my purchase. This will provide a bit of viewing for me, for a little while.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 10:46:22 am by burningdoom »


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #29 on: January 30, 2014, 04:37:23 pm »
So Sting vs. Undertaker rumors are swirling again, since Sting was "fired" from TNA recently. Do you guys think it'll happen this time?

Who do you guys think the investor is going to be on TNA tonight? It better be someone big, TNA needs something to reinvigorate them like never before.