Author Topic: Wrestling Thread!  (Read 116507 times)


Wrestling Thread!
« on: January 17, 2013, 02:19:59 pm »
Since a thread was already derailed with wrestling talk I thought we should just give it it's own thread :)

I grew up watching bits and pieces of wrestling through late 80s and early to mid 90s and then I followed it closely until about 2002.

Andre Vs Hogan at Wrestlemania had fantastic build up.

The wrestlers that I remember the most are some of the worst ideas ever: Papa Shango, IRS, Isaac Yankum, The Mountie... ect

I have just started to watch some classic Royal Rumbles starting with 1991 and I have to say that I still love the Million Dollar Man  8)


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2013, 02:36:50 pm »
Ahhh man, this was definitely me in my childhood all the way through my 20s. One of my favorite things was Saturday Night's main event. Our entire family would sit in the living room and for 3-4 hours just watch some awesome matches. Superfly was one of my favorites for a long time as well as the Ultimate Warrior. It also started one of my very first crushes and that was Miss Elizabeth. Such a beautiful woman. (RIP). I really miss watching good wrestling. It was truely enjoyable. I do not understand what it turned into. Overly fake bouts and mostly just dramatic bullshit.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2013, 02:40:16 pm »
The wrestlers that I remember the most are some of the worst ideas ever: Papa Shango, IRS, Isaac Yankum, The Mountie... ect

You mean to tell me it wasn't awesome when Papa Shango made the Ultimate Warrior's boots catch of fire?  I think you are wrong, sir.  Those were the best days.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2013, 02:47:27 pm »
I'm a lifelong wrestling fan. I loved the 80s and the mid-to-late 90s eras the most.

The 80s just because there was such a wide of selection of wrestling available to fans between the WWF, NWA (WCW before it was officially "WCW"), and the WCCW. And there was big stars at each organization that kept you watching. AWA was around too, but I never did like the AWA. The Freebirds and Von Erichs at WCCW; Ric Flair, the Four Horsemen, Sting, and T.A. Magnum at NWA; and of course Hogan, Macho Man, Rowdy Roddy Piper, and Jake the Snake at WWF.

The mid-to-late 90s was even better because WCW and WWF were in huge competition with each other which caused the Attitude Era with The Rock, Austin, Degeneration-X, and the Corporation at WWF; and over at WCW you had the nWo, Goldberg, Crow-Sting, and the luchadors. Such good stuff coming from wrestling at that time.

Nowdays, wrestling is a pale shadow of it's former glory. WWE is just for the kiddies anymore, and TNA always gets so close to greatness just to screw it all up. I still keep updated with what's going on, though, and I'll DVR the shows and fast-forward to the little bit of good stuff that's still around. I really like Austin Aries and Bobby Roode over at TNA, and in the WWE the return of The Rock has kept me watching for now. I can't comment on ROH, because for some strange reason they don't air their show in California. I'm not sure why.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2013, 07:40:56 pm »
I'm a life long fan as well. I have almost twice as many wrestling dvds as I do games. I've also done some refereeing, ring announcing, and dvd commentary on local independent shows.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2013, 07:55:27 pm »
Im glad someone mentioned Goldberg. He was the fuckin man. I looked forward to him every week. Come in, destroy some moron, spear that fucker to the mat and leave the ring the same way he came in. No talking, no bullshit. Just slaughter and leave.

I also enjoyed Steve Austin. He was seriously entertaining. It wasnt too long after people like that left that I gave up on it.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2013, 11:57:25 pm »
Im glad someone mentioned Goldberg. He was the fuckin man. I looked forward to him every week. Come in, destroy some moron, spear that fucker to the mat and leave the ring the same way he came in. No talking, no bullshit. Just slaughter and leave.

I also enjoyed Steve Austin. He was seriously entertaining. It wasnt too long after people like that left that I gave up on it.

I loved Goldberg era WCW. I think it was the only time I was really into Wrestling at all. There was always so much hype surrounding his matches, especially when the win streak was getting ridiculously high. It MADE you tune in to every show just to see if he could pull off another win.
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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2013, 11:07:18 am »
F Goldberg!  NWO 4 Life! 
I hated the unbeatable gimmik.  It was cool at first, but it went on way too long.  I was in for the whole NWO run.  I was in highschool and the WWF Attitude stuff hit me right in the wheelhouse. 

Wrestling to me was best when it was a silly with cartoon characters in the late 80's/early 90's.  Give me the Mega Powers and the Ultimate Maniacs!  I almost cried when the Undertaker put the Ultimate Warrior on the coffin.  That shit was REAL!


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2013, 12:14:03 pm »
Because I live in Canada we didn't get the WCW until after they had already lost the lead to WWF so I missed out on the best days of NWO and Goldberg :(

I loved seeing the Rock and Austin's mic work with each other.
Rock and Austin singing from 2001


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2013, 12:46:18 pm »
And now my favorite of all time was mentioned: The Undertaker. He was the personification of what I liked in everything. Dark, badass, just awesome. I remember before one of the Wrestlemanias I went to the local flea market and had a custom Undertaker shirt printed to wear that night. Man, the memories.

I liked NWO but I still have to say that Goldberg rocked! :)


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2013, 12:51:08 pm »
Who here has seen a pay-per-view in person?

The WWF had one in Vancouver BC that I tried to get tickets for but they were sold out by the time I got through :(


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2013, 12:54:25 pm »
Wrestling rarely comes to our area at all. I'm in Northern California, 3 hours north of the Bay Area in Redding.

I saw a local indie show that SUCKED. There was maybe 3 rows back worth of people there only. They didn't even sell beer or concessions of any sort. And the main attraction was the Honkey Tonk the 2000s. They were called "Big Time Wrestling". What was really funny, is that they were selling WCW and WWE merchandise (and this was after WCW was long gone) rather than their own.

WWE did come to our town once for a house show. And it was pretty good. Obviously nothing big happened since it wasn't aired on T.V. But we still got to see stars like Cena, HHH, and Christy Hemme in action. (I REALLY saw Christy Hemme in action when she bent over in front of me in a short skirt so she could give the microphone to some kid in the audience  ;) )


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2013, 02:10:32 pm »
Who here has seen a pay-per-view in person?

The WWF had one in Vancouver BC that I tried to get tickets for but they were sold out by the time I got through :(

This guy.  When I was in college a friend of mine's wife won tickets on the radio.  So, we saw The Undertaker fight Brock Lesner in a Hell in the Cell match in Little Rock.  I wasn't into wrestling at the time, so I can't remember much other than that.  It was fun though. 

*edit* It was No Mercy in 2002.  I had to google it.  I couldn't remember.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 02:16:55 pm by turf »

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2013, 06:12:21 pm »
Who here has seen a pay-per-view in person?

The WWF had one in Vancouver BC that I tried to get tickets for but they were sold out by the time I got through :(

I was at WWF In Your House in September of 1995. Headlined by Shawn Michaels & Diesel vs Owen Hart & Yokozuna.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2013, 08:58:51 pm »
Who here has seen a pay-per-view in person?

The WWF had one in Vancouver BC that I tried to get tickets for but they were sold out by the time I got through :(

I was at WWF In Your House in September of 1995. Headlined by Shawn Michaels & Diesel vs Owen Hart & Yokozuna.

That's awesome.  That was closer to the time when wrestling was awesome.