Author Topic: Wrestling Thread!  (Read 116882 times)


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #465 on: August 18, 2016, 04:43:11 pm »
So is it just me, or does it seem like Reigns is coming off as the heel in the storyline between him and Rusev, even though they are trying to make Reigns out to be the good guy?

I mean, interrupting the wedding segment, insulting the bride, and knocking her into the cake is a pretty dick move. And if it was real, it would be fully understandable that Rusev would be so pissed. Am I wrong?

BTW, that was a surprisingly good match on Raw between them. It kind of makes you wonder why they did it before the very same match at the PPV.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #466 on: August 18, 2016, 08:44:01 pm »
The fuck is wrong with the WWE they have suspended three wrestlers today, am talking about Eva Marie, Alberto del Rio and Paige there isn't that much information at the official page about this, they just said that the violated the wellness policy, these mothafuckas suspended Paige at her 24th birthday come on, you have to be an asshole if you are trying to fuck an special occasion like this  >:(

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #467 on: August 18, 2016, 08:58:27 pm »
I don't feel bad for them at all. The rules are very clear on the Wellness Policy. They chose to do whatever drug it was they did. It's only their fault, no one else's.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #468 on: August 18, 2016, 11:46:55 pm »
Yeah, plus it's not as bad as CM Punk finding out he was let go on the day of his wedding lol


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #469 on: August 19, 2016, 01:07:21 pm »
Yeah, plus it's not as bad as CM Punk finding out he was let go on the day of his wedding lol

That was the worst and practically a kick in the nuts to Punk  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #470 on: August 19, 2016, 10:20:17 pm »
Zayn is making it mostly onto Summerslam.  He'll be tagging with Neville against the Dudley's in the pre-show.  No real build up, but I'm guessing we get that Dudley split from this that they've been teasing.  Makes sense to do there or at least on the following RAW.  I'll likely miss the entire pre-show, which doesn't matter too much since it's just the pre-show, but I hope I make it back in time for the main show.  Driving to Miami with some friends to hang out at a proper arcade.

In the meantime, NXT Brooklyn is tomorrow which should be good.  We got Bailey vs Asuka, Nakamura vs Joe, and I wouldn't be surprised if this leads to Bailey and Joe coming over to the main roster. I could see Bailey going to RAW unless they want to bolster the weak Smackdown lineup with her.  I feel Joe goes Smackdown, because again, they need to bolster Smackdown.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #471 on: August 20, 2016, 08:42:34 pm »
I realized how out of the loop I am on NXT lol Been a good few weeks or longer since I last watched NXT.

Aries vs Jose - Some good spots in this one, though it felt a little sloppy at times.

Billie Kay vs Ember Moon - I guess Ember is new, but she has some good moves.  Kay I don't know at all, but clearly this is a match to show off Ember.  Love her red contacts, outfit, and entrance.  She has some pretty fantastic moves.  I haven't really been impressed by a lot of the newer women wrestlers since I got back into wrestling, mostly just like...Bayley, Banks, Asuka...Ember is a nice new addition.

Roode vs Almas - I haven't even see Roode fight before, but man have I heard his theme song alot lol GLORIOUS! Love this gimmick.  Feels like a more classic wrestling gimmick.  I guess this is Roode's first real match in NXT perhaps? I could see why they are pumping it up for him with the kind of entrance he got lol "This is Glorious"...I'm okay with this being a brand new chant lol Think I remember Almas now, being a relatively newer guy who use to be a masked wrestler.  He has some good moves for sure.

Some sort of wrestler tease with the only word "Sanity" shown among some chaotic imagery.  Usually they at least show a silhouette or something, but guess we'll find out soon enough lol

The Revival vs. Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa - This match was crazy.  I wasn't expecting much at first, though the revival can be fine, but it got intense.  Lots of close spots and hype moments.  These two guys are guaranteed to make NXT or main roster after CWC is over if they haven't already as I know some CWC guys are already getting put onto the rosters and there's a big Cruiserweight push coming up on the main roster.  Definitely a must watch match.  I gotta catch up on the CWC.

Asuka vs Bayley - I love a match when I'm cheering both on.  I feel like Asuka will retain, just because I expect Bailey will be coming up to the main roster, but I could be wrong.  Both are just so much fun to watch.  Asuka with her crazy style and attitude and Bailey being the most charming of babyfaces ever.  The crowd sounds just as split too on this which is the best.  Another solid match here, showing why both are great at what they do.  The end really does feel like a Bailey send off to me in a big way.

Nakamura vs Joe - Amazingly classy intro for Nakamura with a guy playing violin live lol Match is heavily weighted towards Nakamura I think with the fans lol Still support for Joe, but Nakamura is such a huge fan favorite.  Another great match going back and forth.

Overall NXT still does it well, even the weakest match, which I felt was Aries vs Jose, wasn't bad, it just wasn't anything special.  Ember's match was meant to be short and show her off, so that worked, Roode's was much the same, but was still a solid match.  Everything else is great.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 11:33:11 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #472 on: August 21, 2016, 09:15:06 pm »
Swear to god, the STF by Cena might one of the single worst looking holds ever.  It never looks like it's actually squeezing anything.  I don't know if I've seen anyone else do anything remotely this bad, at least not currently on the roster.  How the hell is this a signature move?  This and how poorly he usually sells moves always drive me nuts in Cena matches, otherwise, a good match at Summerslam with Styles lol

Bummed about the Flair vs Banks match.  Banks loses it way to fast and it was a sloppy match.  You could see the telegraphs for a number of spots from a mile away, though there was one great looking spot with Charlotte trying to slam Banks from the second rope and it getting reversed, but it's just annoying, because I know they can do better.

Skipped the IC belt, because I could not care less about that match and I knew Miz would retain.  Sheamus and Cesaro was fine, nothing new. Enzo & Cass vs JeriKO wasn't too bad, KO and Enzo are just too much fun.

So apparently people HATE the Universal Championship?  Like the fans were hyped at the entrances for Balor and Rollins, but then they tuned right out, with mocking chants and it took like half the match for them to mostly stop and actually get into the match, which was great.  I couldn't figure out what the problem was, but whenever they showed the belt during the match, they booed.  It was super weird.  I don't really see the big issue with the belt.  It's just the World belt in red.  Seems simple enough to me.

And Rusev vs Reigns was canceled because Reigns kicked Rusev's ass before the match could be started.  Kay.

And Lesnar vs Orton ends in a TKO because Lesnar turned Orton's head into a blood fountain.  I can't tell if the blood geyser was legit or not because it was crazy nasty, but it did turn into a kayfabe story moment though, so I can't telt for sure.  Overall, very weak end for Summerslam after not having the US Championship match.

A couple particularly good matches though.  I feel like Styles vs Cena was at the top, followed by Rollins vs Balor, and then Ambrose vs Ziggler.  It might've been a tougher choice between the top 2, but the fans ruined like half of the Rollins vs Balor match by shitting on the belt for so long.  Fuck you, crappy audience! The belt isn't even that bad and you almost killed a fantastic match over it.

Also can Brock get kicked out for being on roids or something? I'm honestly getting tired of him by now.  He has like three moves and some strikes.  He's boring.  I don't really care that he's like the most agressive guy because legit fights other people, at this point, he's just dull.  The only downside is that we would miss out on Paul Hayman being his advocate, which is usually great, but Brock is boring and him completely annihilating Orton the entire time except for two RKO's is lame.  Orton is multi-time champion, but they treated it like a squash match.  They'll probably have a rematch at either Backlash or Clash of Champions.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2016, 11:27:06 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #473 on: August 22, 2016, 07:27:53 pm »
Brock Lesnar (with his wife) vs. Randy Orton: There are no words that can describe what I say, seriously WTF did I saw? Had the idea that I was watching the WWE and not the UFC, as always am disappointed about the moves of Lesnar, the same shitty ones that he uses every damn time also had no clue why this match was the main one, there was no belts on the line neither an storyline behind this feud, just hope that we can see Orton in the next weeks cause the poor dude practically was raped in the ring.

Finn Bálor vs. Seth Rollins: Still can’t believe that Raw didn’t asked for a re match or manage one way or another to perform some kind of invasion against SmackDown to get back the belt back about the match this was pretty cool (not my favorite one) but I insist I didn’t liked the fact that they decided to use Demon King so fast.

Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler: The second best match of the night, was expecting to see a new champ I mean Ziggler deserves a chance for the title and dunno if it’s only me but Dean lately hasn’t archived anything neither doing something crazy.

Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte: Didn’t saw it but I heard that Sasha lost the belt because she has some issues with her back and that she is scheduled for medical evaluation, it’s kinda bad that she already lost it this fast, now I don’t know who the hell will took it from Charlotte’s hands.

John Cena vs. AJ Styles: Thanks to Styles I won a hamburger, for me this was the best match of the event and not because of Cena, he practically did the same moves again and again, dunno if it’s arsenal it’s that limited, usually don’t pay that much attention to his matches or if it’s because of the WWE policies but AJ sold this match with a clean victory, now I hope that this feud can finally end.

The Miz (with Maryse) vs. Apollo Crews: Didn’t saw it but am pretty sure when I say that didn’t missed anything good except for The Miz wife, Yumi Yumi.

The New Day vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson: Big E did came to help his unicorn brothers, being honest the other two didn’t had a chance against The Club the bad part about the result was that there were not more samples to get collected.

Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens: Missed this one because my daughters wanted to eat pizza and really wasn’t expecting this match to be the first one, know the result cause my wife told me about it but will need to see it tonight.

Rusev (with Lana) vs. Roman Reigns: I demand a rematch, well can’t ask for one since there was no match, damn it was expecting to see a new champ, wonder if they are going to say anything about this one at tonight’s Raw.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #474 on: August 22, 2016, 08:14:40 pm »
Shit! Balor did injure himself last night.  He had to relinquish the Universal belt on RAW because of it.  Super lame.  I know when it happened too I think, when he was chucked at the barrier, because he grabbed his arm in a way that didn't seem like the usual kayfabe sort of way handling damage.  Incredibly rough way to start his time in RAW.

Series of matches for the belt to be done tonight to have a fatal 4 way next monday for the belt.  So far it's Rollins, KO, and up next it could either be Cass or Rusev, and Reigns or Jericho.

Apparently the Dudley Boyz are looking to leave WWE? I thought they were working to an angle were they are splitting up, because they kept attacking each other on accident.  I guess their contract is up too.  It's possible this is just a story and it's them ending the team and they'll go on solo, but not sure.  I wouldn't be surprised since they went from being alright, to kinda just lame heels.  I thought they were gonna get another tag team championship go, but I guess not.

Oh man, I called that injury for Balor last night.  I thought for sure when the camera was turning away that it looked like he was trying to pop it back into place, but couldn't tell.  He worked the rest of the match after screwing up his arm that bad.  They confirmed that today and showed the replay.

Oh dang, Bailey is going to RAW.  thought she would go Smackdown, maybe get something going with Becky, but seems they want the hugger for RAWWonder if we find out that Joe is coming to Smackdown tomorrow.

One of these days, Strowman might actually have a real match in RAW.  This has to be like his 5th squash match lol We get it! He's a tough guy! Now actually have him wrestle! lol

Damn, Samoa Joe got hurt at Takeover it seems, but it doesn't sound like it'll put him out for too long with a dislocated jaw that got popped back (Lot of dislocations this weekend lol). Still expect him to go Smackdown tomorrow though.

So Dudley Boyz aren't retiring? I thought it might be a work, going through the whole thing, just to get stomped by Gallows and Anderson.  I can't imagine they'd leave after getting wrecked like that.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2016, 10:45:39 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #475 on: August 23, 2016, 01:56:29 pm »
Damn need to watch yesterday's Raw and tonight's SmackDown also the Kickoff show, to much to see and no free time to do it anyway am kinda surprised that nobody has talked about the altercation that Jericho had with Lesnar at the backstage of SummerSlam, dunno if Y2J was acting cool or maybe he was really concerned about the condition of Orton but I can say that have to admire him cause one way or another not everybody wants to mess with Brock also is well know that he is the gold mine of Vince and practically he has some kind of inmunity  ???

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #476 on: August 23, 2016, 08:08:52 pm »
Big night for Smackdown, as they are bringing in their own belts for the women and the tag team.  Great looking tag belts for Smackdown I think with the blue leather and silver metal.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #477 on: August 24, 2016, 12:53:57 pm »
Damn need to watch yesterday's Raw and tonight's SmackDown also the Kickoff show, to much to see and no free time to do it anyway am kinda surprised that nobody has talked about the altercation that Jericho had with Lesnar at the backstage of SummerSlam, dunno if Y2J was acting cool or maybe he was really concerned about the condition of Orton but I can say that have to admire him cause one way or another not everybody wants to mess with Brock also is well know that he is the gold mine of Vince and practically he has some kind of inmunity  ???

It was a work. If it was real, I'm sure Lesnar would've gotten more than the slap on the wrist that is a $500 fine. I mean, think about how much that guy makes. And the fact that both shows focused on what happened the next two nights.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #478 on: August 24, 2016, 06:52:09 pm »
Just wondering if somebody saw yesterday the Talk Smack show after SmackDown, the Miz was pissed off because Daniel call him a coward and the Awesome totally went nuts even Renee was surprised about his reaction, guess that he took the comment so damn serious cause even his voice is different, da fuck with him, dunno what he smoked but I want some of that too  :P

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #479 on: August 26, 2016, 03:01:02 am »
I feel like "Pipe Bomb" is abit much for this, but I did finally watch it, and I can see why it's doing well.  That's one of the better, real feeling, promo's I've seen in a long time.  That felt like serious passion and I think Miz working in some real issues into it helped it out.  I personally am not the biggest fan of him, though he is a good at what he does.  The problem with heels sometimes is that you either like them, or you don't.  I find his heelness abit annoying, like Jericho's.  They just don't work for me like Rollins, or KO, or Bray Wyatt, but that was a good sell on Miz's part.  I hope they can really utilize it and work this aggression into the show in some way.  I'd love for them to make the IC belt a bigger deal, because with people like Kalisto and Ryback, they showed no real respect for it.  It would be interesting to see if they can't give it a boost with Miz running it, even as a cheating heel.