Author Topic: Wrestling Thread!  (Read 116875 times)


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #585 on: January 31, 2017, 12:50:34 pm »
Haven't seen the full Royal Rumble event, have been kinda busy these past days/weeks and totally missed the live show because I was playing Mario Galaxy 2 with my daughter but I did managed to watch later three match's the same night being the first one the match between Owens vs. Reigns where have to say that if am not complete happy am proud of the development of KO in the ring, don't remember that the match was supposed to be a no disqualification match anyway that Super Bacon Punch was hilarious but not as impressive as that Frog splash and I don't have to say that totally love that Stunner, people went nuts when they saw that move so as I, Cena vs. AJ Styles was phenomenal didn't expected the result neither that super Cena looked like a Hulk but Styles performance was awesome, Cena's moves even when he used a "new" ones where at my personal opinion lame as always, can't wait to see the highlights of today's SmackDown about the Royal Rumble expected to See Strowman being one of the latest five wrestlers that remain at the ring but I guess it was ok the way they took it out what wasn't ok was Reigns throwing out the Taker damn I even had the fear that Boman Reigns could won it but thanks god I was wrong, have to say also that was totally disappointed in not seeing not a single special wrestler, guess that Shelton Benjamin wasn't lying when he said that he won't gonna be part of the 30 men inside that ring.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #586 on: January 31, 2017, 04:54:12 pm »
So apparently Samoa Joe was brought in on RAW to ambush Seth Rollins! Looks like Joe is coming to RAW finally.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #587 on: January 31, 2017, 06:00:50 pm »
Damn it I just saw that at my lunch time I just wonder why the hell did he appeared at Raw and not at the Royal Rumble ?  >:(

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #588 on: January 31, 2017, 07:21:11 pm »
Damn it I just saw that at my lunch time I just wonder why the hell did he appeared at Raw and not at the Royal Rumble ?  >:(

I understand it, its so they can give him a story right away.  He's basically HHH's attack dog right now and so this will get him feuding with Rollins right away, with Rollins building up for something with HHH still.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #589 on: February 01, 2017, 01:37:13 pm »
Goldberg vs. Lesnar at WrestleMania this year...

Again? Seriously?!

That was their last match in their last run in WWE. It was the first match when Goldberg returned to the WWE. And we JUST saw it in the Royal Rumble again.

Do we really have to see this match again at WrestleMania?

There's just so many other match-ups we could see that haven't been done with Goldberg, yet. Why not Goldberg vs. Undertaker? Goldberg vs. Braun Strowman? Goldberg vs. Orton? Or Goldberg vs. HHH?

Give us something new to see, WWE, since we know this Goldberg thing is going to be temporary.

On a side note: It's about damn time Samoa Joe made it to the main roster! He deserved a looong time ago.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 02:42:21 pm by burningdoom »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #590 on: February 10, 2017, 02:41:59 pm »
Didn't knew that this Sunday we will have the Elimination Chamber, damn it's only me or do we have to many events, being honest haven't seen Raw or SmackDown just the highlights from the Youtube channels that I follow anyway here is the list of the matches that officially have been announced, am not quite sure if am going to see it live but at least gonna watch two of them later the same night also am disappointed that the IC bell will not gonna be put on the line.

* John Cena vs. AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz vs. Baron Corbin vs. Bray Wyatt - Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Championship
* American Alpha vs. Heath Slater and Rhyno vs. Breezango vs. The Usos vs. The Ascension vs. The Vaudevillains - Tag team turmoil match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship
* Alexa Bliss vs. Naomi - Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship
* Mojo Rawley vs. Curt Hawkins -  Singles match
* Nikki Bella vs. Natalya    - Singles match
* Becky Lynch vs. Mickie James - Singles match
* Apollo Crews and Kalisto vs. Dolph Ziggler - 2-on-1 handicap match
* Luke Harper vs. Randy Orton - Singles match

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #591 on: February 10, 2017, 03:45:51 pm »
I'll watch as my subscription is good till the end of the month lol I keep up with news mostly for the live stuff, but there's probably a good match here and there worth checking out.  Elimination Chamber will be good, the tag team match could be fun, Lynch and James could maybe be alright, and Luke Harper vs Randy Orton should be good and that's a big story heavy match too with whats going on.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #592 on: February 12, 2017, 02:33:24 pm »
Luke Harper vs Randy Orton should be good and that's a big story heavy match too with whats going on.

That's correct, this is one of the two matches that will not gonna miss, got the feeling that Randy is going to win and the other one will be the Elimination Chamber for the WWE Championship, I can bet that Cena is going to retain cause he needs to defend the title at Wrestlemania against Orton but what I want to know is how the hell is Kevin going to retain his belt against Goldberg at Fastlane, this thanks to Jericho who this past Raw made official the match between these two (minute 11:20)  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #593 on: February 12, 2017, 04:57:41 pm »
Watched a little bit of 205 Live and caught a Jack Gallagher match, the goofy Englishman from the Royal Rumble that I had never seen before and he's not bad.  He's apparently going to Fastlane to fight Neville for the belt.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #594 on: February 12, 2017, 11:06:09 pm »
Holy crap, I had heard the talk of this happening, but I can't believe they did it.  Bray Wyatt is now not only a WWE Champion, but he's headlining Wrestlemania in a match versus Randy Orton.  We aren't getting Cena vs Orton! Woo!


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #595 on: February 13, 2017, 11:04:37 am »
We aren't getting Cena vs Orton! Woo!

Thank god we are not going to have that match anyway even when am not a big fan of The Eater of Worlds am very happy with the results of the elimination chamber, never expected to see Styles and Bray teaming but they did a good job, AJ has always was phenomenal, that Springboard 450 was simply amazing by the way the chamber has suffered some changes, I remember that the outside part of the ring was covered by steel and not by that protective floor, Dean was practically in his environment just like the announcer said he was like a kid in a candy store but The Miz was scared as hell, he was the last and the one that did the less cause he didn't beat the lunatic that was Corbin, was expecting to see at least three wrestlers against the lone wolf and not being eliminated by Ambrose but I guess that it was ok about good guy Cena he spend the last moments at the floor recovering, by the was it was only me or did the crowd boo him at sometimes of the match ?

About Randy vs Luke it was a decent match, still amaze me how Harper can move that fast for a man of his size and with those damn kicks was expecting to see him winning this match but it was obvious that Oron had to win this one, didn't saw the this one but we also got a new women champion this sure was unexpected so let's see how Naomi defends her belt.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 01:40:05 pm by doafan »

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #596 on: February 14, 2017, 10:28:01 am »
Yesterdays RAW leaved me speechless I mean first we got a new Women's Champion when Bailey defeated Charlotte whit a little help of The Boss in a match that was good enough not only to been seen by me, even my wife was watching this match at my side and she doesn't like to see the ladies, we got the idea that Flair was about to retain the belt when Dana come to the ringside just to help her friend and from nowhere Sasha came too, guess that the writers finally decided to gave her a chance after all we also got a new Women's Champion at SmackDown.

But the moment that not only leaved me speechless also it broke my heart (am quite sure that I wasn't the only one) was at the Festival of Friendship when after Jericho opened his heart to Owens with some gifts and the best speech of friendship that I have ever heard in my entire life the champ decided to give Y2J his "present", I know this is scripted and have to said that it was so well done that I almost cried like a kiddo knowing this just have one question: Why Kevin WHY ?  :'(

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #597 on: February 14, 2017, 05:18:07 pm »
Just watched it on WWE Youtube.  I love that they did this big thing to end the friendship between them.  Thats just awesome and a fitting way to move on.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #598 on: February 15, 2017, 01:02:37 pm »
Guess that since they are not friends anymore my theory that KO will lost the belt against Goldberg at Fastlane and that Kevin will fight against Jericho at Wrestlemania has more sense now, really expect this to happen where of course Y2J has to beat the crap outta Owens, am a big fan of the fat dude but it'll be awesome if this became true, just something like what it happened with the rivalry with Sami Zayn anyway yesterday we have the first defense of the title where Wyatt retained the belt in a triple threat match against Cena and AJ Styles, damn it was good that saw it twice, first on the TV and later on the iPad  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #599 on: February 27, 2017, 05:58:36 pm »
This Thursday will be an interesting night for wrestling fans.

The Jarrett era officially begins (again) this with this Thursday's episode of Impact. Dixie Carter is gone.

I will be tuned in with hopes of a renewed TNA. How about you?