Author Topic: Wrestling Thread!  (Read 113179 times)


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #630 on: March 12, 2017, 06:37:17 pm »
He was the Royal Rumble winner, someone else pointed it out to me. He just lied about not wanting to cash-in on Wyatt.

I didn't get SmackDown this week, because DVR didn't record it. So I was catching up via WWE This Week on The Network, and that detail escaped me.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #631 on: March 13, 2017, 02:49:19 pm »
He was the Royal Rumble winner, someone else pointed it out to me. He just lied about not wanting to cash-in on Wyatt.

Allow me to say that you missed a great match so watch this past Smackdown show but meanwhile just watch this footage  ;)

Didn't wanted to double post just to say that cannot believe that House Shows are much better than RAW shows, take for example the last one between where we had Balor, Jericho and Sami against Owens, Samoa a Triple H which by the way it can be seen here at the minute 01:53 and the one between Lesnar vs Owens, fuck yeah and we have it too here  ;D
« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 08:40:33 pm by doafan »

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #632 on: March 14, 2017, 01:36:51 pm »
He was the Royal Rumble winner, someone else pointed it out to me. He just lied about not wanting to cash-in on Wyatt.

Allow me to say that you missed a great match so watch this past Smackdown show but meanwhile just watch this footage  ;)

Didn't wanted to double post just to say that cannot believe that House Shows are much better than RAW shows, take for example the last one between where we had Balor, Jericho and Sami against Owens, Samoa a Triple H which by the way it can be seen here at the minute 01:53 and the one between Lesnar vs Owens, fuck yeah and we have it too here  ;D

Awesome! That sounds like test run for the HHH run faction that has been rumored to be the post-WrestleMania storyline.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #633 on: March 15, 2017, 02:01:18 pm »

Holy crap! Tom Savini is a wrestling fan! That makes him even cooler than he already was, which I didn't think was possible.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #634 on: March 15, 2017, 02:11:08 pm »
Guess that he is going to do some special effects to the WWE or maybe he'll try to convince the audience that Reigns is good  ;D

Anyway did you saw yesterday's SmackDown need to know what the hell happened to Shane cause I was at the damn work.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #635 on: March 15, 2017, 02:30:29 pm »
No, I watch my wrestling in segments through out the week. I'm still in the middle of Raw, haven't even made it to Smackdown yet.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #636 on: March 15, 2017, 02:55:03 pm »
Didn't resisted the temptation to see it a home so I just saw the highlights, it seems that AJ Styles was fired by Daniel after he beat the hell of Shame because he won't going to be part of the main event at WM, his profile was removed from the Superstars section to the Alumni section at the WWE page, even when he was fired Shane announced that he will be fighting against the Phenomenal at Wrestlemania, now do you believe me that SmackDown is better than RAW ?, still hope that at the next Draft Sami and Cesaro can go to the blue mark.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #637 on: March 28, 2017, 04:02:21 pm »
I'm gonna get all kinds of crap for this one probably, but...

ECW sucks. I really tried to get into it on the WWE Network. But after the initial newness of it wears off, the poor in-ring work (not everyone, but a good majority of them), the lack of long-term storylines, and the repeating of themes over and over again really shows through. After years and years of acting like the underdogs on their show, that "HOO-RAH!" attitude starts to lose meaning too.

I'm glad that WWF went into the Attitude Era, because they took what was good in ECW, and refined into something more palatable.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #638 on: March 28, 2017, 04:51:50 pm »
I've seen bits of ECW over the years and yeah I wasn't a huge fan either.  I understand the idea behind it, it was rougher, nastier, it wasn't polished like WWE or WCW or anything else like that.  I'd also agree that the Attitude Era is what took that roughness and made it more actually entertaining, faults and all.

Wrestlemania is this weekend and it could have some interesting possibilities.  I'm worried about some of it, unsure of others, but there could be some good stuff here possibly.

Orton vs Wyatt: WWE Championship - I'm really hoping they don't take the obvious route of putting another belt on Orton, but I could see this being good as I like Wyatt and I don't have Orton fatigue as others do who've been watching for years.

Goldberg vs Lesnar: Universal Championship - This is an unsure one.  This could easily turn out to be kinda lame, just a bunch of suplex's and spears, but I'm mildly hopeful that with the build up of Goldberg domination, that they have something entertaining to pull out.  Don't really care who wins anyways, they are both part timers, so it's relatively unimportant since the belt will go to someone else pretty soon afterwards I bet.

Seth Rollins vs HHH: Non-Sanctioned Match - This has real interesting story potential.  I'm throwing this out there as there's been talk of a new stable happening with HHH, Owens, and Joe, which seemed clear with Joe running in to help Owens, so maybe we see the Shield run in to help Rollins.  It would be kind of a rehash of HHH vs Sting at Wrestlemania, but this would be better since all the guys this time can actually still wrestle lol

Undertaker vs Reigns - This is the one I'm worried about.  This is very likely Undertakers last Wrestlemania.  Everyone is saying that he's just not physically capable of going on and I'm worried they use this as Reigns retiring Undertaker to get a boost.  Except it won't work.  They can't turn the crowd to Reigns.  Normally I'd be fine with a legend putting over someone else as they go out, but this won't benefit Roman.  At this point, I want to see Undertaker go out on top.  I know it buries, slightly literally here, the newer talent, which isn't a great idea, but I think its the best way for him to end his career.

Shane McMahon vs Styles - I don't know why this is happening truly, I don't see McMahon needing to do this after his match with Taker which should've been a high point, and though I'm sure Styles could turn this into a good match and Shane will do some big 'ole jump again that looks great, I feel this is kind of a weak fight for Wrestlemania.

Raw Women's Championship Fatal 4 Way - Good enough story here, Bayley, Charlotte, and Sasha are good wrestlers and Jax makes for a tougher take down target, so it could be okay.

Jericho vs Owens: US Championship - Both are great guys, this should be a solid match and I'm sure there will be shenanigans here, much like there was with Owens and Zayne again on Raw.

Cena/Bella vs Miz/Maryse - This is a thing.

Ambrose vs Corbin: IC Championship - Don't expect too much out of this, but it should be fine.

Bliss vs Everyone: Smackdown Women's Championship - When you don't watch the tv show, its weird when certain matches come up.  I'm not entirely sure how this match will work, I'm watching Smackdown tonight, so I'll find out, but this could be alright? Should be kinda wild.

Neville vs Aries: Cruiserweight Championship - Both are good wrestlers, so this should be solid to watch for sure.  I like the more aggressive Neville.  Made him a more interesting character.

Raw Tag Team Match Triple Threat - Good enough guys here, made into a ladder match last night (Sheamus got opened up nastily by a ladder on Raw), might be alright.

Andre Battle Royal - I'm a sucker for Rumble and Battle Royal matches.  I could see Strowman taking it perhaps.

And that's all for just Wrestlemania.  NXT Takeover is Saturday and there could be some fun stuff there.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #639 on: March 31, 2017, 02:35:14 pm »

Tonight, at 8 pm ET, on The WWE Network.

I'm looking forward to this. Great class this year!

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #640 on: March 31, 2017, 02:38:06 pm »

Tonight, at 8 pm ET, on The WWE Network.

I'm looking forward to this. Great class this year!

I almost forgot this was tonight, that they make Wrestlemania an entire weekend thing as NXT Takeover is tomorrow and Wrestlemania is a bajillion hours on Sunday.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #641 on: March 31, 2017, 02:42:56 pm »

Tonight, at 8 pm ET, on The WWE Network.

I'm looking forward to this. Great class this year!

Thanks for remind me that it is tonight, haven't seen anything related to the WWE this past fifteen days but I do want to see this one, specially the Kurt Angle introduction  ;)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #642 on: April 01, 2017, 09:12:32 pm »
Holy crap, DIY vs Revival vs AOP could be the match of the weekend.  This is incredible.  The ending was kinda poor, but overall there was some incredible spots going on.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 09:18:16 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #643 on: April 02, 2017, 01:33:57 pm »
Can't believe that they chanted "You Suck" at Kurt's introduction to the Hall of Fame but I have to admit that if I were part of that crowd definitely I would have done the same anyway about tonight's Wrestlemania believe it or not just want to see two matches, Owens vs. Jericho and Orton vs. Wyatt just to see if these feuds finally come to an end and we can see new ones also because practically these matches means something that some of us have been waiting for years and that's the reunion between old and new generations in a main event of course these are not the only ones, maybe HHH vs Rollins and Styles vs. Shane will be decent/fine to watch but the one between Reings vs. Taker is and I can beat my soul that it will be pure bullshit about Lesnar vs. Goldberg will give this one the benefit of the doubt, gonna come tomorrow just to see if I was wrong  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #644 on: April 02, 2017, 05:52:49 pm »
While the Kickoff show is usually set for kinda nothing matches, I feel like they did a smart thing by putting Neville and Aries on it.  This is a good match and the crowd is into it even with it being the start of like 100 hours of Wrestlemania lol I'm sure its looked at as treating the Cruiserweight match poorly, but I think it works out here.  Helps that it wasn't like last year where the stadium got screwed over by issues and it took hours for people to get inside, leaving the kickoff show with a half empty stadium.

Plan: Build up this big meetup between Strowman and Big Show at the Andre rumble match.  Never actually have them fight, get tossed out with minutes.  Profit? Not that I expected them to win, Strowman perhaps, but man that was weak lol Maybe they settle it on a PPV.  Surprised with the winner.

Corbin vs Ambrose was your usual Corbin vs Ambrose match lol No real surprises, but totally fine.

Now we on Styles vs McMahon.  One confusing match that I feel could be good, mostly because its Styles.  He can make gold of practically anything.  Wow, Shane is actually doing it.  He's looking good.  I think he realized he needed to do something else as it would be hard for him to do anything as crazy as his match against Undertaker.  Yeah this match is legit.  I recommend this for sure.

Wasting no time in the Jericho vs Owens match.  This is good right off the bat.  No joke, this is an incredible start to Wrestlemania with both Styles vs McMahon, and KO vs Jericho.

The three team tag match was DELETED and became a Fatal 4 Way.  This is good.

Rollins vs HHH is yet another good match.  I wasn't sure how many good matches we'd get at Wrestlemania, but its been mostly good so far outside of Cena/Bella vs Miz/Maryse and the Women's Raw Championship which was just okay.

Not Bob Marley and Pitbull doing a song.  Why can't we have like Metallica rocking it? I mean their song was supporting Rollins vs HHH.  Get them to do some kickass medley...Man, it's complaining about the Superbowl Half-Time Show all over again lol

Bummer, weak match for Orton vs Wyatt.  Not terrible and it had good ideas, but it was just an easy win for Orton in the end. Oh geez, I just realized that the whole ending of Wrestlemania could be disappointing with what is left.

Yup, Lesnar vs Goldberg was as expected.  Short and predictable.  Hopefully someone takes the belt off Brock tomorrow somehow at Raw so we can be done with Brock for awhile. Suplex City and Spears get pretty dull fast.

And that's it.  Undertaker is done.  Ending on a lackluster match, where it won't benefit Roman in any way, because of course it won't.  I really wish they had put him with someone else that could've done really benefited from taking down a legend like him.  Undertaker is way past time to be in the ring, but its a hollow victory for Roman.

Well, overall, this was a fairly good Wrestlemania.  Cena/Miz was weak, so was Taker/Reigns, Lesnar/Goldberg.  Great matches though were Neville/Aries, HHH/Rollins, Jericho/Owens, Raw Tag Team Championship, and Styles/Shane.  The rest were just fine. I don't think I could say there was a truly bad match here which was nice, just weaker ones that didn't really offer much, though Taker/Reigns had some alright spots, they just couldn't muster up enough from it and there was a poor botch where it looked like Roman was trying to Tombstone Taker but either he couldn't roll him up into it or Taker couldn't lift himself into it, most likely just due to Taker running out of steam.  Then it just kinda plodded to the end with a bunch of spears.  I'm glad Taker got a final match to put it all to rest, but this was no Flair/Michaels.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:30:29 am by kamikazekeeg »