It must be a game I want to/will eventually play. This is why I have no interest in collecting every single game released for a particular console/handheld. I do not want crap games in my collection.
* EDIT: And if there
are crap games in my collection, chances are they're the boyfriend's.
It must be reasonably priced. I don't have loads of money to spend on games.
It must be a game I have the console/handheld for. This rule allows for a tighter rein on the wallet as you're not buying willy-nilly on games you can't even play. Sure, there are several games I would like to have for consoles/handhelds I don't own, but at this point in time, it makes more sense for me to collect for consoles/handhelds I currently have. I have recently broken this rule for several PSP games, so I suppose there are exceptions to the rule when it comes to finding exceptional deals. I do plan on getting a PSP at some point soon anyway though...

It must be in decent condition. Loose carts are acceptable, but if I can find one complete for a few more dollars, I'd
much rather jump on that. Disc-based games must be complete, unless it's something that's harder-to-find. Once I find a complete copy of something I already own that's not complete (missing manual, etc.), I'll get rid of my incomplete copy. I do not like duplicates of the exact same thing in my collection.
It must be the superior version of a game released on multiple platforms. For instance, I recently bought the PS2 version of Castlevania: Curse of Darkness to replace my Xbox copy of the same game. I will most likely get rid of the Xbox version. Unfortunately, my boyfriend has a differing opinion on this particular rule. He wants every single Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus release, even if it was released for like four or five different platforms.

I buy games to keep and play, not to sell. This rule correlates with my first rule, but it may change if I get a bit more serious about expensive items. My boyfriend has a difference of opinion on this one, as he thinks we should just buy whatever we happen to come across of value, and sell it for money toward items we want in our collection. I tend to disagree at this point and only want to spend money on games I want for our collection.
Physical > Digital. I will always champion physical media over digital media. I have several XBLA titles, but I would much rather own the physical copy of a game (where possible) as opposed to the digital version. This is a big reason I'm not a part of Steam.