I just wanted to acknowledge how much I use and appreciate this site. Having said that, a huge Thank You goes out to Matt and Scott for keeping the site up to date, reliable, and most of all....it's FREE!!! I think we could all do our part in clicking a few of the ads from time to time as every little bit can help. I know I'm not the only one, as I have several local buds that use it as well, and I for one use it almost daily if I'm out on the hunt for games, because I hate when I accidentally buy a double. It's saved me lots of time, lots of money, and it's just a great way to track a collection. My brother is highly involved in my collecting activities, so he knows a lot about vgcollect, and he is SOOO jealous that he doesn't have something similar to track his Hot Wheel collection.
Anyway, that turned into a mini rant, but I just want you guys to know you're greatly appreciated!
Forever Thankful,