I think it would be nice to distinguish in our collections if a game is sealed, cib. (I see you have a few checkboxes already)
I've been mainly just using the notes for this. But maybe there is something we can have pop on for CiB, if all the boxes are checked? Like have it just put a little 100% icon next to it? or something? dunno.
Different collections would be nice (folders). I collect Final Fantasy games but also have a lot of other collectibles. I don't want those lists to be mixed. Thus far I've only entered my Final Fantasy stuff in.
Oh, for full sets of a franchise. That could be nice, for something like my Castlevania collection too. Currently the system only separates games by console. We'd have to see what @matt thinks, and if he can whip something up along those lines.
Quick tags would be fun when posting. What i mean is like a little bold B and when you click on it, it adds a [ b] [ /b] in your post.
Ya... BBcode is borked in this forum, and the only thing that seems to work is good ole HTML. I know nothing about how this forum software works, so that's another thing for Matt.

A forum section about "Find of the week". I'm sure a lot of you win good auctions or find a bulk of games at goodwill or something. it would be fun to have a section to share that in 
Feel free to start a forum post up! The more discussions on here the merrier!

Ohh and add Wonderswan to consoles 
Noted, I'll remind Matt to add it to the database.