Author Topic: Game Room Pics  (Read 204580 times)

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #435 on: January 12, 2014, 10:58:28 pm »
yeah but its a great start
i wish i had a basement or an extra room for gaming

Needs a lot of work??????    It looks amazing!!!!  What kind of work does it need?

I do wish you did live near me tho'.  We should like 10 people at least from vg collect and have multi player tournaments and a a lot of fun!   :D
My whole house needs work... room has painted (not by me) wood panels instead of drywall... I swear it looks better in pics than in real life! lol

I'd be up to play some online fighters!  Anyone who lives in North FL wants to catch an ass whoopin in some SF3 3rd strike lemme know...

On you're first game room pic you posted, what the heck is that PICO kids looking laptop thing in the box?

An edutainment masterpiece!


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Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #436 on: January 13, 2014, 06:40:15 am »
That's amazing!  I see it's not too expensive either on ebay.  I'm going to have to grab one if i ever see it thrift shopping.  Okay.  If I can ask one more question then I'll stop with all the harassment  ;)  On you're big screen tv pic with your modern consoles, where did you get the black stand to the right of the tv that you have some stuff on?  That would be great for me and I want to go get one.

P.s.  Kudos on the Mario applause doll.  I used to have one as a kid and those things are amazing  :)

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #437 on: January 14, 2014, 12:52:37 pm »
That's amazing!  I see it's not too expensive either on ebay.  I'm going to have to grab one if i ever see it thrift shopping.  Okay.  If I can ask one more question then I'll stop with all the harassment  ;)  On you're big screen tv pic with your modern consoles, where did you get the black stand to the right of the tv that you have some stuff on?  That would be great for me and I want to go get one.

P.s.  Kudos on the Mario applause doll.  I used to have one as a kid and those things are amazing  :)

The AV rack is no longer in production as far as I am aware. I'll have to spin it around and look at the model #.

Yea Ive had that doll since I was a kid. I stabbed him in the face when I was a teen and kinda regret it now. Mario's lucky I didn't have a bow or something at the time. ha

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #438 on: January 18, 2014, 10:58:26 pm »
Finally got pics of my game room. Had to clean and organize everything first, but here it is:


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #439 on: January 18, 2014, 11:07:51 pm »
I'm really digging your collection biking!
Currently Playing: The Witcher

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #440 on: January 19, 2014, 12:48:18 am »

i also have that figure  ;D


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #441 on: January 19, 2014, 03:08:59 am »
Chrono Trigger - Sweet
FFIII - Nice
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy - Man I wish I had this
Earthbou....... Wait is that..... Batman Forever?  :o ???
There must be a story behind this.

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #442 on: January 19, 2014, 10:37:24 am »
Chrono Trigger - Sweet
FFIII - Nice
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy - Man I wish I had this
Earthbou....... Wait is that..... Batman Forever?  :o ???
There must be a story behind this.

Lol sort of. The Game Chasers organized a fundraiser on Indigogo this last fall to fund the release of their DVD. There were various commitment options, and the more you donated, the more stuff you got. I paid $30 I think which got me the DVD set and a game that the Game Chasers hunted themselves. They warned people that "it might not be a good game" which Batman Forever certainly is not lol, but I thought it was so cool that it was a game that was actually hunted for and was given to me by the Game Chasers. So yea, if it weren't for that I wouldn't even own this game, and it sure as hell wouldn't be sitting on top of my display with some of the SNES greats :p


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #443 on: January 19, 2014, 12:11:57 pm »
Chrono Trigger - Sweet
FFIII - Nice
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy - Man I wish I had this
Earthbou....... Wait is that..... Batman Forever?  :o ???
There must be a story behind this.

Lol sort of. The Game Chasers organized a fundraiser on Indigogo this last fall to fund the release of their DVD. There were various commitment options, and the more you donated, the more stuff you got. I paid $30 I think which got me the DVD set and a game that the Game Chasers hunted themselves. They warned people that "it might not be a good game" which Batman Forever certainly is not lol, but I thought it was so cool that it was a game that was actually hunted for and was given to me by the Game Chasers. So yea, if it weren't for that I wouldn't even own this game, and it sure as hell wouldn't be sitting on top of my display with some of the SNES greats :p
Ah ok, that's cool. It's a great looking collection regardless

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #444 on: January 19, 2014, 12:16:27 pm »
Chrono Trigger - Sweet
FFIII - Nice
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy - Man I wish I had this
Earthbou....... Wait is that..... Batman Forever?  :o ???
There must be a story behind this.

Lol sort of. The Game Chasers organized a fundraiser on Indigogo this last fall to fund the release of their DVD. There were various commitment options, and the more you donated, the more stuff you got. I paid $30 I think which got me the DVD set and a game that the Game Chasers hunted themselves. They warned people that "it might not be a good game" which Batman Forever certainly is not lol, but I thought it was so cool that it was a game that was actually hunted for and was given to me by the Game Chasers. So yea, if it weren't for that I wouldn't even own this game, and it sure as hell wouldn't be sitting on top of my display with some of the SNES greats :p
Ah ok, that's cool. It's a great looking collection regardless

Well thank you :). My only problem is the room the collection is in (too small) and my cart shelf since most of the games are three stacks deep into the shelf and you're unable to see all of them without pulling games out. I'm working on finishing my basement and turning it into a game room, and will have 3 times the space for my collection.


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Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #445 on: January 19, 2014, 12:27:55 pm »
@bikingjaulty, this may sound very strange but your game room pics turned me on  :).  I love it! :)


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #446 on: January 19, 2014, 10:02:22 pm »
Wow bikingjahuty, that's an amazing collection! I hope mine can get that big eventually. And I hope I have the space for it then :P

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #447 on: January 19, 2014, 10:16:56 pm »
@bikingjaulty, this may sound very strange but your game room pics turned me on  :) .  I love it! :)

Suit up!

HAHAHA I'm flattered, glad you liked it so much :p

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #448 on: January 19, 2014, 10:19:03 pm »
Wow bikingjahuty, that's an amazing collection! I hope mine can get that big eventually. And I hope I have the space for it then :P

Thank you very much :). I've been collecting for a while so what you see if the labor of hunting for about 5 years. Getting my games as cheap as possible really helped with getting so many games. Being obsessed with video games, like pretty much everyone here, also helped :p


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #449 on: January 20, 2014, 09:08:09 am »
Thank you very much :). I've been collecting for a while so what you see if the labor of hunting for about 5 years. Getting my games as cheap as possible really helped with getting so many games. Being obsessed with video games, like pretty much everyone here, also helped :p

I've been collecting for 3 years, but more "seriously" for about a year only. I hunt my games as cheap as possible too, being on a very limited budget as a student :P Living in small apartments makes me limited in space too though, so it's better I don't buy too many at a time anyway.