Author Topic: Pikmin 2 Wii $4.99  (Read 3609 times)

Pikmin 2 Wii $4.99
« on: March 18, 2013, 09:35:38 pm »
Pikmain 2 Wii for $4.99.

 Sold out online, but you might be able to find it in store. If anyone has any luck at their local stores let me know. All my local stores were sold out =(
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 09:37:13 pm by justin8301 »

Re: Pikmin 2 Wii $4.99
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2013, 08:16:55 pm »
I picked up the last copy of Pikmin 2 at my local BestBuy last weekend.

Currently playing: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess