Author Topic: Isolated for being a gamer?  (Read 11230 times)


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Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« Reply #60 on: March 08, 2013, 11:56:01 am »
I have it on good authority that ko1ru is actually a really hot gamer chick and does not have a YouTube channel, despite being stuck in the middle of nowhere :p

Ya' don't say...

Help a brother out and put in some good words for me, Erik  ;)

Seriously, though -concerning Ko1ru- like she said - she doesn't go around talking about her gender very much...and she was probably one of the few people on this site who's gender I didn't already know...however, that said, TBQH, If I would have had to guess (or presume/assume) what her gender was before her posting it...I would have guessed...*Guy*  :o

Amusingly (to myself, at least) - the reason that I would have leaned towards/guessed "guy" would have been simply & strictly based on just how many times & how strongly we've agreed on/in certain issues & discussions here; and, since *I'M* a guy -and- since I found the 2 of us on exactly the same page so many times before...I'd have guessed *guy*.

I know that I'm weird & untraditional in A LOT of ways, but, a girl that's "lady-like" enough to so comfortably say "fuck 'em"; earns a few bonus points along with the highly-coveted "Disgaeniac-Seal-Of-Approval;D

At any rate, I saw this topic floating around a couple of days ago and thought that it *was* a very interesting & good idea for a topic - so, I made a mental note to post here when I got the chance.

I'm in a rush & getting ready to run out of the door right now, but, I'll get back here later with a more on-topic reply, explain why I haven't been around/posting for the last few days, and...why I *HATE* it so very, very much when (for whatever reason), I'm unable to read and/or post at my "regular" Internet haunting grounds for more than a day or two...
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« Reply #61 on: March 08, 2013, 12:07:21 pm »
Ha I was just wondering where you were too.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« Reply #62 on: March 08, 2013, 01:09:16 pm »
To its credit, I've yet to see any of the overt sexism or homophobia that permeates most gaming forums on vgcollect, and I'm pretty confident that anyone calling the women on this site "fake" or disrespecting them for being women would be kicked very quickly. Sad how rare that is, but it's nice to be able to say it.

Also, glad to see you still live, disgaeniac!


Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« Reply #63 on: March 08, 2013, 01:14:50 pm »
I hope it stays that way...
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


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Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« Reply #64 on: March 08, 2013, 03:45:31 pm »
Ha I was just wondering where you were too.

Also, glad to see you still live, disgaeniac!

Thanks, you guys!

Seriously - this site & the G*FAQ's board "RPG's: Everything Else"...are the only 2 places (on the whole entirety of the world-wide, big & bad Interwebz) that I actually, really 'n' truly...give a 'proper' fuck about  :o

They're also the only 2 places that I feel like and would consider myself a "regular" of.

As for Insektmute's question/'s been A LONG time, but, I can remember feeling similarly (somewhat) back in my high-school daze  8)

It wasn't so much *directly* with video games, per se -but- I did go through a phase (of 1-2 years) where I'd get together with whoever was around (~once a month) for a late-night/over-night D&D/AD&D session.

I'll just go right ahead and call a spade a spade, and say that I was most definitely part of the (what was then called, at least:) "Burn-out"  crowd (demographic/sub-division, clique, etc) while I was in high school.

Obviously, the group of people that I'd be getting together with to play some table-top gaming were...well...the guys & gals that we would be relentlessly (w/ the cruelty & callousness that seems to be exclusive to insecure & easily impressionable teens who gave *Waaaaaaaaaaaaay* too much importance, time, and thought into what others thought about them (just like I was, at that age)) tormenting, making fun of, mimicking/mocking, beating-up, tripping, knocking them (and their books) down, etc.

Hell...admitting that I:

A.  Knew these people,
B.  Knew their names/who they were,
C.  Knew where they lived,
D.  Ever hung-out or spent any time with,
E.  Had been to (and even spent the night!) at some of their houses, and (possibly just as bad - if not the most heinous & "anti-burnout" of all (what we then called: "Posers")) 'crime' of all,
F.  Actually *Playing* D&D (or anything like it, itself)...

...would have been tantamount to me, say, coming right out and saying that I liked/listened to Air Supply when no one else was around...instead of being the good, little, long-haired, bad-ass with his head *Constantly* banging...alone or not  :-\

So, most (if not all) of my "isolation" feelings & problems were pretty much self-imposed.

Thankfully, after a few months of being the dick & ass-hole that I *had* been being...(I'm not really sure what (if any) singular cause, trigger, event, and/or experience) brought this about -but- I matured enough to where I no longer cared or gave a fuck what other people thought about me and was openly friends & friendly with who-ever-the-fuck I wanted to be...regardless of what "group" you fit in.


Totally got carried away w/ this shit  ::)

I've already got to get up off of my ass and go out (*Again*), so...I'll have to save my "update"/"what's been going on" with myself post for later ;)

Stay tuned...

...(or not:)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« Reply #65 on: March 09, 2013, 03:21:58 pm »
I'll just go right ahead and call a spade a spade, and say that I was most definitely part of the (what was then called, at least:) "Burn-out"  crowd (demographic/sub-division, clique, etc) while I was in high school.

Pretty much sums up my crowd as well, though my friends were mostly a mix of hardcore nerds, punks, stoners, and goths. I'd started out HS doing great, with a high GPA and honors classes, but between weekly AD&D nights, going to industrial clubs, problems at home, and struggling with severe clinical depression, I'd pretty much screwed up any chance I had of graduating by the end of my sophomore year. Dropped out shortly after, and thanks to my Mom pushing me to do it, got my GED only a couple weeks later.

My isolation at that time was partially self-imposed, because I had so much anger built up, but I've always been more of an calm, introverted type of person. The upside to that is that I'm constantly learning and researching things, but my personality definitely isn't conducive to meeting new people. Not without a few drinks, anyway :p


Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« Reply #66 on: March 09, 2013, 06:24:33 pm »
It's true.  I always answer these questions from the perspective I have today.   Which I don't feel awkwardness or any shame by playing games.  When I was in high school on the other hand it was very different.  Thinking back that's been almost 11 years ago.  It's been so long ago I tend not to give it much thought.

Pretty much I was the socially unacceptable guy. 
Played video games.
Watched anime.
Played Magic the Gathering.
Played D&D.
Family was dirt poor.
Didn't waste what little money my family had on running figure 8s in town.  They called it cruising

The bad thing is I actually cared what people thought of me.  I figure that if I could do this and that I could become more popular.  Didn't work.  By the time I made my senior year in high school I quit caring.  I was literally the butt of everyone's jokes from Kindergarten up through my Junior year.  This was my last year, nothing changes, so fuck 'em.

I was in Sociology when the varsity football teams quarter back tuns to me and says, "Do you have an X-box?"  This guy who I had known, been in class with from 1989-2012, who hated video games.  Was now talking my ear off about them.  I had to stop, look around and ponder for a moment.  Almost everything I had been ridiculed for, had now become socially acceptable.  I took a week to just sit in classes and listen to what other people were talking about.  I realized that I had become just another face in the crowd. 

I considered myself a pivot man of sorts.  I had accumulated friends from everywhere.  Stoners, religious nuts, hell raisers, geeks, nerds, hicks, jocks, and then there was just me.  I didn't try to be like any of them.  I was me, and they were cool with it.


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Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« Reply #67 on: March 10, 2013, 12:04:32 pm »
I'll just go right ahead and call a spade a spade, and say that I was most definitely part of the (what was then called, at least:) "Burn-out"  crowd (demographic/sub-division, clique, etc) while I was in high school.

Pretty much sums up my crowd as well, though my friends were mostly a mix of hardcore nerds, punks, stoners, and goths. I'd started out HS doing great, with a high GPA and honors classes, but between weekly AD&D nights, going to industrial clubs, problems at home, and struggling with severe clinical depression, I'd pretty much screwed up any chance I had of graduating by the end of my sophomore year. Dropped out shortly after, and thanks to my Mom pushing me to do it, got my GED only a couple weeks later.

Heh, no wonder the 2 of us seem to get along so easily & have such similar tastes...even waaay back when - it sounds to me like we had a lot in common  8)

I was always in the "G&T" (Gifted & Talented = 'Advanced') classes in grade school, middle school, and high school.

Everything came extremely easily to me.  I don't have a photographic memory, or anything -but- I never really had to bother studying to do very well, either.

My sister (who's a college-educated school teacher), used to (and sometimes still does:) tell me how much she hated me for that (she's quite intelligent, but had to put far more time & effort into getting similar grades to me).

Anyhow, like I said...I was a the 80's (which makes me, I guess, about a dime-a-dozen:)

Long before any game companies were being accused of "dumbing anything down"...I was doing it to myself  :-\

By that, I mean, it wasn't "cool", "fitting", or "in character" for us burn-outs to be smart, studious, respectful, etc...

If asked a question (that I *knew* the answer to); I'd *intentionally* give the wrong answer...or tell my teacher to "go fuck himself", or light up a smoke, get up, walk out of the class-room, and slam the door.

Dumbing myself down to be cool & fit-in...w/ people I didn't *really* give a fuck about -and- who *really* didn't give a fuck about me, either...

...Jesus Christ!

I swear to God that if I could go back in time & meet myself the way I was then...I'd kick my own ass so hard for being so stupid & for caring about such unimportant things...then, I'd kick it again...just 'cause I was kind of an ass-hole back then, too  ::)

No shame in getting a G.E.D., my brother!

I got mine too :)

Just not under very pleasant circumstances - I'd gotten into a bit of trouble, and some old dude, who thought that he was better than me (just because he got to wear a black robe to work, sit up higher than the rest of us, and play around by banging his little, toy-like wooden hammer (and probably his secretary & court-recorder, too:) on his desk)...was talking some math & numbers with me...

...Apparently (so sayeth society), whatever wrong I'd done...had come down to these #'s that the judge was throwing at me (Hmm...maybe it was an "idiot" test; to see if I was an well as incorrigible) :P

My "choice" was (and I was only ~16 or ~17 at the time) to choose between:

A).  5 years in a state correctional facility (*Prison*), or

B).  18 months in a long-term, "behavioral-modification" (what a fucking joke:) so called "therapeutic community" Rehab.

I did a quick calculation, figured-out the difference in time between 18 months & 5 years, thought, for a second, about my awesomely long, cool, and flowing "heavy-metal hair"...and what the reaction to that in a state prison was likely to be...and went with option "B" XD!

Anyhow, got my GED while I was in there...
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« Reply #68 on: March 10, 2013, 07:32:37 pm »
Yeah, all things considered, I'd say I had a slightly easier time of things. I was very lucky that I never got arrested, or mixed up in heavy drug use, though a number of people I knew back then never pulled themselves out of their downward spiral. The time I spent in SF when I was 17 put a healthy bit of fear into me, and helped me realize how stupid a lot of the choices I'd been making really were.


Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« Reply #69 on: March 11, 2013, 02:23:57 pm »
I must have had an extremely easy time in high school. I was one of the dreaded popular kids. BUT, my graduating class was kind of different. None of us really gave a damn about anything and most of us were in the "don't need to study at all, and cause more trouble than anyone else because we're bored" group. It was like the person who gave the least amount of care to traditional school stuff was the most popular. Football included.

I never really had a reason to lie or take shit for being a "gamer". Maybe I did and just didn't give a damn :)

All of my friends now look at my collection and think it's awesome. I tell everyone that books are overrated and I want a library full of games when I'm 70.

I think a lot of what you guys are describing is all about confidence, especially in the HS age range. If you think it's going to make you less popular then you're guarded when you talk about it. If you just act like yourself and say, hey, this is what I do and why I like it, most people will back that even if they don't understand it.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 02:26:41 pm by darko »


Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« Reply #70 on: March 11, 2013, 07:38:55 pm »
you know when i go in to depression because by bipolar disorder, a good game can get me right out of it