Author Topic: Net Connection Requirement, One-Time Installs for Next Xbox  (Read 1407 times)


i know this leak is old news but it look like its gonna be true, a new "leak" has come out and points out that the next box will have one-time installs and Net Connection Requirement, check it out


Re: Net Connection Requirement, One-Time Installs for Next Xbox
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2013, 05:57:16 am »
No official announcement from Microsoft.  This article like most of the others are vague.  Meant to drum up hits.  Is it a possibility?  Yes, Microsoft have penchant for doing stupid things.  Anyone that even follows the internet, badly.  Can tell that the general consensus is not going to go in favor  of Microsoft.  They like any other business want to keep their bottom lines nice and fat.

Microsoft also has a bad habit of shorting their systems.  These would need a humongous hard drive.  There is no way you could do one time installs and keep the memory requirements down.  Due to people who buy tons of games, by the end of the consoles life cycle I'm not sure 2 terabytes would be close to enough.  This in turn drives the consoles price up.   Heaven forbid the drive fail, or system for that matter. 

I equate Microsoft as "that kid in school".  The one that thought it would be cool to have 4 friends push him down the school halls on the nurses stretcher.  After reaching a good speed forgets that there is a 45 degree 4 ft incline that ends in a brick wall.  Sure seemed like a good idea at the time though.  Not so much the paste eating retard sitting in the corner by the electrical outlet with a screw driver. 

The torches are prepped.  The pitch forks sharpened.  All it will take is an official announcement to decide whether we can breathe a sigh of relief or we march on like the angry boycotting mob we should be.

On a side note.  I am about to sound like a complete dick.  There are 3 or 4 topics on this already. We really didn't need a new one that does nothing to shed any more light on the subject.  I'm sorry dude, but that's just my opinion. 

On another side note.  Before anyone thinks it.  Yes, the school thing did happen.  He broke his arm, a leg, 3 ribs, and got a nasty concussion out of it.    Sure seemed like a good idea at the time though.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 05:59:45 am by ffxik »

Re: Net Connection Requirement, One-Time Installs for Next Xbox
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2013, 08:34:28 am »
Not that I'm one to censor free speech, but "paste eating retard" is slightly offensive, and I have no association with anyone with downs. Other than that, good points, rumors are just that.


Re: Net Connection Requirement, One-Time Installs for Next Xbox
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2013, 04:25:56 pm »
Not so much the paste eating retard sitting in the corner by the electrical outlet with a screw driver.
Um. Dude. Seriously?


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Re: Net Connection Requirement, One-Time Installs for Next Xbox
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2013, 04:30:54 pm »
Pretty much what ffxik said. I can understand speculative discussion, especially from a "state of the industry" perspective, but chasing rumors at this stage seem pretty superfluous.


Re: Net Connection Requirement, One-Time Installs for Next Xbox
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2013, 04:36:08 pm »
I haven't paid any attention to speculation, rumors or possible specs of any console this generation. But I will say, if it comes down to an always on, bull shit DRM connection. Digital only releases. Or anything along those lines, I'm punching out. At this point, my choice looks to be the Wii U. And that's mainly because of that new Monolithsoft game.
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Re: Net Connection Requirement, One-Time Installs for Next Xbox
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2013, 05:44:27 pm »
Slightly offensive nothing.  Highly offensive I'd say.  I was running a fever of 104.7 when I posted that, obviously it sounded WAYYYYY better in my head.  All I can do is apologize for that.  I can have a lapse in good judgement at these times.  Now that I am actually able to get out of bed and re-read that, yeesh.  :-[

As far as it goes I wasn't trying to insult special individuals, because I do know a few, went to school with them.   I find them far better company and more intelligent than the normal people that roam around here.  I'm sorry for any offense taken.

As far as the intent goes I'll try it again.  Let's equate Microsoft with "that guy".  Does the aforementioned with the stretcher, yet learns from his mistakes.  The other "that guy" would be EA.  The one that bullies every one to pay for their lunch one course at a time, and expects you to eat it his way.  After thorough ass kicking behind the school. The next day he's right back at it.   

Microsoft may go with this as planned and when public reaction isn't what they want, they will back peddle.  They always do.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 01:50:01 am by ffxik »