BurningDoom's 2017 Games Beaten List:1. Shantae: Risky's Revenge (DS)
2. Chrono Trigger (SNES)
3. Elements of Destruction (DS)
4. Crypt of the Serpent King (XBox One Digital)
Very, VERY basic 1st-person view dungeon crawler, with some decent graphics. Only $2.99, though. It's only 8 levels long, and it has under 10 weapons, you levels max-out at 10 (you can level-up 1 point per level, and there are 3 areas to choose from (Strength, Endurance, Agility).
The point of the game is to collect all the keys in each stage, and kill the boss after doing so. Along the way you face enemies (same type for each stage, changes each stage), collect treasure, and gain experience points.
Glad it's not more than $2.99, but worth it for that cheap of a price to kill some time.