Author Topic: Recently completed/finished  (Read 221743 times)


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1110 on: January 07, 2017, 01:15:54 pm »
1. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition-Great game with a linear but open world feel and honestly could not keep it down. Controls were so smooth as well as gunplay. 4/5


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1111 on: January 09, 2017, 09:38:12 pm »
Just finished up the 100% for Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus for the Vita. I liked the game, but I ended up skipping through most of the story because it was very predictable/uninteresting. I played the previous games on 3DS and it was more of the same. The gameplay and zaniness of the game was fun though.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1112 on: January 10, 2017, 02:51:41 pm »
Just completed the Cave with Knight, Hillbilly and Time Traveller definitely will gonna start a second run with another three characters  8)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1113 on: January 10, 2017, 03:45:28 pm »
Finished up the 100% on Nier for PS3, still one of my favorite games ever. Counting the 360 version I've beat this game to completion twice now, recommended to any RPG fan.

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1114 on: January 12, 2017, 05:40:26 am »
Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy IV


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1115 on: January 12, 2017, 11:21:41 am »
Beat Hotline Miami 2 yesterday. The last Chapter sucked, it was hard as FUCK! Also had to restart the whole chapter once because a dog was stuck between a fountain, which I couldn't reach with the Dirty Hands technique.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2017, 04:32:11 pm by kevininja »


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1116 on: January 13, 2017, 10:50:58 pm »
Just 1cc'd Raiden DX Novice mode after getting a Training clear a few months ago. It's doable, although not it doesn't feel that easy due to those fast bullets which make routing an absolute must

 I'm debating on possibly taking on Raiden 1 or 2 via emulation, since I can't find a decently priced copy of Raiden Project anywhere.

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1117 on: January 15, 2017, 02:28:55 am »
Metroid (NES)
Wizards & Warriors

both today woo!

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1118 on: January 15, 2017, 09:15:37 am »
Super Mario 3D World.  I got all flag pole tops and all stars, and beat all levels as Peach.  I'm only missing the stamps for completing the game as ever character, and I'm not going to do that.  It's just silly.

I thought the game was way easier than its reputation.  Only three levels in the entire game gave me any trouble.  The final mystery house, the last beat block level, and Champion's Road.  And Champion's Road was mostly because I had trouble with the beat blocks, and once I got that rhythm down it wasn't that bad.  Especially after I went in with two Tanooki suits.  Soared right through it.

It is definitely a fun game, but I found myself pretty underwhelmed compared to the amount of praise I've heard it get.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 11:26:41 am by Cartagia »


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1119 on: January 15, 2017, 10:58:40 am »
Super Mario 3D World.  I got all flag pole tops and all stars, and beat all levels as Peach.  I'm only missing the stamps for completing the game as ever character, and I'm not going to do that.  It's just silly.

I thought the game was way easier than its reputation.  Only three levels in the entire game gave me any trouble.  The final mystery house, the last beat block level, and Champion's Run.  And Champion's Run was mostly because I had trouble with the beat blocks, and once I got that rhythm down it wasn't that bad.  Especially after I went in with two Tanooki suits.  Soared right through it.

It is definitely a fun game, but I found myself pretty underwhelmed compared to the amount of praise I've heard it get.

Now that you have every level unlocked, can't you just go and beat the final stage with every character to get the stamps?
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 11:10:11 am by burningdoom »

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1120 on: January 15, 2017, 11:27:47 am »
Super Mario 3D World.  I got all flag pole tops and all stars, and beat all levels as Peach.  I'm only missing the stamps for completing the game as ever character, and I'm not going to do that.  It's just silly.

I thought the game was way easier than its reputation.  Only three levels in the entire game gave me any trouble.  The final mystery house, the last beat block level, and Champion's Run.  And Champion's Run was mostly because I had trouble with the beat blocks, and once I got that rhythm down it wasn't that bad.  Especially after I went in with two Tanooki suits.  Soared right through it.

It is definitely a fun game, but I found myself pretty underwhelmed compared to the amount of praise I've heard it get.

Now that you have every level unlocked, can't you just go and beat the final stage with every character to get the stamps?
I wish.  You have to beat every stage with every character.  That's just a time sink I don't want to deal with.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1121 on: January 15, 2017, 12:55:04 pm »
Completed the Cave again but this time with The Adventurer, The Twins and The Monk kinda hated all their stages cause the damn puzzles plus all the times that they kicked my butt almost made me broke the damn controller  >:(

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1122 on: January 16, 2017, 02:59:38 pm »
Today, I finished Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. I got the True Demon Ending. It was an amazing game. As usual, I'll write a review and post it in the 52 Games Challenge topic, but I wanted to share some quick thoughts. Very minor spoiler below.

As expected, the game was brutally difficult. I played on Normal difficulty, so I can only imagine how much trouble I would have been in if I played on Hard. Even if you come prepared with the right magatama, demons and enough healing items, you always need to be on your toes. Risk vs. reward has no place in Nocturne; it's always important to play it safe. Just when you think you found an effective team for battling enemies, new demons will appear that will make you switch things up. Luckily, you never have to worry about permanently saying goodbye to your favorite demons because you can always re-summon them for battle or fusion.

I really liked how empty yet full the game felt. The MC is literally all alone in a post-apocalyptic world but there are tons of spirits and demons you can talk to that make world feel realized. The denizens have plenty to say and their lines alter depending on where you are in the story. The choices you make as the MC are really interesting and not only effect the ending you'll get but the level of access you have to certain areas.

Finally, getting the True Demon Ending is not for the unprepared. I will admit that I looked at a guide when I realized that by *minor spoiler* finishing the Fifth Kalpa I irrevocably set myself up for the TDE. After reading about what the boss entailed, I looked up how to find the last magatama I was missing in order to gain access to the bonus dungeon. Which, by the way, was a blast. Just a word of warning for those that decide to go for the TDE: set aside plenty of time and make sure the MC has Pierce.

Some final, random thoughts:
* The MC makes me want to replay Digital Devil Saga since he's an optional boss in it
* I frequently altered my party, but the Black Horse Rider was always in as soon as I got him due to his amazing abilities - I highly recommend getting one
* I'm the furthest thing from a Devil May Cry fan, but Dante really came into his own in Nocturne. Plus, he was insanely useful
* I made the mistake of getting rid of Focus on my MC. I was still fine, but having Focus would have been useful
* As soon as you have the option to do so, try to get Pierce and Freikugel on the MC
* Other useful abilities that you should always have: Fog Breath, Dekaja, Debilitate, Dekunda
* The Press Turn System was fun in Digital Devil Saga so it's no surprise that it was fun here

I'm really excited to write this review. I'm thrilled that Nocturne was my first completed RPG of 2017.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 03:02:38 pm by kashell »

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1123 on: January 16, 2017, 05:42:02 pm »
Beat Dragon Ball Fusions last night. A way better game than I expected walking in. Good gameplay and story and cute chibi graphics that grew on me after awhile. Sadly the main story is criminally short and aside from a couple battles was insanely easy. If anything I think a bulk of my time playing was spent farming for moves and characters. Though some of the cuaracters needed for the best fusions arent accessible  until the post game which sucks cuz I would have loved to have gone through a bulk of the story with Karoly on my team. Also grinding for SSJ is horrible ><


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #1124 on: January 18, 2017, 01:45:48 am »
BurningDoom's 2017 Games Beaten List:
1. Shantae: Risky's Revenge (DS)

2. Chrono Trigger (SNES)

I had beaten this before, but not with the best ending. The first time, I didn't get Magus, I kept fighting him until I killed him. And I didn't save Chrono.

This time, I acquired Magus, saved Chrono, and beat every sidequest.

Still a great RPG.