BurningDoom's 2017 Games Beaten List:1. Shantae: Risky's Revenge (DS)
2. Chrono Trigger (SNES)
3. Elements of Destruction (DS)
4. Crypt of the Serpent King (XBox One Digital)
5. Rayman: Origins (XBox 360)
6. Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary (XBox One - via Master Chief Collection)
7. Halo 2 Anniversary (XBox One - Via Master Chief Collection)
8. Halo 3 (XBox One - Via Master Chief Collection)
9. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U)
10. Halo 4 (XBox One - Via Master Chief Collection)
11. DuckTales (NES - via Disney Afternoon Collection on XBox One)
12. Shovel Knight - Specter of Torment (Wii U)
13. DuckTales 2 (NES - via Disney Afternoon Collection on XBox One)
14. Contra - Arcade Version (XBox Live Arcade)
I saw that this was now backwards compatible on XBox One, so I downloaded and played it.
I also discovered that the 30 men cheat for the NES version works on this version too! Does anyone know if that was the case with the actual arcade cabinet, too?
Contra is always a fun playthrough, run-n-gun at it's basic best! But the NES version is so much better, still. One of the few cases of the NES version surpassing the arcade version.