The first one is kicking my but
The first one can be pretty hard too. I didn't 101% that one though.
Is there a bonus section or something? How does it go past 100?
It's just something they do. The first one is 101%, the second is 102% and the 3rd is 103%. It just means you did everything lol.
The first game overall is way easier, unless you go for the 101%. Unlike the sequels you never know if you found all of the bonus rooms, some levels may have five, others only one and you never know which. I played with a guide to find the secrets. Donkey Kong Country 2 is just mean as far as difficulty goes, but it is easy to tell if you have found all of the bonus rooms, although I never did my finish my 102% run. I think the perfect balance was with Donkey Kong Country 3 and it is by far my favorite. You can also go for 104% and 105% in DKC 3 with cheat codes to make the game harder. DKCR and DKCTF are excellent games as well, but something feels off with the new games where I don't really want to find everything. That and the fact that it would always be in the back of my mind that I can never fully complete it till I get not the gold, but the extremely difficult to obtain shiny gold time trial medals!