Author Topic: Board Games!  (Read 20601 times)


Re: Board Games!
« Reply #75 on: June 06, 2018, 01:16:15 pm »
Yeah, one of the friends has suggested Pandemic in the past, so when I heard Forbidden Desert was kinda similar, I thought I'd pick it up to try. I'm definitely curious about Pandemic!
Zombicide (and its various spinoffs and expansions) is the most expensive one out of the list, but it's also got the most replayability. It's a zombie survival RPG where players play as a team of survivors,trying to complete various objectives while also dealing with the ever-growing zombie horde. As everything's modular and scenario-based, there are tons of different setups and levels of difficulties to try out, especially with the expansions added to the mix.

Your mention of Zombicide reminded me of Dead of Winter. A pretty fun co-op game, but with a twist that one of your members could potentially be a betrayer. Make it interesting having to second guess everyone's moves.
Currently Playing: The Witcher


Re: Board Games!
« Reply #76 on: June 06, 2018, 01:56:43 pm »
To the few who play board games here, perhaps someone can help me out.  I know this thread isn't for this type of thing but I need help finding an expansion to a game that we have.

My kids love to play Rail Raiders Infinite and I am looking for the The Good, The Bad, and The Bot expansion.  I know it's not a good game but they like it, so I'm trying to find the expansions to up the number of players.  I managed Old Tyme Religion so we have the fifth player just need the sixth. 

Any help would be appreciated.

We played Rail Raiders Infinite on Memorial Day with 4 players and had a riot. It is a pretty light game and the rules could have been clearer, but I def think that it's better with more players cutting each other's throats. After that game, I wanted to try it at 6 players.

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised that you can't find it right now, because it's either not released to the public yet or awaiting a reprint of some sort. I'm guessing the latter. I found a post from Ninja Division on Twitter saying the release date for RRI:G,B,B hasn't been announced yet. Perhaps with Origins and GenCon looming, we might see new RRI retail releases.

Ninja Division's original Kickstarter release was missing the extra dice that it was supposed to come with and there was a big to do about it. So I'm guessing the retail release got pushed back a bit to make sure it was all set for retail.

That said, I'm supposed to be working with ND and judging their chibi miniatures painting competition at GenCon. Poke me in the beginning of August, if you haven't found a copy yet and I'll ask them while I'm there.

Scott dropping the knowledge :) Thanks, man; I thought maybe you'd be able to give ffxik some good info :)
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Board Games!
« Reply #77 on: June 07, 2018, 08:50:56 am »
haha, any time.

I've been deep into board games over the last few years, and seem to play them more than I play video games. Also, I Kickstarted Rail Raiders: Infinite and work with Ninja Division as a painting competition judge at GenCon.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: Board Games!
« Reply #78 on: June 09, 2018, 02:38:43 pm »
To the few who play board games here, perhaps someone can help me out.  I know this thread isn't for this type of thing but I need help finding an expansion to a game that we have.

My kids love to play Rail Raiders Infinite and I am looking for the The Good, The Bad, and The Bot expansion.  I know it's not a good game but they like it, so I'm trying to find the expansions to up the number of players.  I managed Old Tyme Religion so we have the fifth player just need the sixth. 

Any help would be appreciated.

We played Rail Raiders Infinite on Memorial Day with 4 players and had a riot. It is a pretty light game and the rules could have been clearer, but I def think that it's better with more players cutting each other's throats. After that game, I wanted to try it at 6 players.

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised that you can't find it right now, because it's either not released to the public yet or awaiting a reprint of some sort. I'm guessing the latter. I found a post from Ninja Division on Twitter saying the release date for RRI:G,B,B hasn't been announced yet. Perhaps with Origins and GenCon looming, we might see new RRI retail releases.

Ninja Division's original Kickstarter release was missing the extra dice that it was supposed to come with and there was a big to do about it. So I'm guessing the retail release got pushed back a bit to make sure it was all set for retail.

That said, I'm supposed to be working with ND and judging their chibi miniatures painting competition at GenCon. Poke me in the beginning of August, if you haven't found a copy yet and I'll ask them while I'm there.

I got a hold of them through their facebook.  It was a weird conversation, but I have it ordered through SodaPopMinatures at the moment.  Apparently it's supposed to be available on SPMs' site, but it's not up yet.  So I'm guessing a release issue.

In other news who here plays LCGs?  I am a fan of Android: Netrunner but just found out WotC revoked the licence from FFG.  Really bummed about that since I haven't been on board with WotC lately.  At least I didn't have to worry about FFGs card quality.   :-\


Re: Board Games!
« Reply #79 on: June 24, 2018, 07:34:02 pm »
Anyone try this game out from their first time around?

I might jump on it anyway. Seems like a good value for what they're asking, and it's been very successful. What I'm curious about is the replayability of the "chapters."
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)