@burningdoom? I need to know what you think about the ROCK 101 topic. Your were the creator of this topic so I'll let you decide and and admins or moderators both decide on whether to keep the following thread of merge with this thead. I ddin't see this topic in the off topic forum when I posted a new rock music topic. in which why I now think that the "What Are You Listening to Right Now?" thread should be a sticky thread for those who love music. I personally love all kinds of music but my favorite is light metal or also known as Hair Metal or pop metal, or something else.
So I would like to make 3 requests
1: make this topic sticky
2: merge rock 101 with this one
keep both threads as is. I personally would not like the posts in that thread to be deleted nor do I want to make @burningdoom angry or the admins and moderators

My Topic for easy combine access just in case
https://vgcollect.com/forum/index.php/topic,8413.0.htmlI was stupid not the check this read this topic first

I sent a PM to @burningdoom just in case it was the same as written above. I am not trying to disrespect him or her in any regard I was only trying to be fair and let decide just in case he or she forgets about this topic