Anybody here heard or read anything about purchasers of Infinite demanding (and *Receiving*) refunds for the game due to some kind of "religious offensiveness" within the game - WtF is that shit all about?! 
That's *Literally* all that I know/have heard about it - I don't know any of the details or specifics...any of the rest of you all know what's going on?
Not to get into religious arguments (never a good thing to do)... The game does work as a criticism of christianity/religion used for evil... And that's really it. You don't need a game to do that, history does that well enough... But somehow if a game does it it's bad and people just can't take anything without being insulted.
Seriously...that's it?!
I guess that some people must just be pretty, damned thin-skinned if they think that a fictional representation of something -made of polygons & pixels- entitles them to the use of a/the:
"My sensibilities have been so highly offended by ("unexpected") content -in an "M"-rated *
VIDEO* game...that I'm entitled to a full refund" argument/claim/demand...
...Again, I ask/say W.T.F.?!
I sincerely doubt that they didn't *finish* playing the game beyond that point BEFORE getting their refunds.
Meh, sounds like an opportunistic way to get & play the newest, AAA releases...for free!