Author Topic: Rating and Reviewing Games  (Read 1475 times)


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Rating and Reviewing Games
« on: May 07, 2013, 08:27:46 pm »
So since we've been on the subject of game ratings lately, I thought this might be a cool idea:

Could there be any way for members to rate and/or review games on the website? When I say "rate", I'm not talking like ESRB ratings, I'm mean a scale based on how well a member liked it (such as a 1 through 10 scale), which an average of members rated scores could be displayed next to the game. Being able to have member reviews of the game would be cool, too.

Re: Rating and Reviewing Games
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 10:06:47 pm »
I've brought this up like 4 times haha


Re: Rating and Reviewing Games
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2006, 07:18:32 am »
I've, personally, never really liked rating systems on sites like this. They only really ever lead to someone getting butt-hurt that their favorite game only got a 4 out 5. Or something stupid like that.

But, an addition of user reviews I could get on board with. True, it could lead to some of the same issues as a rating system but it also wouldn't be so anonymous. So, there could be actual discussion instead of nerd-rage?

Re: Rating and Reviewing Games
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2013, 12:08:51 pm »
Well the only problem I have is if some jackass just ran thru and rated proposely stupid on all. But user reviews I feel would crowd stuff up. I always thought about posting a topic once a day a list of games on like 8 different consoles telling people to give there thoughts but I would think it would crowd up also. Soo I don't know.


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Re: Rating and Reviewing Games
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2013, 01:13:36 pm »
So because you're afraid you're gonna disagree on an opinion with someone, they should be there at all? I don't follow that logic.

Seems like ideas around here are always turned down. With Virtual Boy people were saying we shouldn't have controllers in the accessory category because they aren't sold separately, which made no sense to me since other stock controllers on other systems are in the accessories category. When the movies categories were brought up, people were saying they don't want to separate VHS, LaserDisc, DVD, and Blu-Ray; yet there's a HUGE difference between the formats.

I'm sorry if I offend anyone here, I don't mean to. But it seems like some people just don't want to do the work it involves to change things here. And if a website is unwilling to change, it's gonna die. Not that reviews will make or break the site, not saying that, just referring to a general attitude I've noticed.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 01:15:57 pm by burningdoom »


Re: Rating and Reviewing Games
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2013, 01:42:54 pm »
If it was up to me I'd add a ton of categories, but I can't.

We discuss these things so we don't just... do something on impulse.

You might think the site is bad right now, but trust me. It's not nearly as bad as the site that I came from, where features and bugfixes that I requested eight years ago -still- haven't been looked at.


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Re: Rating and Reviewing Games
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2013, 02:44:21 pm »
The site is great, not saying it's otherwise. Just seems that people are quick to turn down new ideas.


Re: Rating and Reviewing Games
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2013, 02:47:54 pm »
So because you're afraid you're gonna disagree on an opinion with someone, they should be there at all? I don't follow that logic.

Seems like ideas around here are always turned down. With Virtual Boy people were saying we shouldn't have controllers in the accessory category because they aren't sold separately, which made no sense to me since other stock controllers on other systems are in the accessories category. When the movies categories were brought up, people were saying they don't want to separate VHS, LaserDisc, DVD, and Blu-Ray; yet there's a HUGE difference between the formats.

I'm sorry if I offend anyone here, I don't mean to. But it seems like some people just don't want to do the work it involves to change things here. And if a website is unwilling to change, it's gonna die. Not that reviews will make or break the site, not saying that, just referring to a general attitude I've noticed.

I agree. However, I think the issue is not so much that people don't want to work for the change. Rather, by what you say, it seems many people want to over personalize the database. No matter how you slice it it's a public database. And should be treated as such.


Re: Rating and Reviewing Games
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2013, 04:27:29 pm »
I'm sorry if I offend anyone here, I don't mean to. But it seems like some people just don't want to do the work it involves to change things here. And if a website is unwilling to change, it's gonna die. Not that reviews will make or break the site, not saying that, just referring to a general attitude I've noticed.

The biggest problem with doing additional new features, isn't that we have people that don't want to do the work. Its that the only one that cab do the coding of these new features is Matt. And he has a lot on the plate with the redesign and features he's already planned for.
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Re: Rating and Reviewing Games
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2013, 04:46:34 pm »
I'm sorry if I offend anyone here, I don't mean to. But it seems like some people just don't want to do the work it involves to change things here. And if a website is unwilling to change, it's gonna die. Not that reviews will make or break the site, not saying that, just referring to a general attitude I've noticed.

The biggest problem with doing additional new features, isn't that we have people that don't want to do the work. Its that the only one that cab do the coding of these new features is Matt. And he has a lot on the plate with the redesign and features he's already planned for.

That is definitely one of the reasons...

Foxhack really nailed it though in that we don't do anything out of impulse. Any update/change or new feature will never be able to please everyone which is exactly why I like to let the forums run wild for a bit before I chime in. This allows everyone to voice their opinions and go back and forth before we come to an agreement. This system has been working great and has really helped mold VGC into what it is today.

Another major reason is that our goal is to be the best "Video Game Database and Collection Management System" that we can be. I am quick to veto out any ideas that don't seem to fit into this narrow goal. I find too many sites and services try to add every feature under the sun and end up not really excelling at anything. I want us to excel as a collection management system.