Author Topic: PS3 Questions  (Read 1679 times)


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PS3 Questions
« on: May 11, 2013, 09:16:52 pm »
Alright folks, I don't know dick about the PS3. I have one and don't know anything about it. It's the 80gb Fat model. I've got a couple of questions

A) How do how I tell if it is backward compatible?

2) Is there a good and cheap replacement controller?

III) What are the go to games on the system? I want the God of War Trilogy and the Uncharted games. Other than that, I have no clue.

Re: PS3 Questions
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2013, 09:44:35 pm »
I had bought the ps3 controller that was like the Xbox's and it broke in about 3 months so not that one atleast. My friends and brother really like Infamous 1 or 2(I never played it) I liked killzone pretty good. gran turismo 5 looked good but never played it. Little big planet was very popular but of what I have played it wasn't that great(IMO)...


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Re: PS3 Questions
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2013, 10:18:26 pm »
from wikipedia
A)All models support software emulation of the original PlayStation,[68][69] but support for PlayStation 2 backward compatibility has slightly diminished with later compatible models and the last model to have integrated backward compatibility was the NTSC 80GB (CECHE) Metal Gear Solid 4 Bundle.[70] Compatibility issues with games for both systems are detailed in a public database hosted by the manufacturer

B)being how most 3rd party controllers lack sixaxis, games that have sixaxis won't recognize them so you might just want to get an official controller

III) Infamous 2, Ninja gaiden Sigma, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 No More Heroes: Heroes's Paradise, Sly Cooper: Theives in time, Tales of Graces f, Tales of Xillia, Valkyria Chronicles


Re: PS3 Questions
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2013, 10:45:08 pm »
If you like old school RPGs, I recommend 3D Dot Game Heroes. If you're into racing games, I heard that DiRT and Blur are both awesome in the genre. Or you could go with the good old demolition derby and Twisted Metal!

Heavy Rain is an awesome game too, it's kind of like an interactive movie, but it's really lots of fun. The story is great and has multiple endings!

I've been having LOTS of fun with Rayman Origins recently. Great platformer for single or multiplayer, up to 4 people. It's harder to play when you're 4 on screen, as you can hit each other, but it's really fun. I play with my brother and we enjoy ourselves a lot.

Prototype is awesome if you like sandbox games, and feeling super damn powerful. And last but not least, Sonic Generations is a must if you're a Sonic fan! :)


Re: PS3 Questions
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2013, 11:14:46 pm »
All the models are backwards compatible with PS1 games. Only the 60 gig and one other is compatible with the PS2. The bad thing is that the ones that are compatible with the PS2 are usually the ones that YLOD.

Game wise, nothing beats Ni no Kuni. All of the God of War games are pretty awesome and if you like those, Dante's Inferno has about the same play style. Dark souls/Amalur/Skyrim/Oblivion are great games if like that style. MK 2011 is the best MK game ever released. Saw 1&2 are neat games. Brutal Legend is cool. Lollipop chainsaw is super sexy!


Re: PS3 Questions
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2013, 01:33:14 pm »
Yeah, I was under the impression that it was just the original 40gb(20GB?) and 60gb models that were ps2 compatible.  Sounds like that Metal Gear bundle is as well.  I still have my 60gb original and I remove the dust and keep it as cool as possible for fear of it overheating and breaking down.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 01:36:43 pm by varkias »


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Re: PS3 Questions
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2013, 02:14:30 pm »
Yeah, I was under the impression that it was just the original 40gb(20GB?) and 60gb models that were ps2 compatible.  Sounds like that Metal Gear bundle is as well.  I still have my 60gb original and I remove the dust and keep it as cool as possible for fear of it overheating and breaking down.

Yeah, I still have a launch 60 Gig 'fattie' & a newer, plain 'slim' PS3.

My 1st ylod'd after about two years -and- it's happened to me twice more since then (both while still under warranty, at least:)

I actually bought the slim as a "spare" so I could keep on playing while my fat PS3's were "in-the-shop"  :o

I still have a PS2 -so- its b/c isn't all that important to me...but...I do *Really* miss the ability to stick in a usb w/ game saves, pics, etc in the newer slim models :(

@Varkias -

Did you swap-out that 60 gig hard drive of yours?

Long ago, I greatly upgraded mine...and since then...I've never had to even look at or worry about how much space I have left :)

"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: PS3 Questions
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2013, 07:44:01 pm »
Thanks folks. I'm looking for the exclusives. If its anything else I'm interested in, I have it or will get it on 360. I'm fixated on getting the God of War Saga right now. That then Uncharted. Then maybe some other of the PS3 Collections. Ratchet and Clank has my attention too


Re: PS3 Questions
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2013, 10:18:13 pm »
God of War games are awesome ... and you getting into it at just the right time. You can buy all 5 of the first games on one disk now (instead of piece by piece like I did). And seriously, pick up Ni no Kuni. You will not regret it.


Re: PS3 Questions
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2013, 11:09:01 pm »
Yeah, I was under the impression that it was just the original 40gb(20GB?) and 60gb models that were ps2 compatible.  Sounds like that Metal Gear bundle is as well.  I still have my 60gb original and I remove the dust and keep it as cool as possible for fear of it overheating and breaking down.

Yeah, I still have a launch 60 Gig 'fattie' & a newer, plain 'slim' PS3.

My 1st ylod'd after about two years -and- it's happened to me twice more since then (both while still under warranty, at least:)

I actually bought the slim as a "spare" so I could keep on playing while my fat PS3's were "in-the-shop"  :o

I still have a PS2 -so- its b/c isn't all that important to me...but...I do *Really* miss the ability to stick in a usb w/ game saves, pics, etc in the newer slim models :(

@Varkias -

Did you swap-out that 60 gig hard drive of yours?

Long ago, I greatly upgraded mine...and since then...I've never had to even look at or worry about how much space I have left :)

I was going to back in the day, I was planning installing Linux and well.... we know what happened there.  Now I just have to clean up movie rentals n stuff every month or so.  Lately I've been wondering if an SSD is an option?