Author Topic: PlayStation Mouse compatibility  (Read 8404 times)


PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« on: June 16, 2013, 03:39:44 am »
So I've been thinking of buying a PlayStation Mouse to make playing Clock Tower 1 and 2 less of a hassle. While I do own an original PlayStation, it's on its last legs, so I tend to play my PS1 games on my PS2 nowadays. Does anyone know if the PS Mouse in compatible with the PS2? Conversely, does anyone know if PS Mouse-compatible PS1 games work with a standard USB mouse attached to the PS2? I've been looking around and can't seem to find any answers elsewhere.
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.


Re: PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2013, 03:06:12 am »
Only thing I can say is try.  Although from my understanding.  The PS2 is compatible with a USB mouse as long as the game supported it.  So give 'er a go and report your findings so we can all learn something.   :D


Re: PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2013, 07:25:29 pm »
I tried out my Classic Trak Ball that is compatible with all PS1 Mouse Games on my PS2 and it seems to not have any problems with it.  I also tried out an optical USB mouse and it seems that is not compatible. so I would assume that a PS1 mouse would work.
Now Playing: Lollipop Chainsaw


Re: PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2013, 07:44:10 pm »
Thanks, both of you. I was mainly asking because I'm an utter cheapskate and I wasn't about to drop $50 on a PS Mouse that I couldn't even use without buying another PlayStation. Not to mention that finding a working PS Mouse for a half-decent price is an absolute pain. I've never had luck with the Classic Track Ball to begin with (too floaty for my tastes,) but I'll try it out. I'll post the results when I get the chance. :D
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.


Re: PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2013, 01:47:43 am »
What's wrong with your PS1 anyway?


Re: PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2013, 04:42:34 am »
What's wrong with your PS1 anyway?

It has trouble reading discs. I keep telling myself I need to mess around with the laser one of these days, but I always find an excuse to do something else. :P
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.


Re: PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2013, 05:56:12 am »
You can get the laser and motor assembly from ebay for around $10.  They are easy to replace.  The only thing you need to watch for is, IF you decide to go this route.  Sometimes the spindle hub will be set too low.  You'll know by spinning the hub and it isn't smooth and noiseless.  That being the case just take something flat, like a knife.  Use it to gently lift up under the spindle hub until it can preform a smooth noiseless revolution.  Too much force will break it.


Re: PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2013, 05:56:32 am »
What's wrong with your PS1 anyway?

It has trouble reading discs. I keep telling myself I need to mess around with the laser one of these days, but I always find an excuse to do something else. :P
thats a problem with most early CD based consoles, the laser and motor are vary unreliable and over time they will need to be replaced. reliable CD/DVD drives didn't come in to the marked on till the days of the PS2,xbox and gamecube. try cleaning the laser and if that doesn't work, it probably needs to be replaced


Re: PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2013, 06:36:00 am »
Thanks for the advice. I'm a bit hesitant to try it out, considering I'm absolutely terrible with my hands, but I know it's a skill I'll need to pick up one of these days, especially since I plan on building up my Saturn collection. I can't leech off my more tech-savvy friends forever. :P

thats a problem with most early CD based consoles, the laser and motor are vary unreliable and over time they will need to be replaced. reliable CD/DVD drives didn't come in to the marked on till the days of the PS2,xbox and gamecube. try cleaning the laser and if that doesn't work, it probably needs to be replaced

I've already tried cleaning it. It didn't seem to make any difference, unfortunately. I'm probably just going to replace it.
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.


Re: PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2013, 06:43:33 am »
The PS1 is by and far the easiest to replace.  Just remove the 6 screws in the bottom, remover the top.  Unplug the drives power cable and the copper colored ribbon cable.  Lift straight up.  Now remove the power cable from the old unit and plug into the new unit.  Set the new unit where the old one was and just plug the cables in.  Replace the top of the case, put the screws in and you're done.


Re: PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2013, 07:27:09 am »
The PS1 is by and far the easiest to replace.  Just remove the 6 screws in the bottom, remover the top.  Unplug the drives power cable and the copper colored ribbon cable.  Lift straight up.  Now remove the power cable from the old unit and plug into the new unit.  Set the new unit where the old one was and just plug the cables in.  Replace the top of the case, put the screws in and you're done.

I actually already have everything I need. I just need an excuse to get started. I have work off this Friday, so I think I'll try then. Thanks for all your help. I'll report my success (or lack thereof) then. :)
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.


Re: PlayStation Mouse compatibility
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2013, 09:33:20 am »
Look I am just some high school grad in the middle of rural Missouri.  We're not exactly tech savvy in this area.  I mean when prompted to "press any key to continue".  If you let them they will spend quite some time looking for that "any" key.  That and getting into a rather heated argument when you show the person the hard drive you bought them.  They go ballistic about it being a DVD drive simply because in the pics on Tiger Direct, the HD has the platters exposed.

Anyway Most of this I have figured out through trial and error.  I know full well that if my dumbass can figure it out.  I know anybody else can too.   ;)  So, I have faith in you.