Hello dear collectors !!!
First of all, I'd like to say how nice I think this website is! I was looking for ages to find a website like this one and I finally found it!
Now, I made this thread because I have three things for sale. I would also accept NES games in trade.
- Poltergeist (TRS-80, aka Tandy, aka Color Computer) Complete. It has the box (which isn't in a really good shape, but you still have it), the cartridge (which is in excellent physical and working condition) and the instruction booklet (which is in a very good condition). Last time I checked, only an average looking condition of this one was selling for 20$ on eBay. Like I said, it's comlete, but the box isn't in the best condition. -- 20$
- Blades of Steel (NES) cartridge only. The game is in very good physical and working condition. -- 3$
- Austin Powers: Oh Behave! (GBC cartridge only). The game is in like new condition, without any scuff or mark on the label or the cartridge intself. It plays pefectly -- 2$
- Nintendo RF Switch, Perfect physical and working condition. I do not need this one as I am using RCA cables to play with my NES. -- 3$ or free if you buy the two games.