StarTropics was actually the first and only game that I called the Nintendo Help Line for. Well, also Mario 64 but that was because of my cartridge was glitched... StarTropics was the one game I called them because I was actually stuck in it. So it's notable for that in my memories.
As an NES game in general it's notable for being the only NES game developed by Nintendo themselves that didn't get a japanese release at all (I think... oh and the sequel of course... correct me if I'm wrong). There's also the Nintendo version of Tetris, but they got another version so I don't count that
It's one of my favorite NES games actually. If I managed to be able to make a top 10 for the system, it would be in there. Amazing music, I liked the storyline and setting, badass gameplay... there's nothing really wrong about it. Sad that Zoda's Revenge didn't live up to the first AT ALL, it's terrible in comparison.
I'll definitely play through this soon for the VGConnect