I found something interesting...
As all readers here know, I've been having trouble deleting a game from my collection - decided to give it another shot this morning.
So, I
- Logged-in,
- went to "collection",
- went to "PS2",
- went to "PS2 games NA", and went to
- "Page 3" (the item I wanted to delete was about 1/2 down this page).
What I found interesting was: The very top item displayed on the page, had the 'normal' box next to it w/ the option to "remove"; HOWEVER, when I clicked-on the next item down (or any other item on that page)...the box (w/ "remove") would flash on-screen for about a second...then...go right to the "Bad Data/Edit" page; thus, losing my option/ability to remove

Now, 'cause I'm cool like dat

Once I figured this out - the race (to click-on the item I wanted to delete, and have my mouse's arrow ready & waiting on the spot that would flash "remove" for 1 SECOND; to click-on & delete the item before it disappeared again) was on

Nailed that son-of-a-bitch on my 2nd or 3rd try

Anyone else having problems deleting from their collections...check to see if this is also the case for you...