I picked up an Ouya last Monday, mostly out of curiosity then anything else.
I asked the guys at the store I bought it from, "can the games downloaded to this be played offline?" They all said yes.
This was important to me because I really don't think this system will last, and in time the servers will shut down.
After hooking it up and getting a long update the system ran.
The first thing I noticed was the controller lags pretty bad when scrolling through menus and games. Also I found the buttons kinda stick at times, and the Trigger buttons creak with their springs inside. But it's comfortable to use.
So I download a few games, then after a few downloads the system wouldn't download anything.
I was thinking wtf? Everything was "in queue" so I looked up online and it seems to be an issue with this system.
So I had to reset the system to original factory status and had to start over on all my downloads. (ugh)
So then I went through the game menus and was looking at what games I wanted to buy. And all of the games have no prices on any of them. You have to download the game before you can find out if its a free game or you have to pay for it. (ugh)
So After downloading Final Fantasy III I played the demo and thought, "this is pretty cool, guess I'll pay the $15 for it" So I hit the purchase button and payed for it. Then after downloading many other freebie titles, I disabled the internet and checked on how it would play. It booted up and I saw the buttons on the games I downloaded and tried to play FF3, and I got an error message that said I had to be online to play it, $15 wasted.

But I only found two of the 20 games I downloaded has this issue. So test it offline before you click buy.
Next I downloaded the emulators. There's emulators for NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, Atari 2600, Neo Geo, Game Boy, NDS, PC, PS1, and I'm sure more later. So I downloaded some roms to test the emulators and after much trail and error. I got the them to read the roms and played some games. and the controls are so laggy it's really though to play. Kinda nice to sample the games I don't have in my collection, but it's weak compared to the original carts.
Most of the games I played where simple games you can play on a tablet or smart phone and if you already have one, whats the point of an Ouya? In conclusion the Ouya is a doomed system. The controls are laggy, the games are just smart phone aps, and the emulators are barely playable due to it's laggy controls. Games that are DMR and will become worthless once the servers go down. I have to say the Ouya is not worth the $100 investment. I only recommend one as a collectors item because I really don't see this thing lasting long.