Author Topic: Game Collecting Nowadays  (Read 2840 times)


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Game Collecting Nowadays
« on: August 05, 2013, 07:15:48 pm »
I have a bit of a deep thought for you kind folks.
Are we to the point that nothing new will collectible?  Is it going to be like baseball cards and Star Wars stuff?  These days if something is a limited run, tons of folks preorder it. Look at SMT IV. It was going to have a special first run and I didn't have any trouble getting one.  I just know if something says "Collector's Edition", its not collectible at all.

It's just a thought.  What's your 2 cents?


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Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2013, 07:54:48 pm »
It's true, a lot of games released today get released as a "Special Edition" or "Limited Edition"... only to end up being the only edition of the game. What makes that so special? I'm pretty sure it's just another way for the publisher to try and drive up sales.

Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2013, 08:02:31 pm »
How can something be collectable when things are not meant to last? It seems everything is just disposable now.


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Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2013, 08:14:23 pm »
then again it's also another way to try and get you to buy New, Since at the very Least companies like gamestop tend to not accept the "extras" that are in a game, like bonus soundtracks, artbooks, and even Slipcovers at times. I know I've seen the BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger CE box in the used section, none of the extras were with it, and I've seen several of the Force unleashed 2 CE steelbooks in the used section and nothing else for that game, even Code of Princess is a great example of thathave you ever seen used copies of the Soundtrack/artbook lying around with the game?

I can argue that when I went to pre-order the basic collector's edition of Borderlands 2 both editions were all claimed

there are also people who have pre-ordered special editions where for one reason or another they cancelled it (example: Duke Nukem Forever balls of steel edition I can still find Brand new)


Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2013, 10:07:07 pm »
The collectors market has certainly changed. the reason being that it's a lot more mainstream than it was. What we have to consider is that a lot of people buy the collectors edition of stuff and they won't be careful with it, they just want the extra crap cause it's cool. If i buy a collectors edition, it stays sealed.  The item won't be valuable tomorrow, but it'll be valuable in 10 years (or might not be). Today it's a gamble but eventually limited edition runs and collectors editions thin out and become harder to find.

The market has certainly changed but that's because we have internet, we have ebay. Back in the day, there was no real value in keeping items because it would be impossible to resell them. Today you have the world as your customer. Things will never be the way they were simply because of the way things have changed.

I do agree that all of these collectors editions can get obscene. FFXIII-3 is coming out. That gets its collectors edition. Then the FFXIII series gets it's collectors edition, and there's the standard edition of FFXIII-3. That's a lot of stuff to buy and collect. Makes it tough to fit all of that within a budget.


Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2013, 12:02:26 am »
unfortunately i think the games that will be collectible in the future will be the most disposable, the definition of disposable is " Intended to be used once and then thrown away" and as more and more of these disposable games get " thrown away", the more rare and desirable they get.
just look at 2600 market and how a lot of the most rare and expensive game are vary much disposable


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Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2013, 01:01:59 am »
I have found that I don't buy new games much anymore unless they have some sort of special edition....  To save money I always focus on all the limiteds and collectors (I do buy games I REALLY want to play used cheaper at a later date though)....  I'm not presuming that they will be worth a whole lot more necessarily, but hopefully at least a little....  It is very unlikely that a game's value down the road will match or surpass MSRP anyways....  An example is PS1 games in my collection....  Only a handful are worth over $50, even though the majority of original Playstation games released at a $49.99 MSRP....  I think this trend will only heighten in the future as well....  It is somewhat disappointing actually....

Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2013, 01:03:05 pm »
unfortunately i think the games that will be collectible in the future will be the most disposable, the definition of disposable is " Intended to be used once and then thrown away" and as more and more of these disposable games get " thrown away", the more rare and desirable they get.
just look at 2600 market and how a lot of the most rare and expensive game are vary much disposable

I agree with you, most of the game from this era are more based on online function, no good and hard campaign/story mode, reason why people will play the game once. That is no the same with old game that right now you can still playing it for many reason: hardest as f** (sorry but no others words can explain, example: castlevenia) that you never completed in you childhood, need to revive a epic story or gameplay or you love that game really much that you need to have it forever. Today, only fewwww games done that, but really few. The only I can say is some rpg games (specially tales of series, eternal sonata and other ones) because the shooting or action/adventure (like god of war, halo, uncharted, call of duty) are very plain and you can only experience the graphics and sound, for me i get bored very easily.

Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2013, 11:20:47 am »
Nowadays, limited editions of games don't mean anything. I've bought Battlefield 3 and Kane & Lynch 2 LE and the only difference with the normal editions were some codes for extra online content. It's just a marketing gimmick to get people to buy it because it's "limited".


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Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2013, 01:00:17 am »
Nowadays, limited editions of games don't mean anything. I've bought Battlefield 3 and Kane & Lynch 2 LE and the only difference with the normal editions were some codes for extra online content. It's just a marketing gimmick to get people to buy it because it's "limited".

I'm talking about a REAL limited edition....  Battlefield 3 didn't even have a normal edition at launch, that was the ONLY edition so I hardly think that counts....  I have not seen the Kane & Lynch 2 LE so I can't comment on that, but I keep an eye out for CE/LE versions every month and I feel that the vast majority of them do offer some nice physical memorabilia....  The previous statement excludes anything that is nothing more than simply art book and OST combos....  That shit is really old....

Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2013, 03:02:15 pm »
These days I only pick up what I like or will enjoy. Otherwise most collector's/limited editions are mostly crap. I'll try to pick up the decent ones that I myself want i.e. 'Shin Megami Tensei IV'.

Definitely gotta agree with many of ya though in terms of this generation's games losing value as a collectible.

Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2013, 04:10:01 pm »
Nowadays, limited editions of games don't mean anything. I've bought Battlefield 3 and Kane & Lynch 2 LE and the only difference with the normal editions were some codes for extra online content. It's just a marketing gimmick to get people to buy it because it's "limited".

I'm talking about a REAL limited edition....  Battlefield 3 didn't even have a normal edition at launch, that was the ONLY edition so I hardly think that counts....  I have not seen the Kane & Lynch 2 LE so I can't comment on that, but I keep an eye out for CE/LE versions every month and I feel that the vast majority of them do offer some nice physical memorabilia....  The previous statement excludes anything that is nothing more than simply art book and OST combos....  That shit is really old....

I gotta agree with the nice physical memorabilia. Duke Nukem Forever had a neat-looking bust, Saints Row 4 has a dubstep gun replica... All cool stuff but I'm not into collector's editions because some games have several CEs like Plants vs Zombies (one with a disco zombie figurine and one with a sunflower figurine) and I'm the type of guy who needs to buy both versions to feel "complete". I have no intention of buying the same game twice unless there's a difference between console versions (handhelds vs home consoles), then maybe. Another reason why I'm not into CEs, is that some of them are just crazy (Saints row 4  one million dollar edition, really?)


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Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2013, 11:38:43 pm »
Nowadays, limited editions of games don't mean anything. I've bought Battlefield 3 and Kane & Lynch 2 LE and the only difference with the normal editions were some codes for extra online content. It's just a marketing gimmick to get people to buy it because it's "limited".

I'm talking about a REAL limited edition....  Battlefield 3 didn't even have a normal edition at launch, that was the ONLY edition so I hardly think that counts....  I have not seen the Kane & Lynch 2 LE so I can't comment on that, but I keep an eye out for CE/LE versions every month and I feel that the vast majority of them do offer some nice physical memorabilia....  The previous statement excludes anything that is nothing more than simply art book and OST combos....  That shit is really old....

I gotta agree with the nice physical memorabilia. Duke Nukem Forever had a neat-looking bust, Saints Row 4 has a dubstep gun replica... All cool stuff but I'm not into collector's editions because some games have several CEs like Plants vs Zombies (one with a disco zombie figurine and one with a sunflower figurine) and I'm the type of guy who needs to buy both versions to feel "complete". I have no intention of buying the same game twice unless there's a difference between console versions (handhelds vs home consoles), then maybe. Another reason why I'm not into CEs, is that some of them are just crazy (Saints row 4  one million dollar edition, really?)

That million dollar edition is quite nuts true, but I am not familiar with any other special edition like that....  I know there is like the Uncharted to one, but in fairness that is market value derived through rarity since you couldn't actually buy the damn thing....  The closest thing I can think of would be insanely high kickstarter project stuff, but most of that is PC and doesn't apply to me anyways since I don't consider any of my PC stuff part of my collection....

Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2013, 11:39:02 am »
Nowadays, limited editions of games don't mean anything. I've bought Battlefield 3 and Kane & Lynch 2 LE and the only difference with the normal editions were some codes for extra online content. It's just a marketing gimmick to get people to buy it because it's "limited".

I'm talking about a REAL limited edition....  Battlefield 3 didn't even have a normal edition at launch, that was the ONLY edition so I hardly think that counts....  I have not seen the Kane & Lynch 2 LE so I can't comment on that, but I keep an eye out for CE/LE versions every month and I feel that the vast majority of them do offer some nice physical memorabilia....  The previous statement excludes anything that is nothing more than simply art book and OST combos....  That shit is really old....

I gotta agree with the nice physical memorabilia. Duke Nukem Forever had a neat-looking bust, Saints Row 4 has a dubstep gun replica... All cool stuff but I'm not into collector's editions because some games have several CEs like Plants vs Zombies (one with a disco zombie figurine and one with a sunflower figurine) and I'm the type of guy who needs to buy both versions to feel "complete". I have no intention of buying the same game twice unless there's a difference between console versions (handhelds vs home consoles), then maybe. Another reason why I'm not into CEs, is that some of them are just crazy (Saints row 4  one million dollar edition, really?)

That million dollar edition is quite nuts true, but I am not familiar with any other special edition like that....  I know there is like the Uncharted to one, but in fairness that is market value derived through rarity since you couldn't actually buy the damn thing....  The closest thing I can think of would be insanely high kickstarter project stuff, but most of that is PC and doesn't apply to me anyways since I don't consider any of my PC stuff part of my collection....

Well, there's this: Not as crazy as the million dollar pack, but still. Like the article states, special editions are just a way of milking extra money out of consumers and that's how I see it too. 1000$ for a leather jacket? No thanks. Of course, you're not obligated to buy it, but there will always be a select group of people who will try to get their hands on it (hardcore collectors, fans...) and as long as things like this continues to sell, companies will bring out more of this.


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Re: Game Collecting Nowadays
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2013, 01:24:42 pm »
Fortunately & 'conveniently'(?) for me (since N1 is one of my favorites:) -

I can honestly say that when it comes to "Limited" editions being & staying limited - that they're pretty damned good at it.

They (afaik) *always* have one edition that:

- has a finite number,

- Includes *Physical* merchandise that you will never be able to buy or order from any other stores and/or sites,

- is pre-order only (from their on-line store), and

- Has a cap of (3) copies max per customer.

These have always treated me really well :)

For example:  The 1st  Hyperdimension Neptunia & Ar Tonelico: Qoga "premium" (meets 4 above conditions) editions...

The Neptunia one came w/ a deck of cards.  1 - 2 months after release, I sold the *CARDS* for what it cost me to buy (2) of the complete LE-sets!

With Ar tonelico - it came w/ a calendar of the Reyvateils...again...less than 3 months after release...I sold this calendar for the cost of (3) complete LE's...

Collectibles may be rapidly diminishing -but- they're not dead yet  ;)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"