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I don't know about you, but I think it's awesome when I discover a new band I fall in love with. And if it's a relatively unknown band, then I like to share it with others. I'd also like to see what you guys are into and if it'll lead to something good for me as well.

I think most of you know that I'm a big metal-head. So it won't come as any surprise that my pick is a metal band:

Fantastic metal band with that sounds a lot like In Flames with some Pantera and Killswitch Engage influence mixed in there. I recently picked up their album "Mind Tricks" and I can't stop listening to it. The entire album is actually up on YouTube:
My absolute favorite song by them right now, is on the same album, it's called "A Taste of Collapse"
If you're into In Flames, Scar Symmetry, All That Remains, or Killswitch Engage; then check these guys out.