me and my friends have names we only use on star wars games
Favorite and worst episode?
fave is V empire strikes back
love the fact it doesnt have a happy ending. Solo sealed in carbonite is amazing. then luke finding out about his dad. what an end.
worst is II clone wars
it was slow nothing really happened.
as bad as phantom menace was at least it had action. i think clone was a filler movie to get to III
Great choice

My favorites are from favorite to least favorite:
1. Episode V: Empire Strikes Back
2. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
3. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
4. Episode IV: New Hope
5. Episode I: Phantom Menace
6. Episode 2: Clone Wars
Yea clone wars was sort of a filler; however, I can't say that it is terrible. There were some great elements in it including the build up Anakin and Amedola.
Do you read any of the books as well?