But honestly this was miles ahead of what I was expecting so thank you, whoever it was that got this for me. I don't recognize your name...
I'm glad you like it.

Had my sister do some doodles on the back of the envelope while she was attempting to play a game; she moonlights as a graphic artist.
Had an envelope full of awesomeness arrive today. I attempted to wait until Christmas but only made it an hour.

Thanks, Matt! It's hard to express how perfect the manuals and poster are. Not what I was expecting at all, yet the perfect gift. I remember having that poster hanging on my wall around 1991. Brings back some wonderful memories.
Dirty mind is an innate ability for males that increases with level! I have put a lot of training points in my dirty mind skill. Enough to where it has gained a new classification called pervert.
I'm really surprised everyone at my TV station hasn't been called in to HR. Things can get really out of hand on the party line intercom during a show.