This season isn't just better, I'm calling it: Best show on T.V. right now! So glad it isn't the CW soap-opera it was last season.
The last few episodes in particular, were just so awesome. Diggler breaking into the prison to save his wife, and running across Deadshot. That episode was so action packed and fast-paced, it's what T.V. nowadays needs more of, and less talking heads. And it totally set-up for a future Deadshot vs. Arrow episode.
And how many comic book references does this show drop? It's hard to tell if we're gonna see future development with these characters or if they're just name drops to get fanboys excited. But I've seen quite a few.
-Kate Spencer (Manhunter) is Oliver's mom's lawyer. (Played by the hot doctor from Stargate SG-1, but a blonde this time instead of a red-head.)
-Amanda Waller (leader of Task Force X and the Suicide Squad) is Diggs' wife's boss
-Ivo Storm (creator of Amazo) is the baddie on the flashback island sequences.
-S.T.A.R. Labs is mentioned in news reports in the background.
-And Barry Allen is in the previews for the next episode!
Plus we already have the obvious connections of Black Canary to Sarah and Speedy/Arsenal to Roy Harper.
And OMG, that big reveal at the end of the last episode. I so didn't see that coming. I guess I should have with the nature of comics, but I didn't.
Does that mean his son could still be alive, too?
Anyone not watching Arrow this season, is missing out. And this is coming from a guy that gave up halfway through the first season due to it's soap-operish nature (which it no longer has).