This magazine is freaking amazing! I love it! I picked up my first issue last month, and just got the current issue today. It's soooo chock full of retro-gaming greatness. Awesome in-depth articles. It has full color, glossy pages and photos. It's pretty dang thick for a magazine, and it's oversized; so you get a ton of content for your money.
But even better, is that it's British. So even though I already know a ton about retro-gaming, I still find myself actually learning a bit about the machines that were popular in Europe but not so much in the U.S.
I so recommend getting this one to everyone at this website.
I added the last 2 issues to the database, here, as well as the first issue and handful of other key issues.
While we're on the subject: Why does it seem that the U.K. has so many just incredibly awesome magazines, while our magazines over here just suck?
Metal Hammer is another Brit magazine that knocks the crap out of any metal magazine printed in the U.S. Same deal as Retro Gamer: Great articles, big oversized and thick magazine so plenty of content, full glossy color pages and photos, etc., etc. And even better with it is that every issue has an about 15-song length sampler CD chock full of metal bands' latest releases. It's worth the price of admission for that alone.

Unfortunately, because they are British, they're $9.99 a pop. And subscription fees are freaking outrageous for Americans. I wish they'd make an imprint over here, or a magazine maker here would make a magazine that's actually cool.