Well, today was weird.
I went to go pay our property tax today and after that was done, I went to a local mall to go get some groceries (there's a supermarket store there). I dropped by to check out their DVD selection since they sometimes have really cheap movies there. Well, there was a stand with a bunch of random budget CDs in there but it also said "Video interactive"... so I got close and what did I find?

Their price was $26 pesos (about $2 USD) but the store also had a 30% off promo on most DVDs. And the discount stacked on top. So I got four budget FPS games,
PUBLISHED AND PRINTED IN MEXICO, for $20 pesos each. That's like six bucks and a half! They also had a few different two packs, but they were "casual" (hidden object) games so I left 'em behind since I didn't have that much money on me then. I -might- go back for them, just because of the novelty of them being
printed in Mexico! (Come on, you guys know I collect weird stuff like that. Remember my obsession with 10 peso DVDs from last year? I still need to go get the last ones I still don't own... :p)
Oh yeah, they also had Transformers DVDs! The older show? They had the same price, but they only had four or five episodes per DVD, and they're dubbed to Spanish so I said nah. Someone's selling a pack with all six volumes
over here, so they were sold in a box at one point... somewhere.