The Boy's good fortune strikes again. I took him to GameStop since I thought the Stink Bomb Skylander was coming out. He was going in there to get a new Skylander. He was pumped. Well, no new skylanders at our GameStop. He was noticeably bummed. He sucked it up long enough to ask the lady if she had any of the little Skylanders Sidekicks. She says, "Come back I'm a couple of days. My manager will be back. I think he had some left from the Skylander Day Saturday." The other girl in there says, "I know where that box is!" She ran to the back and came back with a box of promo stuff.
I asked how much they were. The girl replies, "We were giving these away. You can have one." My son starts digging and finds the 3 he didn't have. I'm telling him to pick one. Then the girl asks "Do yo have this one? What about this one?" We came home with 3 new sidekicks. Now, I can never bitch about The Evil Empire again.
TL;DR The nice ladies at my GameStop gave my son 3 Sidekicks and a poster. He was pumped.