Author Topic: Nintendo Wii U!!!  (Read 9784 times)


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Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #45 on: March 14, 2014, 05:03:42 am »
I have a feeling that the Wii U could pull a DS or 3DS move if Nintendo plays their cards right....  I remember the DS not doing too hot until the DS Lite came out then it blew up....  There were tons of naysayers for the 3DS in the beginning too....  I heard so many rants about how it was going to fail....  Is it a thing to hate on Nintendo no matter what they do~?  How many times does a company have to prove itself before they get the benefit of the doubt for once~?

While I would like that, I still don't think Nintendo can turn around the Wii U.  It's simply losing too much third party support and it actually has competition with the other systems.  For the 3DS, there was only the Vita which isn't much competition at all and it's the best way to have handheld mobile gaming, even with the cry for Nintendo to go mobile.

I think the Wii U will pull itself around just a bit, we have some big games coming out this year, but I don't think it'll be enough for the system to ever make the same numbers of the Wii.  They just didn't do a good enough job selling the system.  I don't think it'll fail though.  Nintendo is much smarter with what they do.  They'll struggle, but never fail, they'll never become Sega.

Oh yeah, I guess I didn't really iterate it well....  I don't think the Wii U will get even CLOSE to the Wii in sales....  That being said, I do have to agree with the lack of any decent marketing....  I have heard too many times that people don't even understand that the Wii U is a different system than the Wii....  The 2DS is similarly suffering in this aspect....  They are not good at distinguishing their product lines these days....  Their attempts to cleverly build related naming conventions is definitely backfiring on them....  I expect that in 2 years the Wii U will be a stable maker....  They'll have several more must have first party titles that will consistently bring in money by then....  Will they meet their projections~?  No....  Will it be a "struggle" though~?  I'm not sure I agree with that wording....  I just think they'll be disappointed....  It would be hilarious if they end up producing a Wii U model with only a pro controller and not a pad for a significantly lower price a la 2DS though....  I can see that happening honestly....  I'll say this though, they've got me and I'm sure I'll buy every half decent exclusive they churn out....  Multiplat though.... ehhh....


Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #46 on: March 14, 2014, 09:41:32 am »
I think Nintendo puts out great product.  They are definitely my 2nd favorite of the big 3 (granted, not saying much since I despise MS but I really do like Nintendo a lot).  And I thought the Wii U was a great piece of hardware for the most part, but traded mine in last year because I wasn't using it at all (no games at the time that interested me) and the trade in value was just too high for me to turn down at the time - not to mention I expect a further price drop in the not too distant future.

That said, I think since the Wii they've started relying on gimmicks too much.  The motion control fad sold a ton of systems for them, and it seems that's made them believe that every system they put out now has to have a new gimmick to spark off a new craze.  They don't.  The Gamecube is still my favorite Nintendo system, and IMO it's the last time they were trying to compete head-to-head on the home console hardware front (as in specs on par or better than their competition, going after third party AAA titles, etc.).  The 3DS is a fantastic system, I wouldn't part with it (or my Vita, for that matter).  But the 3D is completely irrelevant.  I haven't had it on in ages, because frankly not only is it pointless but it gives me a headache.  My wife tried using my 3DS recently because I picked a game up for her.  A few days later she tells me "I don't like the 3DS, even with the 3D off it still looks funny & hurts my eyes."  She didn't realize the slider has to click down to completely turn the effect off, and once I showed her that she was fine. 

The Wii U's touchpad isn't that bad; I can actually see some practical uses for it.  But at the same time, it isn't necessary.  If they had gone the touchpad route, or at the very least made it an optional accessory and not something packed in with the system, then they most likely could have shaved about $100 off the price of the system and would be sitting in a much better position now.  $250 puts them close enough in price to the PS4 to make people think "For another $150 I can just go that route, it seems to have more games coming for it anyway and I'll probably end up with one at some point regardless...".  If the Wii U was $150, it would be in a class by itself and its technical deficiencies wouldn't be called into question nearly as much.  Because heck, it still looks fantastic and for $150 you could have access to Mario, Zelda, etc. - why not?  It's an impulse buy at that point. 

So don't misread any of this, I want Nintendo to succeed and I want them to stay relevant in the console market for years to come.  But in order for that to happen, they're going to have to stop relying on gimmicks and instead focus on what they're best at - making AAA games that appeal to all ages. 
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #47 on: March 14, 2014, 05:00:10 pm »
While I hate Microsoft for including the Kinect with every Xbox One, I understand why, as more companies are more likely to utilize it since everyone has it.  Same thing for the Gamepad on the Wii U as if I think they dropped the Gamepad off, it would benefit the system price wise, but then people are gonna be less likely to utilize it for games since it isn't packaged in and that is really the biggest selling point of the Wii U I think.

Then again, I am the 2DS owner since it was cheaper and I don't care about the 3D lol

Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #48 on: March 20, 2014, 06:48:39 pm »
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is now on sale for 20 bucks (18 if you are a member) at Gamestop right now.  Online and instore.

Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #49 on: May 08, 2014, 04:53:10 am »
Here's a new way that Nintendo is gonna reel in more collectors lol

Looks to basically be the same idea as Skylanders, but isn't just for a single game, some how interacting with multiple games across the Wii U and 3DS.  I certainly like the novelty of it.


Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #50 on: May 08, 2014, 07:42:34 pm »

gg I told you so. Looks like your wii u sega x32 investment is safe as can be lol.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 07:44:52 pm by dreama1 »

Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #51 on: May 08, 2014, 07:59:03 pm »

gg I told you so. Looks like your wii u sega x32 investment is safe as can be lol.

Told us what? Did you read the article?  These aren't going to be Wii U replacements.  They'll probably do like what they did with the Wii, where they released a version that was smaller and had no internet, but was only 100 bucks.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 08:01:37 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #52 on: May 08, 2014, 08:05:10 pm »

gg I told you so. Looks like your wii u sega x32 investment is safe as can be lol.

Told us what? Did you read the article?  These aren't going to be Wii U replacements.
No maybe not. But a new system means even less games for the wii u. Really looks like there making the same classic mistakes of sega, and there 32x it had the exact same market premise as i've just read. The x32 was a budget release for the sega saturn just a painful observation looking like history really does repeat.

Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #53 on: May 08, 2014, 08:17:26 pm »
No maybe not. But a new system means even less games for the wii u. Really looks like there making the same classic mistakes of sega, and there 32x it had the exact same market premise as i've just read. The x32 was a budget release for the sega saturn just a painful observation looking like history really does repeat.

It's not the same at all though.  This is them tapping into a new market for themselves, a new vein of income for themselves.  They realize they can't do that with a more pricier console as well, so I assume they'll be making essentially a Wii U Lite for these specific countries.  It's not likely to be something we see show up here, hurt Wii U development at all, or even be something we pay attention to unless whatever this console is gets an interesting exclusive for it, of which there's no saying it couldn't ever be ported overseas.  We still need more information, but it seems like you are pretty off base with your observations since we are looking at the same information here.


Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #54 on: May 08, 2014, 08:37:55 pm »
No maybe not. But a new system means even less games for the wii u. Really looks like there making the same classic mistakes of sega, and there 32x it had the exact same market premise as i've just read. The x32 was a budget release for the sega saturn just a painful observation looking like history really does repeat.

It's not the same at all though.  This is them tapping into a new market for themselves, a new vein of income for themselves.  They realize they can't do that with a more pricier console as well, so I assume they'll be making essentially a Wii U Lite for these specific countries.  It's not likely to be something we see show up here, hurt Wii U development at all, or even be something we pay attention to unless whatever this console is gets an interesting exclusive for it, of which there's no saying it couldn't ever be ported overseas.  We still need more information, but it seems like you are pretty off base with your observations since we are looking at the same information here.
It's getting it's own exclusive games.

Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #55 on: May 08, 2014, 09:41:43 pm »
No maybe not. But a new system means even less games for the wii u. Really looks like there making the same classic mistakes of sega, and there 32x it had the exact same market premise as i've just read. The x32 was a budget release for the sega saturn just a painful observation looking like history really does repeat.

It's not the same at all though.  This is them tapping into a new market for themselves, a new vein of income for themselves.  They realize they can't do that with a more pricier console as well, so I assume they'll be making essentially a Wii U Lite for these specific countries.  It's not likely to be something we see show up here, hurt Wii U development at all, or even be something we pay attention to unless whatever this console is gets an interesting exclusive for it, of which there's no saying it couldn't ever be ported overseas.  We still need more information, but it seems like you are pretty off base with your observations since we are looking at the same information here.
It's getting it's own exclusive games.

Sure, but we don't know what that will entail, we don't know who is working on it, and nothing was shown to be that this would be cutting into what they are already working on and is simply them expanding into a new market which is them growing, not sacrificing.


Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #56 on: May 08, 2014, 09:55:17 pm »
No maybe not. But a new system means even less games for the wii u. Really looks like there making the same classic mistakes of sega, and there 32x it had the exact same market premise as i've just read. The x32 was a budget release for the sega saturn just a painful observation looking like history really does repeat.

It's not the same at all though.  This is them tapping into a new market for themselves, a new vein of income for themselves.  They realize they can't do that with a more pricier console as well, so I assume they'll be making essentially a Wii U Lite for these specific countries.  It's not likely to be something we see show up here, hurt Wii U development at all, or even be something we pay attention to unless whatever this console is gets an interesting exclusive for it, of which there's no saying it couldn't ever be ported overseas.  We still need more information, but it seems like you are pretty off base with your observations since we are looking at the same information here.
It's getting it's own exclusive games.

Sure, but we don't know what that will entail, we don't know who is working on it, and nothing was shown to be that this would be cutting into what they are already working on and is simply them expanding into a new market which is them growing, not sacrificing.
The guy who said they're still operating like it's the 80s no kidding. It seems to me like when they grabbed the american market with the NES, there trying to do the same in china saying there video game ban has been lifted. But this doesn't sound like a wii u light the fact is that it has it's own games is baffling.

Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #57 on: May 08, 2014, 10:06:16 pm »
The guy who said they're still operating like it's the 80s no kidding. It seems to me like when they grabbed the american market with the NES, there trying to do the same in china saying there video game ban has been lifted. But this doesn't sound like a wii u light the fact is that it has it's own games is baffling.

Why wouldn't it just be essentially like a Wii U Lite? It said in the article they are looking to target lower income people, which requires a cheaper, more affordable, system.  You basically remove the fancy elements like the game pad, give it a regular controller, drop the price way low, and then do a bunch of game porting from their back catalog of hits and they won't be breaking in the bank for stepping into a new market to try and grab a new customer base.

I'm unsure of the game aspect myself, but we'll just have to wait for new information.


Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #58 on: May 09, 2014, 11:18:01 pm »

Anyway, I could see the Wii U as the next Gamecube, being that it was a good system but it was in last place to it's competitors at the time but it still was profitable and it had a strong first party line up of classic games.
It certainly is doing better than the Virtual Boy!

Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« Reply #59 on: May 09, 2014, 11:24:02 pm »

Anyway, I could see the Wii U as the next Gamecube, being that it was a good system but it was in last place to it's competitors at the time but it still was profitable and it had a strong first party line up of classic games.
It certainly is doing better than the Virtual Boy!

Yeah even if they can get into the black with the Wii U, it's never gonna take off, it's too late to suddenly gain steam I think.  I'll still enjoy it though, there's still like 4 really good looking games coming out this year for it and they haven't even released the big Zelda title or really even the proper Mario title yet.