So thanks to Soera, Turf and the thread for the Nintendo Wii U from a while back, I was properly educated that the Wii U is not an accessory to the Wii, but it's own console! So I ended up grabbing one based on this information, and I will have to say even tho' I have only played Zombie U on it, I love the console so far!

The gamepad for video games is an amazing function! The way the character has to look at his back pack on the game pad on Zombie is just one example.
Anyways, my point to this thread, is other than the obvious Nintendo gems coming out to the Wii U like Mario Kart, Zelda, Donkey Kong, etc., do you think that it's any ways possible that Nintendo will get more 3rd party support and more 3rd party exclusives? I believe that some games have the potential to be massive and untouchable on the Wii U versus some other consoles if the game pad is fully uses to it's best possible potential. Please let me know you're thoughts everyone...