Author Topic: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased  (Read 32280 times)

February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« on: February 01, 2014, 11:48:30 am »
Another $10 "box o' crap" from Computers for Kids yardsale. Red Baron, Elite, and Telewar II are Amiga, everything else is DOS. It was cool to find a boxed Soundblaster 16 and the ISA video card since I'd love to find a 486 game for PC gaming and those are good pieces for a build. Threw in a dusty Competition Pro joystick and NBA Live 97 because they looked sad sitting on the shelf :)


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Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2014, 11:55:06 am »
RED BARON!  I had Red Baron 3D way back when. It was the first game I ever played online. It was awful and laggy, but I was online!  I played the absolute shit out of that game and still sucked. It was fun at the time though.


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Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2014, 12:11:53 pm »
RED BARON!  I had Red Baron 3D way back when. It was the first game I ever played online. It was awful and laggy, but I was online!  I played the absolute shit out of that game and still sucked. It was fun at the time though.

Is Red Baron a sequel to Blue Max on Commodore 64? I ask because I noticed it was for Amiga, and of course the similar-themed named.

Blue Max was one of the most played games on the Commodore 64, for me.


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Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2014, 04:03:02 pm »
I have never heard of the Power Pigg game but now I must own it!

I know right.  What the heck is that but now I'm curious to play it because of the artwork  :)


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Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2014, 04:03:34 pm »
Another $10 "box o' crap" from Computers for Kids yardsale. Red Baron, Elite, and Telewar II are Amiga, everything else is DOS. It was cool to find a boxed Soundblaster 16 and the ISA video card since I'd love to find a 486 game for PC gaming and those are good pieces for a build. Threw in a dusty Competition Pro joystick and NBA Live 97 because they looked sad sitting on the shelf :)

Where the heck do you keep getting these massive awesome pc collections from?


Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2014, 05:01:11 pm »
I have never heard of the Power Pigg game but now I must own it!

I know right.  What the heck is that but now I'm curious to play it because of the artwork  :)

The game itself looks exactly like the art work. Its a basic platformer.
"Happy game hunting!!!"

Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2014, 05:05:33 pm »

Where the heck do you keep getting these massive awesome pc collections from?

It's a local indoor yardsale that is a charity to give computers for underprivileged kids. They have a lot of old computers and some software. I used to find a ton of old gaming and computer stuff like commodore, tandy coco, apple II, atari 8-bit and 16-bit computers, amigas. That kind of ended when the resellers started going there. They must think old pc software is worthless because it never gets touched.


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Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2014, 05:53:58 pm »

Where the heck do you keep getting these massive awesome pc collections from?

It's a local indoor yardsale that is a charity to give computers for underprivileged kids. They have a lot of old computers and some software. I used to find a ton of old gaming and computer stuff like commodore, tandy coco, apple II, atari 8-bit and 16-bit computers, amigas. That kind of ended when the resellers started going there. They must think old pc software is worthless because it never gets touched.

It sucks they are getting the commodore, apple 2 stuff but other than that, you get some great finds there!   :)  Keep it going.


Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2014, 05:55:44 pm »
No big purchase recently,  But I picked up Batter Up for Game Gear. It's kinda hard to find. eStarland wants to sell it for around $12. Which considering it is a sports game on Game Gear, is insanely high. Luckily found it for a couple of bucks.

Kind of a pick up, but I received my Game Gear video out boards from evilTim. I have now sent my Game Gear and the boards to a friend in the UK for installation. Kind of psyched to play Game Gear on TV and record footage.

@Flea: Nice pickup with the Gamester81 game.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2014, 06:39:36 pm »

I'm going into this with absolutely zero expectations. Looks like it might be a fun adventure game, and it's by Capcom. Apparently there was a sequel, too.

Anyone know anything about this one?


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Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2014, 07:00:51 pm »
No big purchase recently,  But I picked up Batter Up for Game Gear. It's kinda hard to find. eStarland wants to sell it for around $12. Which considering it is a sports game on Game Gear, is insanely high. Luckily found it for a couple of bucks.

Kind of a pick up, but I received my Game Gear video out boards from evilTim. I have now sent my Game Gear and the boards to a friend in the UK for installation. Kind of psyched to play Game Gear on TV and record footage.

@Flea: Nice pickup with the Gamester81 game.

Cool  :)  Keep us posted on the Game Gear!


Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2014, 07:13:12 pm »
Guys, it's February. :P

I've split the topic starting from atarileaf's first post since he technically started February's finds. I'll mention my own finds later.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 07:15:44 pm by foxhack »


Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2014, 07:49:10 pm »

I'm going into this with absolutely zero expectations. Looks like it might be a fun adventure game, and it's by Capcom. Apparently there was a sequel, too.

Anyone know anything about this one?

I played the demo years ago on the PSM demo disc. I enjoyed it and intended to buy it eventually, it and it's sequel are on my wishlist actually.
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Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2014, 07:52:33 pm »

I'm going into this with absolutely zero expectations. Looks like it might be a fun adventure game, and it's by Capcom. Apparently there was a sequel, too.

Anyone know anything about this one?

I can tell you that it's ostensibly part of the Ghosts n' Goblins series. I haven't played it though, so that's all I can really say :P


Re: February 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2014, 09:07:24 pm »
Nothing too exciting but I bought:
Crash of the Titans for the 360 for $3
Skate 2 on XBLA for $5
and I got Dead Island for having a Gold account on XBL