The must haves IMO are:Golden Axe Warrior
I <3 me some SMS! I have a complete US set and a bit of EU titles thrown in for good measure(the SMS is about 98% region free ha).The must haves IMO are:Phantasy StarCastle of IllusionFantasy ZoneGolden Axe WarriorR-TypeSpell CasterWonderboy IIISonicYSNinja Gaiden
I started collecting Master System titles a year or so ago. Sadly, the selection available to me has not been very large, so I only have four games or so. It's a very humble beginning, but you have to start somewhere.One of the few games in my collection that I'm particular pleased with is King's Quest. I acquired this less as Master System selection and more just as a part of my collection of King's Quest games. But it is still an interesting curiosity to see a classic adventure game like this available on such an early home console.I'm really hoping to get a copy of Phantasy Star.
seems sooo hard to collect forthe local retro shop near me VERY rarely gets SMS games in.and i've never seen a console in my life.