I hit up Big Lots tonight to see if they had anything left with their 75% off video game clearance. Came away with these:
James Noire's Hollywood Crimes (for my wife) - DS - $2.50
Midnight Club LA Complete - PS3 - $4.75
Aragorn's Quest - PS3 - $2.50
Lucha Libre Heroes Del Ring - $2.50
Wappy Dog - DS - $0.62

Wappy Dog has been a running joke between my wife and I ever since we watched part of Giant Bomb's quicklook of it. She told me if we ever found it cheap we'd have to get it. It was marked $15, so I figured assuming it was 75% off that would come to $3.75 and that would be good enough. When she said .62 I laughed, and just said "well yeah, won't get much cheaper than that!"
EDIT: How is it possible that no one had added Wappy Dog to the database already?!?! Madness!!