I love that Twisted Metal large box case. I had no idea they made a big box for that one. I've got to get it
Nice finds 
Twisted Metal 2 is actually my favorite, I already have that, but I was really stoked to find this long box of Twisted Metal cause it's just one of those game boxes that really stands out. I think they match with the Saturn and Sega CD boxes which I really like.
Today I went to a retro game store opening and had a great time with a little trading and more importantly, I got a CIB of Legend of Zelda on the NES. Pricey for sure, but it's one of those games I've been needing and wanting for a long time, it's the jewel of my Zelda collection, I'm so happy to finally have it along with the gold version of Zelda 2. I also got Wind Waker HD for a nice price (I still have the digital edition from my Wii U, but can't sell it lol), the Twilight Princess strategy guide for the Wii which is an enormous strategy guide, Pac Man 2, Ikari Warriors 2, Magmax, and GH: Aerosmith cause I'm collecting the Guitar Hero games on PS2 for the heck of it and it's stupid cheap lol
Mostly got Ikari Warriors 2, cause I was wanting the first game, one of those childhood memory ones, but they didn't have it and never played the sequel and Magmax I swear is another childhood memory game that I didn't remember till just now, so I grabbed that. Don't even know if that one was good or not.
Geez, looking at a review of Mag Max, I totally remember this game now lol Much like Ikari Warriors, you look back on it with nostalgia goggles, but it probably isn't so great lol I still wanted it though, it's just kinda cool to have those games...except for Bible Adventures. Cause screw that game lol