I'm back! Fun vacation, but glad to be home.

So here's my haul from the week - some of this I mentioned already, some of it I grabbed today on the way home when we hit a couple of flea markets. Here's pics of it all at any rate.

Left-right, that's Lunar for DS (cart only - the crappy one, apparently

), a complete Mystery Case Files for my wife, a complete Chibi Robo: Park Patrol to replace my cart-only one, F-Zero GX (some water damage, but for $5 I decided to take it anyway), Castlevania: LoS & Dragon's Dogma: DA both complete & like new, Lost in Blue cart only, Rayman Rush for PS1 (I have never seen this game before, and being a Rayman fan & since it was complete and in excellent condition I decided to grab it), Kuon complete & like-new, Otogi, Otogi 2 & Crimson Sea all complete & in excellent condition, a Pac-Man glass circa 1980-something (my wife got me one for Christmas, couldn't resist grabbing a second for $2), Clocktower 3 complete & in excellent condition (just needs a new plastic case), Getting Up complete & in very good condition, Dirge of Cerberus, Demon Stone & Way of the Samurai all complete & like-new and not game related but a copy of the graphic novel Maus I picked up for $1.
Kuon was the big pickup of the trip - got it from a guy at a flea market booth who was not a game dealer, most of his booth was LP's & movies. He had one stack of PS2 games, and I asked him how much they were - he acted unsure, said he got them from a storage locker and that I was the first person that had asked about them. He then told me $7 for most, $5 for the GH games he had. I picked out 4 - Kuon, Demon Stone, Dirge of Cerberus & Way of the Samurai - and offered him $20. He took it.

DS, DoC & WotS were replacements for rough disk-only copies I had gotten from the recent Gamestop PS2 clearance. Kuon I really wanted because I'm trying to get all of the PS2 survival horror games. And it's rather pricey on ebay (looks like at least $55 for a complete copy).

Four guides I grabbed from this HUGE place that dealt in used books/movies/music & games. Really nice place, decent prices for the most part. Got the guides, the 3 Xbox games, Getting Up and Lunar from there. Was happy to find all of these guides - was shocked to see that they only wanted $3 for the Alundra 2 guide, given how old it is. All are in great condition as well.
Then I returned home to some packages:

BlazBlue: CP CE came out this week, Mugen Souls CE was on sale at NISA this week and the other games were from the big sale Square-Enix was running on their website. I have the LE packaging for KH 1.5, but traded in the disk (mainly because BB gave me what I paid for the set for it

) and wanted to pick up the standard packaging edition anyway so that I can keep the LE on the shelf unused so it doesn't get damaged.